Create a scatter plot in Google Earth (.kml)
Updated 4 Mar 2009

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GESCATTER creates a .kml file that displays colored circles at the locations specified by the vectors LON and LAT similar to ML's builtin function, SCATTER.The color of the circles is scaled relative to the values provided in third input, C.

I searched the FEX's many submissions dealing with exporting .kml files for Google Earth, but didn't find anything that was similar to ML's built-in function, SCATTER...a function I use regularly to visualize scattered data that are too sparse for gridding. This function is relatively easy to use, for example:

%generate some data
lon = -122.170087 + cos(x)*0.01;
lat = 37.455697 + x*0.001;

%color the points according to their latitude

Cite As

Andrew Stevens (2024). GESCATTER (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2008b
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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