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saveas: problems with axes when saving a figure as .fig

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi there,
I created a figure with subplots which I save as a .fig file. Apparently, the axes are changed when the figure is saved or not correctly reproduced when I open the .fig file (by double-clicking on it): The subplots have higher spacings between each other. How do I avoid this?
(I had a look at export_fig, but this does not seem to save figures as .fig files) Thanks, kind regards, Iris

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 13 Jun 2013
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 13 Jun 2013
Use hgsave and hgload function
  1 Comment
Iris Hinrichs
Iris Hinrichs on 13 Jun 2013
Thanks, it works for the subplot problem I mentioned above. Unfortunately it does not work for keeping the colorbar labels in the right place. An example: figure imagesc(rand(10,10)) cb = colorbar; set(cb, 'ytick', [0.1:0.3:1], 'yticklabel', {'a'; 'b'; 'c'}) hgsave(gcf,'test.fig')
If you compare the figure as created by this code and the reopened file test.fig, you'll see that the colorbar labels are different. The version I am working on is (R2008a)
Is there a solution for this?

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