Mapcolor: Easily apply mulitple colormaps on the same figure

Version (4.87 KB) by Doug
Take control of your colors! When one colormap just isn't enough.
Updated 15 Apr 2011

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Ever wish you could use multiple colormaps on a single figure? Now you can. Given an array, mapcolor.m applies a colormap of your choice, returning a new array of the same size that contains explicit RGB triplets. You can then display your data in color, using built-in plotting functions, without relying on the figure's colormap setting.

Also included:
mapcolorbar.m mimics colorbar.m when you're using mapcolor.
colorlabel.m quickly applies labels to Colorbars and MapColorbars.
redblue.m is a colormap from red, through white, to blue--useful for data centered on zero.

Cite As

Doug (2024). Mapcolor: Easily apply mulitple colormaps on the same figure (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2009b
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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