Fill Between Area Curve

Version 1.0 (87.6 KB) by Avinash
The Fill Between Area Curve creates a shaded area between two data series, effectively highlighting the region of overlap or difference.
Updated 10 Aug 2023

Fill Between Area Curve

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Version 1.0


The Fill Between Area Curve creates a shaded area between two data series, effectively highlighting the region of overlap or difference.


For optimal performance and accurate graphs, please install the Mapping Toolbox .


  • fillBetweenAreaCurve(x, y1, y2) shades the area between 2 lines formed by y1 and y2
  • fillBetweenAreaCurve(x, y1, y2, c) shades the area between 2 lines formed by y1 and y2 with color c.
  • fillBetweenAreaCurve(__, Name, Value) specifies additional options for the FillBetweenAreaCurve using one or more name-value pair arguments. Specify the options after all other input arguments.

Name-Value Pair Arguments/Properties

  • XData Array containing values of x-coordinates for both plots y1 and y2. Note: x-coordinates for both y1 and y2 should be common
  • Y1Data y-coordinates of y1 plot
  • Y2Data y-coordinates of y2 plot
  • Condition The condition property selectively shades the area based on the condition provided by the user.
  • ShadeInverse Shades all the unshaded regions between 2 curves with a different color.
  • OptimizePerformance Calculate the vertices of triangles that compose the patch manually instead of asking patch to do it

Stylistic Name-Value Pair Arguments/Properties

  • FaceAlpha Describes opacity of shaded area. If set to 1, the shaded area is completely opaque. If set to 0, the shaded area is completely transparent.
  • FaceColor Describes the color of shaded area specified by Condition
  • InverseFaceColor If ShadeInverse is set to true, we shade the unshaded region with InverseFaceColor
  • Line1Color Line color for plot describing y1 values
  • Line2Color Line color for plot describing y2 values
  • XLabel Label for x axis
  • YLabel Label for y axis
  • Line1LineStyle Line Spec for plot describing y1 values
  • Line2LineStyle Line Spec for plot describing y2 values
  • Line1LineWidth Line Width for plot describing y1 values
  • Line2LineWidth Line Width for plot describing y2 values
  • Label1 Label for plot describing y1 values
  • Label2 Label for plot describing y2 values
  • Title Title of the chart

How to use

% Intialize some data 
x = linspace(0, 4 * pi, 20);
y_sinx = sin(x);
y_cosx = cos(x);

% Create a basic FillBetweenAreaCurve
areaCurve = fillBetweenAreaCurve(x, y_sinx, y_cosx);

% Create a basic FillBetweenAreaCurve with magneta shading
areaCurveMagneta = fillBetweenAreaCurve(x, y_sinx, y_cosx, 'm');

% Create a FillBetweenAreaCurve with selective shading
areaCurveSelectiveShading = fillBetweenAreaCurve(x, y_sinx, y_cosx, 'Condition',   @(x, y1, y2) x > 2 & x < 4);
areaCurveCondition2.ShadeInverse = false;

Cite As

Avinash (2024). Fill Between Area Curve (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2023a
Compatible with R2020b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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