A class to control VLC from MATLAB through HTTP
Updated 30 May 2018

Control VLC from a MATLAB script
VLC actions such as play, pause, stop, next, previous, etc. are defined as class methods. VLC settings such as Loop, Random, Repeat and Fullscreen are exposed to MATLAB and can be accessed with set() and get(). Informations about the current file can be retrieved through the 'Current' property (length, position, metadata, etc).

add('file'): add "file" to the playlist
play() or play('file'): resume playback or play "file"
pause(): pause playback
stop(): stop playback
next(): play next track
prev(): play previous track
seek(position): seek to position (in seconds)
move(x,y): move item ID x in the playlist after item ID y
remove(x): remove item ID x from the playlist
clear(): empty the playlist
quit(): quit VLC and delete object

Port (read only)
Version (read only)
Status (read only)
Current (read only)
Playlist (read only)


>> v = VLC()

v =

VLC with properties:

Port: 4212
Version: '2.2.8 Weatherwax'
Status: 'stopped'
Current: []
Playlist: [1x1 struct]
Loop: 'off'
Repeat: 'off'
Random: 'off'
Fullscreen: 'off'
Rate: 1
Volume: 256

>> v.play('/Users/Lea/Desktop/3905.aif')
>> v

v =

VLC with properties:

Port: 4212
Version: '2.2.8 Weatherwax'
Status: 'playing'
Current: [1x1 struct]
Playlist: [1x1 struct]
Loop: 'off'
Repeat: 'off'
Random: 'off'
Fullscreen: 'off'
Rate: 1
Volume: 256

>> v.Current

ans =

ID: 4
Length: 77.0903
Meta: [1x1 struct]
Position: 8.8021

>> v.stop()

Cite As

Léa Strobino (2024). VLC (https://github.com/leastrobino/matlab-vlc), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2012b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Versions that use the GitHub default branch cannot be downloaded

Version Published Release Notes

- playback rate control
- volume control
- playlist reordering
- documentation

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