Granular Intrusion Modeling with 3D-RFT

Granular intrusion modeling with 3D-RFT
Updated 2 Jun 2023

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1) The app calculates the granular resistive forces on bodies intruding into a granular media using 3D-RFT formulation.
2) The app takes intruder shape data as .stl file along with other system inputs to calculate resistive forces with a explicit time inetegration scheme.
3) Based on the publication "Agarwal S, Goldman D, Kamrin K “Mechanistic framework for reduced-order models in soft materials: Application to three-dimensional granular intrusion”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) e2214017120, 2022". Link
4) The app package contains a presentation (that is also linked below) that describes its workings. Link
5) The following folder contains corresponding raw files: Link
5) The app also contains some example shapes. Replace default shape name (1_sphere_radius_0p05m) to the corresponding shape to use them ----
1_sphere_radius_0p05m.stl; 2_sphere_radius_1m.stl; 3_ellipse_rx_0p075_ry_0p045_rz_0p045m.stl; 4_ellipse_rx_0p075_ry_0p045_rz_0p045m_low_res.stl; 5_cube_side_0p075m_rot_z_45deg.stl; 6_ellipse.stl; 7_monkey.stl; 8_bunny_stl.stl; 9_cylinder_stl.stl;

Cite As

Agarwal, S., Goldman, D. I., & Kamrin, K. (2023). Mechanistic framework for reduced-order models in soft materials: Application to three-dimensional granular intrusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(4), e2214017120.

Shashank Agarwal (2024). Granular Intrusion Modeling with 3D-RFT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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