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David Legland (2024). matGeom (, GitHub. Retrieved .
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Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document.
- demoDrawArrow3d
- demoDrawLine3d
- demoDrawPlane3d
- demoDrawPoint3d
- demoEquivalentEllipsoid
- demoGeodesicCylinder
- demoProjPointOnCircle3d
- demoProjPointOnCylinder
- demoTransformPoint3d
- circleArcAsCurve
- circleAsPolygon
- clipLineRect
- createMedian
- drawRect2
- ellipseAsPolygon
- formatAngle
- homothecy
- inCircle
- inertiaEllipse
- invertLine
- lineFit
- lineSymmetry
- minDistance
- normalize
- onCircle
- onEdge
- onLine
- onRay
- rotation
- scaling
- translation
- clipConvexPolygon3dHP
- clipPolygon3dHP
- createEulerAnglesRotation
- drawCurve3d
- inertiaEllipsoid
- intersectPlaneLine
- normalize3d
- point3dBounds
- registerPoints3dAffine
- rotationOx
- rotationOy
- rotationOz
- scale3d
- scaling3d
- translation3d
- vecnorm3d
- vectorCross3d
- clipConvexPolyhedronHP
- computeMeshEdges
- drawPolyhedra
- faceCentroids
- faceNormal
- gridmeshToQuadmesh
- meshComplement
- meshReduce
- vertexNormal
- clipPolygonHP
- curveCentroid
- curveLength
- drawCurve
- polygonExpand
- polygonInertiaEllipse
- rectAsPolygon
- subCurve
- angle2Points
- angle3Points
- angleAbsDiff
- angleDiff
- angles2d
- angleSort
- bisector
- boundingBox
- boxes2d
- boxToPolygon
- boxToRect
- cartesianLine
- centeredEdgeToEdge
- centroid
- circleArcToPolyline
- circles2d
- circleToPolygon
- circumCenter
- circumCircle
- clipEdge
- clipLine
- clipPoints
- clipRay
- Contents.m
- crackPattern
- crackPattern2
- createBasisTransform
- createCircle
- createDirectedCircle
- createEdge
- createEllipse
- createHomothecy
- createLine
- createLineReflection
- createRay
- createRotation
- createRotation90
- createScaling
- createTranslation
- createVector
- cubicBezierToPolyline
- distancePointEdge
- distancePointEllipse
- distancePointLine
- distancePoints
- drawArrow
- drawBezierCurve
- drawBox
- drawCenteredEdge
- drawCircle
- drawCircleArc
- drawEdge
- drawEllipse
- drawEllipseArc
- drawEllipseAxes
- drawGrid
- drawLabels
- drawLine
- drawOrientedBox
- drawParabola
- drawPoint
- drawRay
- drawRect
- drawShape
- drawVector
- edgeAngle
- edgeLength
- edgePoint
- edgePosition
- edges2d
- edgeToLine
- edgeToPolyline
- ellipseArea
- ellipseCartesianCoefficients
- ellipsePerimeter
- ellipsePoint
- ellipses2d
- ellipseToPolygon
- enclosingCircle
- equivalentEllipse
- findClosestPoint
- fitAffineTransform2d
- fitEllipse
- fitLine
- fitPolynomialTransform2d
- hausdorffDistance
- hexagonalGrid
- intersectBoxes
- intersectCircles
- intersectEdges
- intersectLineCircle
- intersectLineEdge
- intersectLines
- isCounterClockwise
- isLeftOriented
- isParallel
- isPerpendicular
- isPointInCircle
- isPointInEllipse
- isPointInTriangle
- isPointOnCircle
- isPointOnEdge
- isPointOnLine
- isPointOnRay
- lineAngle
- linePoint
- linePosition
- lines2d
- lineToEdge
- medianLine
- mergeBoxes
- mergeClosePoints
- midPoint
- minDistancePoints
- nndist
- normalizeAngle
- normalizeVector
- orientedBox
- orientedBoxToPolygon
- orthogonalLine
- parallelEdge
- parallelLine
- pointOnLine
- points2d
- polarPoint
- polynomialTransform2d
- principalAxes
- principalAxesTransform
- projPointOnEllipse
- projPointOnLine
- radicalAxis
- randomPointInBox
- rays2d
- rectToBox
- rectToPolygon
- registerICP
- reverseEdge
- reverseLine
- rotateVector
- squareGrid
- transformEdge
- transformEllipse
- transformLine
- transformPoint
- transforms2d
- transformVector
- triangleArea
- triangleGrid
- vectorAngle
- vectorNorm
- vectors2d
- anglePoints3d
- angles3d
- angleSort3d
- boundingBox3d
- box3dVolume
- boxes3d
- cart2cyl
- cart2sph2
- cart2sph2d
- circle3dOrigin
- circle3dPoint
- circle3dPosition
- circles3d
- clipEdge3d
- clipLine3d
- clipPlane
- clipPoints3d
- clipPolygonByPlane3d
- clipRay3d
- composeTransforms3d
- Contents.m
- createBasisTransform3d
- createEdge3d
- createLine3d
- createPlane
- createRay3d
- createRotation3dLineAngle
- createRotationAboutPoint3d
- createRotationOx
- createRotationOy
- createRotationOz
- createRotationVector3d
- createRotationVectorPoint3d
- createScaling3d
- createSphere
- createTranslation3d
- crossProduct3d
- cyl2cart
- cylinderSurfaceArea
- dihedralAngle
- distanceLines3d
- distancePointCircle3d
- distancePointEdge3d
- distancePointLine3d
- distancePointPlane
- distancePoints3d
- distancePointTriangle3d
- drawAngleBetweenVectors3d
- drawArrow3d
- drawAxis3d
- drawAxisCube
- drawBox3d
- drawCapsule
- drawCircle3d
- drawCircleArc3d
- drawCube
- drawCuboid
- drawCylinder
- drawDome
- drawEdge3d
- drawEllipse3d
- drawEllipseCylinder
- drawEllipsoid
- drawGrid3d
- drawLabels3d
- drawLine3d
- drawPartialPatch
- drawPlane3d
- drawPlatform
- drawPoint3d
- drawPolygon3d
- drawPolyline3d
- drawRay3d
- drawSphere
- drawSphericalEdge
- drawSphericalPolygon
- drawSphericalTriangle
- drawSurfPatch
- drawTorus
- drawVector3d
- edgeLength3d
- edges3d
- edgeToLine3d
- ellipsoidSurfaceArea
- equivalentEllipsoid
- eulerAnglesToRotation3d
- fillPolygon3d
- fillSphericalPolygon
- fillSphericalTriangle
- fitAffineTransform3d
- fitCircle3d
- fitEllipse3d
- fitLine3d
- fitPlane
- fitSphere
- geodesicCylinder
- hypot3
- intersectBoxes3d
- intersectEdgePlane
- intersectEdgePolygon3d
- intersectLineCylinder
- intersectLinePlane
- intersectLinePolygon3d
- intersectLineSphere
- intersectLineTriangle3d
- intersectPlanes
- intersectPlaneSphere
- intersectRayPolygon3d
- intersectThreePlanes
- isBelowPlane
- isCoplanar
- isParallel3d
- isPerpendicular3d
- isPlane
- isPointInEllipsoid
- isPointOnEdge3d
- isPointOnLine3d
- isPolygon3d
- isTransform3d
- line3dPoint
- line3dPosition
- linePosition3d
- lines3d
- lineToEdge3d
- medianPlane
- mergeBoxes3d
- midPoint3d
- normalizeLine3d
- normalizePlane
- normalizeVector3d
- oblateSurfaceArea
- orientedBox3d
- parallelLine3d
- parallelPlane
- planeNormal
- planePoint
- planePosition
- planes3d
- planesBisector
- points3d
- polygon3dNormalAngle
- polygonArea3d
- polygonCentroid3d
- polygons3d
- projLineOnPlane
- projPointOnCircle3d
- projPointOnCylinder
- projPointOnLine3d
- projPointOnPlane
- projPointOnPolyline3d
- prolateSurfaceArea
- randomAngle3d
- randomPointInBox3d
- recenterTransform3d
- registerPoints3d
- registerPoints3d_affine
- registerPoints3d_icp
- reverseLine3d
- reversePlane
- revolutionSurface
- rotation3dAxisAndAngle
- rotation3dToEulerAngles
- sph2cart2
- sph2cart2d
- spheres
- sphericalAngle
- sphericalVoronoiDomain
- surfaceCurvature
- transformCircle3d
- transformLine3d
- transformPlane3d
- transformPoint3d
- transformPolygon3d
- transforms3d
- transformVector3d
- triangleArea3d
- vectorAngle3d
- vectorNorm3d
- vectors3d
- addSquareFace
- adjacencyListToEdges
- boundaryGraph
- boundedCentroidalVoronoi2d
- boundedVoronoi2d
- centroidalVoronoi2d
- centroidalVoronoi2d_MC
- clipGraph
- clipGraphPolygon
- clipMesh2dPolygon
- Contents.m
- cvtIterate
- cvtUpdate
- delaunayGraph
- drawDigraph
- drawDirectedEdges
- drawEdgeLabels
- drawGraph
- drawGraphEdges
- drawNodeLabels
- drawSquareMesh
- euclideanMST
- fillGraphFaces
- gabrielGraph
- gcontour2d
- gcontour3d
- grAdjacentEdges
- grAdjacentNodes
- graph2Contours
- graphCenter
- graphDiameter
- graphPeripheralVertices
- graphRadius
- grClose
- grDilate
- grEdgeLengths
- grErode
- grFaceToPolygon
- grFindGeodesicPath
- grFindMaximalLengthPath
- grLabel
- grMean
- grMedian
- grMergeMultipleEdges
- grMergeMultipleNodes
- grMergeNodeClusters
- grMergeNodes
- grMergeNodesMedian
- grNodeDegree
- grNodeInnerDegree
- grNodeOuterDegree
- grOpen
- grOppositeNode
- grPropagateDistance
- grRemoveEdge
- grRemoveEdges
- grRemoveMultiplePoints
- grRemoveNode
- grRemoveNodes
- grShortestPath
- grSimplifyBranches
- grVertexEccentricity
- imageBoundaryGraph
- imageGraph
- knnGraph
- mergeGraphs
- meshEnergy
- patchGraph
- prim_mst
- pruneGraph
- quiverToGraph
- readGraph
- relativeNeighborhoodGraph
- voronoi2d
- writeGraph
- averageMesh
- boxToMesh
- checkMeshAdjacentFaces
- circleMesh
- clipConvexPolyhedronByPlane
- clipMeshByPlane
- clipMeshVertices
- collapseEdgesWithManyFaces
- concatenateMeshes
- Contents.m
- createCube
- createCubeOctahedron
- createDodecahedron
- createDurerPolyhedron
- createIcosahedron
- createMengerSponge
- createOctahedron
- createRhombododecahedron
- createSoccerBall
- createStellatedMesh
- createTetrahedron
- createTetrakaidecahedron
- curveToMesh
- cutMeshByPlane
- cylinderMesh
- distancePointMesh
- drawFaceNormals
- drawMesh
- drawPolyhedron
- ellipsoidMesh
- ensureManifoldMesh
- fillMeshFaces
- intersectEdgeMesh3d
- intersectLineMesh3d
- intersectPlaneMesh
- isManifoldMesh
- isotropicRemeshing_MeshLab
- isPointInMesh
- mergeCoplanarFaces
- mergeMeshVertices
- meshAdjacencyMatrix
- meshBoundary
- meshBoundaryEdgeIndices
- meshBoundaryEdges
- meshBoundaryVertexIndices
- meshCentroid
- meshCurvatures
- meshDihedralAngles
- meshEdgeFaces
- meshEdgeLength
- meshEdges
- meshEquivalentEllipsoid
- meshFace
- meshFaceAdjacency
- meshFaceAreas
- meshFaceCentroids
- meshFaceEdges
- meshFaceNormals
- meshFaceNumber
- meshFacePolygons
- meshSilhouette
- meshSurfaceArea
- meshVertexClustering
- meshVertexNormals
- meshVertexRing
- meshVolume
- meshVoronoiDiagram
- minConvexHull
- polyhedra
- polyhedronCentroid
- polyhedronMeanBreadth
- polyhedronNormalAngle
- polyhedronSlice
- readMesh
- readMesh_obj
- readMesh_off
- readMesh_ply
- readMesh_stl
- removeDuplicateFaces
- removeDuplicateVertices
- removeInvalidBorderFaces
- removeMeshEars
- removeMeshFaces
- removeMeshVertices
- removeUnreferencedVertices
- reverseMeshFaceOrientation
- smoothMesh
- smoothMeshFunction
- sphereMesh
- splitMesh
- steinerPolytope
- subdivideMesh
- surfToMesh
- tetrahedronVolume
- torusMesh
- transformMesh
- triangulateCurvePair
- triangulateFaces
- triangulateMesh
- triangulatePolygonPair
- triangulatePolygonPair3d
- trimeshEdgeFaces
- trimeshMeanBreadth
- trimeshSurfaceArea
- trimMesh
- writeMesh
- writeMesh_off
- writeMesh_ply
- writeMesh_stl
- cart2geod
- clipPolygon
- clipPolygonByLine
- clipPolyline
- Contents.m
- contourMatrixToPolylines
- convexHull
- convexification
- curvature
- curveCMoment
- curveCSMoment
- curveMoment
- densifyPolygon
- distancePointPolygon
- distancePointPolyline
- distancePolygons
- distancePolygonsNoCross
- distancePolylines
- drawPolygon
- drawPolyline
- drawVertices
- expandPolygon
- fillPolygon
- findPoint
- geod2cart
- intersectEdgePolygon
- intersectLinePolygon
- intersectLinePolyline
- intersectPolylines
- intersectRayPolygon
- isPointInPolygon
- isPointOnPolyline
- medialAxisConvex
- minimumCaliperDiameter
- padPolyline
- parametrize
- parsePolygon
- pointSetsAverage
- polygonArea
- polygonBounds
- polygonCentroid
- polygonContains
- polygonCurvature
- polygonEdges
- polygonEquivalentEllipse
- polygonLength
- polygonLoops
- polygonNormalAngle
- polygonOuterNormal
- polygonPoint
- polygonSecondAreaMoments
- polygonSelfIntersections
- polygonSignature
- polygonSkeleton
- polygonSubcurve
- polygonSymmetryAxis
- polygonToPolyshape
- polygonToRow
- polygonVertices
- polylineCentroid
- polylineCurvature
- polylineLength
- polylinePoint
- polylineSelfIntersections
- polylineSubcurve
- projPointOnPolygon
- projPointOnPolyline
- randomPointInPolygon
- readPolygonSet
- removeMultipleVertices
- resamplePolygon
- resamplePolygonByLength
- resamplePolyline
- resamplePolylineByLength
- reversePolygon
- reversePolyline
- rowToPolygon
- signatureToPolygon
- simplifyPolygon
- simplifyPolyline
- smoothPolygon
- smoothPolyline
- splitPolygons
- steinerPoint
- steinerPolygon
- supportFunction
- triangulatePolygon
- writePolygonSet
- test_angle2Points
- test_angle3Points
- test_angleAbsDiff
- test_angleDiff
- test_angleSort
- test_bisector
- test_centroid
- test_circumCircle
- test_clipEdge
- test_clipLine
- test_clipPoints
- test_clipRay
- test_createBasisTransform
- test_createCircle
- test_createLine
- test_createRay
- test_createRotation
- test_createScaling
- test_createTranslation
- test_distancePointEdge
- test_distancePointLine
- test_distancePoints
- test_drawCircle
- test_drawCircleArc
- test_drawEllipse
- test_drawEllipseArc
- test_drawLine
- test_drawOrientedBox
- test_drawRect
- test_edgeLength
- test_edgePosition
- test_fitLine
- test_intersectBoxes
- test_intersectCircles
- test_intersectEdges
- test_intersectLineCircle
- test_intersectLines
- test_isCounterClockwise
- test_isLeftOriented
- test_isParallel
- test_isPerpendicular
- test_isPointInTriangle
- test_isPointOnEdge
- test_isPointOnLine
- test_isPointOnRay
- test_lineAngle
- test_linePoint
- test_linePosition
- test_medianLine
- test_mergeBoxes
- test_midPoint
- test_minDistancePoints
- test_nndist
- test_normalizeAngle
- test_orientedBoxToPolygon
- test_parallelEdge
- test_projPointOnLine
- test_rectToPolygon
- test_triangleArea
- test_vectorAngle
- test_vectorNorm
- test_anglePoints3d
- test_cart2sph2
- test_cart2sph2d
- test_circle3dPosition
- test_clipLine3d
- test_clipPlane
- test_clipPolygonByPlane3d
- test_createBasisTransform3d
- test_createPlane
- test_createRotationOx
- test_createRotationOy
- test_createRotationOz
- test_createRotationVector3d
- test_createScaling3d
- test_distanceLines3d
- test_distancePointEdge3d
- test_distancePointLine3d
- test_distancePointPlane
- test_distancePointTriangle3d
- test_drawAngleBetweenVectors3d
- test_drawArrow3d
- test_drawAxis3d
- test_drawAxisCube
- test_drawCircle3d
- test_drawCylinder
- test_drawDome
- test_drawEdge3d
- test_drawEllipse3d
- test_drawPlane
- test_drawPolygon3d
- test_drawPolyline3d
- test_drawSphericalEdge
- test_drawSphericalPolygon
- test_drawTorus
- test_eulerAngles
- test_hypot3
- test_intersectBoxes3d
- test_intersectEdgePlane
- test_intersectEdgePolygon3d
- test_intersectLineCylinder
- test_intersectLinePolygon3d
- test_intersectLineSphere
- test_intersectLineTriangle3d
- test_intersectPlaneSphere
- test_intersectRayPolygon3d
- test_isCoplanar
- test_isParallel3d
- test_isPerpendicular3d
- test_isPointInEllipsoid
- test_isPointOnEdge3d
- test_isPointOnLine3d
- test_isTransform3d
- test_line3dPoint
- test_line3dPosition
- test_mergeBoxes3d
- test_midPoint3d
- test_normalizeVector3d
- test_orientedBox3d
- test_planePoint
- test_planePosition
- test_polygonArea3d
- test_projPointOnPlane
- test_registerPoints3d_affine
- test_registerPoints3d_icp
- test_reversePlane
- test_sph2cart2
- test_sph2cart2d
- test_sphericalAngle
- test_transformLine3d
- test_transformPoint3d
- test_transformVector3d
- test_triangleArea3d
- test_vectorAngle3d
- createTestGraph01
- createTestGraph02
- createTestGraph03
- test_graphCenter
- test_graphDiameter
- test_graphPeripheralVertices
- test_graphRadius
- test_grClose
- test_grDilate
- test_grErode
- test_grFindGeodesicPath
- test_grFindMaximalLengthPath
- test_grNodeDegree
- test_grOpen
- test_grPropagateDistance
- test_grRemoveNodes
- test_grShortestPath
- test_clipMeshVertices
- test_createCube
- test_createCubeOctaedron
- test_createDodecahedron
- test_createDurerPolyheron
- test_createIcosahedron
- test_createOctahedron
- test_createRhombododecahedron
- test_createSoccerBall
- test_createTetrahedron
- test_createTetrakaidecahedron
- test_distancePointMesh
- test_intersectEdgeMesh3d
- test_intersectLineMesh3d
- test_intersectPlaneMesh
- test_meshCurvatures
- test_meshEquivalentEllipsoid
- test_meshFaceNormals
- test_meshSurfaceArea
- test_meshVertexRing
- test_meshVolume
- test_readMesh
- test_readMesh_off
- test_subdivideMesh
- test_triangulateMesh
- test_trimeshMeanBreadth
- test_trimeshSurfaceArea
- test_clipPolyline
- test_distancePointPolygon
- test_distancePointPolyline
- test_distancePolygons
- test_expandPolygon
- test_intersectEdgePolygon
- test_intersectLinePolygon
- test_intersectPolylines
- test_intersectRayPolygon
- test_minimumCaliperDiameter
- test_parametrize
- test_parsePolygon
- test_polygonArea
- test_polygonCentroid
- test_polygonLength
- test_polygonNormalAngle
- test_polygonPoint
- test_polygonSecondAreaMoments
- test_polygonSelfIntersections
- test_polygonSubcurve
- test_polygonToRow
- test_polylineLength
- test_polylinePoint
- test_polylineSelfIntersections
- test_projPointOnPolygon
- test_projPointOnPolyline
- test_rowToPolygon
- test_triangulatePolygon
- createTrefoilKnot
- demoCutMeshByPlane
- demoIntersectLineMesh3d
- demoIntersectPlaneMesh
- demoPolyhedra
- demoRemoveMeshFaces
- demoTriangulateFaces
- demoTriangulatePolygonPair3d_SquareStar
- demoVoronoiCell
- demo_intersectPlaneMesh_bunny
- demo_meshProcessing_bunny1k
Version | Published | Release Notes | |
1.2.8 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
1.2.7 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
|| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
1.2.5 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
1.2.4 | ||| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
|| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
|| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
|| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
|| | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
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