Solution to slow execution of "uigetfile" function with an enormous number of files in a folder
Fernando Meo
on 18 Dec 2024
If you have a folder with an enormous number of files and want to use the uigetfile function to select specific files, you may have noticed a significant delay in displaying the file list.
Thanks to the assistance from MathWorks support, an interesting behavior was observed.
For example, if a folder such as Z:\Folder1\Folder2\data contains approximately 2 million files, and you attempt to use uigetfile to access files with a specific extension (e.g., *.ext), the following behavior occurs:
Method 1: This takes minutes to show me the list of all files
[FileName, PathName] = uigetfile('Z:\Folder1\Folder2\data\*.ext', 'File selection');
Method 2: This takes less than a second to display all files.
[FileName, PathName] = uigetfile('*.ext', 'File selection','Z:\Folder1\Folder2\data');
Method 3: This method also takes minutes to display the file list. What is intertesting is that this method is the same as Method 2, except that a file seperator "\" is added at the end of the folder string.
[FileName, PathName] = uigetfile('*.ext', 'File selection','Z:\Folder1\Folder2\data\');
I was informed that the Mathworks development team has been informed of this strange behaviour.
I am using 2023a, but think this should be the same for newer versions.