Laplacian in 1D, 2D, or 3D
The code computes the exact eigenpairs of (1-3)D negative Laplacian on a rectangular finite-difference grid for combinations of Dirichlet, Neumann, and Periodic boundary conditions using explicit formulas from
The code can also compute the sparse matrix itself, using Kronecker sums of 1D Laplacians. For more information on tensor sums, see
Example, compute everything for 3D negative Laplacian with mixed boundary conditions:
[lambda,V,A] = laplacian([100,45,55],{'DD' 'NN' 'P'}, 20);
Compute only the eigenvalues:
lambda = laplacian([100,45,55],{'DD' 'NN' 'P'}, 20);
Compute the matrix only:
[~,~,A] = laplacian([100,45,55],{'DD' 'NN' 'P'});
GNU OCTAVE compatible.
This code is a part of the BLOPEX eigensolver package, see
or go directly to
Copyright owners: Bryan C. Smith and Andrew V. Knyazev
Cite As
Andrew Knyazev (2024). Laplacian in 1D, 2D, or 3D (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .
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Windows macOS LinuxCategories
- Mathematics and Optimization > Partial Differential Equation Toolbox > Domain-Specific Modeling > Electromagnetics >
- Mathematics and Optimization > Partial Differential Equation Toolbox > General PDEs > Eigenvalue Problems >
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