2024 Community Contest Starts Today. Have Fun and Win Prizes!
Chen Lin
on 7 Oct 2024
Latest activity Reply by Vinay Ramesh
on 22 Oct 2024
We're excited to announce that the 2024 Community Contest—MATLAB Shorts Mini Hack starts today! The contest will run for 5 weeks, from Oct. 7th to Nov. 10th.
What creative short movies will you create? Let the party begin, and we look forward to seeing you all in the contest!
Is there something wrong with the "Create Movie" in Mini Hack?
I get an error with just this function:
function drawframe(f)
Can I use music that is copyrighted?
I'm struggling to get my code to run on the online system. On my modest iMac it takes 1.3 seconds but it times out online after 235 seconds. It will run a single frame fine but I am unsure what the issue is with creating the movie.
I downloaded contestMovieGenerator and the code will run on my system and produce a movie file. Generating 96 frames outside the function (a more complex version) takes 12.9 seconds but generating the movie using the same code with contestMovieGenerator takes 132 seconds. Not sure if I am doing something wrong but it seems like most of the time allowance is taken up by the contestMovieGenerator function?