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When upgrading to a new version of MATLAB, do you typically uninstall the previous version?

Always and almost immediately!
After validating existing code
Y'all get the new releases?
1843 votes

Simplix on 31 Dec 2024 at 4:41
I prefear to uninstall and do a clean installation from the start to make sure evrything will work as expected and also that I have installed any depencances correctly.
Hannah on 13 Dec 2024
I typically uninstall the old version the moment the installer is done with new version, but I was talking to one of my professors and they said that for research they have codes that doesnt really run after 2016b (and it is extensive so they don't want/have the time to re-code them) but they teach a MATLAB course so for that they use the latest version so they switch back and forth (⊙o⊙)
Michael Fink
Michael Fink on 8 Dec 2024 (Edited on 16 Dec 2024)
As a provider of shared software installations on a large multiuser system, we strive to avoid breaking changes, allowing users to switch to new versions if and when they are ready.
(Added later)... which means that during the entire lifetime of a system, we add new versions of Matlab (and other products) as they become available and let users choose which version they use via the "Environment Modules" system.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Dec 2024
  • after the previous version breaks (can no longer be run in the current operating system)


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