Delta Cursors

Version (2.41 KB) by Seth
This function allows you to have delta cursors using Matlab's built in data cursors.
Updated 14 Feb 2013

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These cursors are simple to use. Just add 'figureC.m' to your path and then call 'figureC' in place of 'figure' in your script. All the rest is taken care of.

Details: A custom figure function ('figureC.m') is used to create a figure which embeds data in the 'UserData' field of the figure. The UserData contains information for a reference cursor. All other cursors are updated with a delta relative to the reference cursor. When the figure is created, the datacursormode 'UpdateFcn' is over-ridden with a custom update function which performs all the delta functionality.

Note: There is a small glitch which sometimes occurs. The reference cursor will have a dX, dY and dZ of 0 instead of the string 'Ref Cursor'. This does not affect functionality. It's just a slight annoyance. The delta cursors will still show the correct values. This is a problem with Matlab not passing in the datacursor obj when it calls the datacursor 'UpdateFcn'.

Cite As

Seth (2024). Delta Cursors (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2008b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Resubmitted as .m file instead of .zip
