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FORTRAN POPPAR Equivalent in Matlab

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello Matlab comunity, my question is what would be the equivalent to FORTRAN POPPAR function in Matlab?
According to gnc webpage, POPPAR(I) returns parity of the integer I, i.e. the parity of the number of bits set ('1' bits) in the binary representation of I. It is equal to 0 if I has an even number of bits set, and 1 for an odd number of '1' bits.
Thank you!

Accepted Answer

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 9 Jul 2021
The obvious answer is the simple answer...
sum(dec2bin(I) - '0')

More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Jul 2021
bitget() can be faster.
I = randi([0 2^32-1], 1, 1, 'uint32')
I = uint32 1734766993
timeit(@() mod(nnz(dec2bin(I)-'0'),2),0)
ans = 1.1998e-04
timeit(@() fold(@xor, dec2bin(I) - '0', 0), 0)
ans = 5.8975e-05
timeit(@() fold(@xor, bitget(I, 1:32), 0), 0)
ans = 3.8923e-05
timeit(@() mod(sum(bitget(I,1:32)),2),0)
ans = 3.4225e-06
  1 Comment
Juan Navarro
Juan Navarro on 9 Jul 2021
Edited: Juan Navarro on 9 Jul 2021
Thank byou Walter, your help is very much appreciated!

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