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scGEAToolbox (single-cell Gene Expression Analysis Toolbox)
Version 24.5.9 (239 MB) by
James Cai
Single-cell Gene Expression Analysis Toolbox
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Cite As
Cai JJ. scGEAToolbox: a Matlab toolbox for single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis. Bioinformatics. 2019 Nov 7:btz830. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz830. PMID: 31697351.
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Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document.
- cdgea
- demo_Getting_Started.m
- installx.m
- online_landing.m
- scgeatool
- sc_cellcyclescore
- sc_cellscore_admdl
- sc_cellscore_ucell
- sc_celltypeanno
- sc_cluster_s
- sc_cluster_x
- sc_csubtypeanno
- sc_deg
- sc_distcorr
- sc_dpg
- sc_filterc
- sc_filterg
- sc_fullembed
- sc_genestat.m
- sc_genestats
- sc_grn
- sc_grnview
- sc_grnview2
- sc_hvg
- sc_impute
- sc_knngraph
- sc_mergedata
- sc_mergesces
- sc_mtratio
- sc_multiembed
- sc_norm
- sc_pcnet
- sc_pcnetbat
- sc_pcnetpar
- sc_phate
- sc_pickmarkers
- sc_potency
- sc_qcfilter
- sc_qcmetrics
- sc_read10xdir
- sc_read10xh5file
- sc_readfile
- sc_readgeoaccession
- sc_readgeoaccessions
- sc_readh5adfile
- sc_readhdf5file
- sc_readloomfile
- sc_readmtxfile
- sc_readparsebio
- sc_readrdsfile
- sc_readtsvfile
- sc_rmdugenes
- sc_rmmtcells
- sc_rmmtgenes
- sc_scatter
- sc_scattermarker
- sc_sce2h5ad
- sc_sce2hdf5
- sc_sce2rds
- sc_selectc
- sc_selectg
- sc_simudata
- sc_snndpc
- sc_splinefit.m
- sc_splinefit2
- sc_tenifoldnet
- sc_tfactivity
- sc_trajectory
- sc_transform
- sc_tsne
- sc_umap
- sc_writefile
- callback_Brush4Markers
- callback_BuildGeneNetwork
- callback_CalculateGeneStats
- callback_CellCycleLibrarySize
- callback_CellCyclePotency
- callback_CheckUpdates
- callback_CloseAllOthers
- callback_CompareCellScoreBtwCls
- callback_CompareGCLBtwCls
- callback_CompareGeneNetwork
- callback_CrossTabulation
- callback_DEGene2Groups
- callback_DEGene2GroupsBatch
- callback_DiffTFActivity
- callback_Dotplot
- callback_DoubletDetection
- callback_DPGene2Groups
- callback_DPGene2GroupsBatch
- callback_DVGene2Groups
- callback_DVGene2GroupsBatch
- callback_EnrichrHVGs
- callback_EnrichrTab2Circos
- callback_ExploreCellularCrosstalk
- callback_FindAllMarkers
- callback_GetCellSignatureMatrix
- callback_Harmonypy
- callback_Heatmap
- callback_MELDPerturbationScore
- callback_MergeCellSubtypes
- callback_MergeSCEs
- callback_MultiGroupingView
- callback_ObtainGeneSet
- callback_PickColorMap
- callback_PickPlotMarker
- callback_RenameBatchID
- callback_RenameCellType
- callback_RenameGenes
- callback_RenameOthers
- callback_RScorpion
- callback_RunDataMapPlot
- callback_RunEnrichr
- callback_RunEnrichr
- callback_RunEnrichr_2
- callback_RunMonocle3
- callback_SaveX
- callback_Scatterplot
- callback_scPCNet1
- callback_scTenifoldKnk1
- callback_scTenifoldNet1
- callback_scTenifoldNet2
- callback_scTenifoldNet2lite
- callback_scTenifoldXct
- callback_scTenifoldXct2
- callback_Select5000Genes
- callback_SelectCellsByClass
- callback_SelectCellsByMarker
- callback_SelectCellsByQC
- callback_ShowClustersPop
- callback_ShowGeneExpr
- callback_ShowGeneExprCompr
- callback_ShowHgBGeneExpression
- callback_ShowMtGeneExpression
- callback_SplitAtacGex
- callback_SubtypeAnnotation
- callback_ViewMetaData
- callback_Violinplot
- callback_VirtualKOGenKI
- chordChart
- enrichr_chord_diagram.m
- e_cellcycle
- e_cellscore
- e_dvanalysis.m
- e_msigjaccd
- gui_3dcamera
- gui_prepenrichr
- gui_prepenrichr_dlg
- gui_setprgmwkdir
- gui_showrefinfo
- gui_uishowrefinfo
- gui_userguidingpref
- gui_waitbar
- gui_waitbar_adv
- in_selectcelltypes
- i_annotemanner
- i_boxplot
- i_cascadefig
- i_cascadeviolin
- i_changefontsize
- i_checkboxdlg
- i_checkexistingembed
- i_choose2d3d
- i_choose2d3dnmore
- i_commoncheck_Python
- i_commoncheck_R
- i_confirmscript
- i_crosstalkgraph
- i_crosstalkgraph2
- i_dotplot
- i_doublegraphs
- i_doublegraphs2
- i_enrichrprep
- i_enrichtest
- i_expandbrushed
- i_export2pptx
- i_exporttable
- i_extractnet2compare
- i_geneheatmap
- i_getchildpos
- i_gethvgnum
- i_getoldsettings
- i_getrandcolormap
- i_getsctypemarkers
- i_getsubtitle
- i_gjoyplot
- i_gscatter3
- i_heatscatter
- i_heatscatterfig
- i_inputgenelist
- i_inputgeolink_mtx
- i_inputgeolink_txt
- i_inputnumg
- i_inputnumk
- i_invertcolor
- i_joyplot
- i_linksubplots
- i_listdlg
- i_markergenespanel
- i_movegui2parent
- i_norm4heatmap
- i_pickcolormap
- i_pickembedmethod
- i_pickembedvalues
- i_pickmonocolor
- i_pickscatterstem
- i_pickscoremethod
- i_qcfilter
- i_qcviolin
- i_questdlgtimer
- i_readmtx
- i_renamec
- i_renametitle
- i_reordergroups
- i_resizewin
- i_save2pptx
- i_save2pptx2
- i_savemainfig
- i_scattertabs
- i_scintimeres
- i_select1class
- i_select1classcells
- i_select1clusterings
- i_select1embedding
- i_select1state
- i_select1state_continuous
- i_select2class
- i_select2grps
- i_select2state
- i_select2state_new
- i_selectcellscore
- i_selectinfogenes
- i_selectMSigDBGeneSet
- i_selectMSigDBGeneSets
- i_selectngenes
- i_selectnstates
- i_selectnstates_continous
- i_selectspecies
- i_selectTFTargetSet
- i_selectwhitelist
- i_selgenecollection
- i_selgenesetcollection
- i_selmultidlg
- i_selvariabletype
- i_setautumncolor
- i_setextwd
- i_setnetwd
- i_setpyenv
- i_setranges
- i_setranges2
- i_setranges3
- i_setrenv
- i_setwrkdir
- i_singlegraph
- i_sortgenenames
- i_spiderplot
- i_stemscatter
- i_stemscatterfig
- i_tenifoldnetpara
- i_transformx
- i_twogenestemscatter
- i_viewtable
- i_violinmatrix
- i_violinplot
- i_volcanoplot
- i_waitbar
- sc_cellattribeditor
- sc_celltypeexplorer
- sc_celltypeexplorer_auto
- sc_embed4w
- sc_multiembeddingview
- sc_multigroupings
- sc_openscedlg
- sc_pseudotimeexplorer
- sc_pseudotimegenes
- sc_savescedlg
- sc_scatter3genes
- sc_scattergenes
- sc_simpleabout
- sc_simplesplash
- sc_splashscreen
- sc_stem3
- sc_uitabgrpfig_expcomp
- sc_uitabgrpfig_expplot
- sc_uitabgrpfig_feaplot
- sc_uitabgrpfig_scatter
- sc_uitabgrpfig_vioplot
- buttondlg
- countmember
- i_myupdatefcn1
- i_myupdatefcn3
- i_myupdatefcn4
- linspecer.m
- natsort
- num2bankScalar
- scatter_meanlg_vs_varlg
- scatter_mean_vs_cv
- scatter_mean_vs_dropr
- spider_plot_R2019b
- adjustedrandindex
- bcdistcorr
- distcorr
- EmbeddingMethods
- entropy
- expandSeedGenesNet
- e_callsubtypes_alona
- e_callsubtypes_cellscore
- e_cellscores
- e_celltypes2allclust
- e_determinecelltype
- e_distcorrmtx
- e_embedbyd
- e_ensembl2symbol
- e_ensembl2symbol_old
- e_extractnetworks2compare
- e_extractsubnetwork
- e_fgseanet
- e_findallmarkers
- e_getgenesets
- e_getmsigdbset
- e_gettflist
- e_grptest
- e_guessh5field
- e_locfit
- e_log1p
- e_makecluststruct
- e_makeembedstruct
- e_makeqqplot
- e_makeshadowmat
- e_markerweight
- e_mkfullknngraph
- e_prepareslum
- e_processDETable
- e_readgeomtx
- e_readgeotxt
- e_readh5
- e_rjtransform
- e_shadowmatqc
- e_sortcatbysize
- e_sorttable
- e_sparsepca
- e_tsnebyd
- e_uint2sparse
- e_writeh5
- fdr_bh.m
- FindRpath
- fun_cmp_clusters
- fun_num_clusters
- hvg_brennecke13
- hvg_splinefit
- isequalfp
- isnetavl
- isomap
- isonline
- i_3d2d
- i_addbutton2fig
- i_addwd2script
- i_add_conda_python_path.m
- i_bed2mat
- i_checkpython
- i_deletefiles
- i_ensembl2symbol
- i_fastuniquenames
- i_getversionnum
- i_get_enrichr_libraries
- i_get_genenames
- i_get_hemoglobingenes
- i_get_hsmm_tfs
- i_get_ribosomalgenes
- i_get_tfome_tfs.m
- i_go_analysis.m
- i_grp2idxsorted
- i_grpmean
- i_majvercheck
- i_majvercheck_old
- i_makegraph
- i_makestandalone.m
- i_makesupeakmat
- i_makeuniformgraybkg.m
- i_markergeneshtml
- i_markergeneshtml2
- i_markergenesviolin
- i_markerlist2weight
- i_mergeSubCellNames
- i_minvercheck
- i_mycolorlines
- i_mycolormap
- i_num2strcell
- i_plot_pseudotimeseries
- i_pseudotime_by_princurve
- i_pseudotime_by_splinefit
- i_randsmplbin
- i_readjson.m
- i_species2taxid
- i_swarmplot
- i_symbol2ncbiid
- i_tempfile
- i_violinplot
- i_violinplot_groupordered
- i_volcanoplot
- kpca
- local_celltypebrushed
- m2cyto
- makeattributestable
- matthewscorr
- mbkmeans
- mminfo
- mmread
- mmwrite
- norm_cp10klog
- norm_cpmlog
- norm_deseq
- norm_libsize
- norm_pflogpf
- pipeline_multisamplesmerge
- randmds
- randPCA
- rbopy.m
- readstruct
- refwrap
- RunRcode
- sc_atacfragments.m
- sc_dpg
- sc_embedthemall
- sc_entangle
- sc_heg
- sc_lcod
- sc_prs
- sc_qcfilter_lite
- sc_qcfilter_objc
- sc_sct.m
- sc_similarg
- sc_snngraph
- sc_ssnet
- sc_tajima89d.m
- sc_veg
- sparse_nanmean
- splineMI
- urldecoding
- Violin
- violinplot
- weightedPearson.m
- weightedSpearman.m
- weightedZIKendall.m
- weightedZISpearman.m
- xicor
- x_arguments_template.m
- zip_redistribution.m
- mt_alona
- mt_alona_new
- mt_CCPE
- mt_ComBat
- mt_csndm_trans
- mt_csnnet_ssnet
- mt_DESeq2
- mt_diffuse
- mt_Enrichr
- mt_GCL
- mt_GENIE3
- mt_HCP
- mt_MAGIC
- mt_McImpute
- mt_metaviz
- mt_PHATE
- mt_PickMarkers
- mt_SC3
- mt_scGeneFit
- mt_SIMLR
- mt_SinNLRR
- mt_SnnDpc
- mt_SoptSC
- mt_Specter
- mt_talklr
- mt_TSCAN
- mt_TSEE
- mt_UMAP
- pycommon
- pycommon2
- py_datamapplot
- py_GenKI
- py_geosketch
- py_gseapy
- py_GSEApy_enr
- py_harmonypy
- py_harmonypy_new
- py_MELD
- py_readh5ad
- py_sceodesic
- py_scrublet
- py_scrublet_new
- py_scTenifoldXct
- py_scTenifoldXct2
- py_writeh5ad
- r_clustermole
- r_CooccurrenceAffinity
- r_decontX
- r_DESeq2
- r_enrichR
- r_fgsea
- r_MAST
- r_monocle3
- r_node2vec
- r_readSeuratRds
- r_saveSeuratRds
- r_seurat
- r_SeuratCellCycle
- r_SeuratSctransform
- r_SPIA
- web_Enrichr
- web_Enrichr_bkg
- web_GOrilla
- web_STRING
- compute_rtens_variable_importance
- cvpredict
- init_bagging
- init_extra_trees
- init_mart
- init_rf
- init_single_rt
- rtenspred
- rtexample.m
- compute_kernel
- compute_operator
- compute_optimal_t
- load_10x
- mmread
- project_genes
- randPCA
- run_magic_original
- svdpca
- svdpca_sparse
- test_magic.m
- call_kmeans
- call_mcImpute
- checkDimensions
- compute_mapping
- get_numeric_labels_jurkat
- get_numeric_labels_Preimplantation
- get_numeric_labels_usoskin
- get_numeric_labels_Zeisel
- mmread
- opRestriction
- pca
- process
- read_raw_10x
- reverse_processing
- run.m
- selectTopK_mostDispersedGenes
- compute_alpha_kernel_sparse
- compute_kernel_sparse
- dla_tree
- knee_pt
- phate
- randmds
- randPCA
- svdpca
- svdpca_sparse
- vne_optimal_t
- ceevalmutual.m
- checkcl.m
- checks.m
- clagglmin.m
- clbtocl.m
- clcgraph.m
- clgraph.m
- clhgraph.m
- clkmeans.m
- clrand.m
- clstoclbs.m
- cltoclb.m
- clucent.m
- clusion.m
- ClusterBasicsTest.m
- clusterensemble.m
- ClusterEnsembleTest.m
- ClusterVisualTest.m
- cmetis.m
- cspa.m
- evalbalance.m
- evalf.m
- evalmse.m
- evalmutual.m
- fastchangem.m
- hgpa.m
- hmetis.m
- imageshq.m
- ints.m
- mapasc.m
- mapdense.m
- mcla.m
- metis.m
- norml.m
- onetomax.m
- perminv.m
- renumtick.m
- retick.m
- sgraph.m
- simbjac.m
- simcorr.m
- simcosi.m
- simeucl.m
- simxjac.m
- wgraph.m
- XX_kmeans.m
- dist2_pearson
- Estimate_Number_of_Clusters_SIMLR
- Hbeta
- Matlab_main_demo_SIMLR.m
- Matlab_main_demo_SIMLR_Estimate_Number_of_Clusters.m
- Matlab_main_demo_SIMLR_Large_Scale.m
- multipleK
- Network_Diffusion
- SIMLR_Feature_Ranking
- SIMLR_Large_Scale
- SIMLR_ori
- SIMLR_pearson
- tsne_p_bo
- betaScores
- Cal_NMI
- colorspace
- dist2
- distinguishable_colors
- dominateset
- eig1
- fast_pca
- Kbeta.m
- L2_distance_1
- LaplacianScore
- litekmeans
- NE_dn
- SIMLR_DisplayVisualization
- SIMLR_embedding_tsne
- TransitionFields
- Dpc
- DpcHelper.m
- GetAmi.m
- KnnDpc
- KnnDpcHelper.m
- Library
- OlivettiReader
- OlivettiWriter
- ReadDataset
- SnnDpcHelper.m
- SnnDpc_ori
- Cal_ARI
- Cal_NMI
- Contingency
- FilterGenesZero
- localize
- lrr_relaxed
- normalize
- SinNLRRori
- SinNLRR_ori
- solve_nn
- SpectralClustering.m
- tsne_bo
- boxplot_marker
- consen
- GC_htmp_DE
- Lineage_Ptime
- networkComponents.m
- Num_cluster
- pca1
- plot_cluster
- plot_lineage
- plot_marker
- plot_marker_violin
- run_Lineage_Ptime.m
- SimilarityM
- SoptSC_cluster
- SoptSC_Main
- dist2
- fastnmf
- inner_product_knn
- nnlsm_blockpivot.m
- scale_dist3
- scale_dist3_knn
- symnmf_anls
- symnmf_cluster
- symnmf_newton
- EuDist2
- eval_rand.m
- fast_LSC
- gettok
- L2_distance
- LSC_affineMat
- LSC_eigen
- LSC_eigen_fast
- main_CSC.m
- mmread
- mydist
- mySVD
- normcol.m
- normrow.m
- rand_index
- runLWEA.m
- Sig
- CHC_v2
- evalCOAL
- evalEnsembleIdx
- evaljointCOAL
- gendist
- learn_LSC
- litekmeans
- min_cluster_size
- selective_sampling
- SpectralClustering
- categorical_simplicial_set_intersection
- CheckUmapFolder
- choose_optimize_layout
- clip
- Coder
- CommaFormat
- compareBasicReductions
- compute_membership_strengths
- cross_entropy
- debugTiming
- detectUnsupervised
- divide_sparse
- fast_intersection
- find_ab_params
- fuzzy_simplicial_set
- general_simplicial_set_intersection
- general_sset_intersection
- generate_synthetic_set
- init_transform
- InstallMexAndExe
- KnnFind
- ln_freq_var
- lobpcg.m
- make_epochs_per_sample
- nearest_neighbors
- neg_sampling_objective
- NnDescent
- optimize_layout
- optimize_layout2
- optimize_layout3
- optimize_layout4
- optimize_layout5
- parseArguments
- pdist_plot
- perturb_classes
- plot_objectives
- prec_rec_plot
- probability_bin.m
- probability_bin_labels
- probability_means_weights_ptrs
- remove_sparse
- reset_local_connectivity
- resupervise
- run_umap
- run_umap_lite
- run_umap_lite_super
- SaveRoiExample
- smooth_knn_dist
- spectral_layout
- spectral_layout_binned
- StochasticGradientDescent
- SuhRunUmap
- Supervisors
- Template
- trainOptimize
- trans2_optimize_layout
- UmapExamples
- UmapPython
- UmapUtil
- UMAP_extra_results
- Ust
- UstTest
- AdaptiveBins
- Args
- ArgumentClinic
- ask
- askYesOrNo.m
- BasicMap
- Binning
- Branch
- bsearch.m
- CellBasics
- ClassificationTable
- clockwise
- close
- ClusterPlots
- Clusters
- ColorsByName
- ColorsEditor
- DataSource
- decodeMsg.m
- Density
- DensityBars
- DensityBiased
- DoubleClicker
- DoubleClicker2
- emd_flow
- FalsePositiveNegative
- File
- FileBasics
- FileLock
- findItems
- findjobj
- findjobj_fast
- fixClusterTear
- FMeasureMerger
- gdf
- gdm
- getjframe
- getMessageType
- getMsgTypeAndOptions.m
- GoogleDrive
- gridEdge
- gridEdgeInd
- growSubPlot
- Gui
- Html
- initJava
- inputDlg
- javaPointToMatLab
- JavaProperties
- javaScreens
- Kld
- LabelBasics
- LabelLegendRoi
- Map
- MatBasics
- Merge.m
- msg
- msgBox
- msgError
- msgModalOnTop
- msgWarning
- MultiProps
- NameColoringDlg
- noTip
- PhateUtil
- Plots
- PopUp
- ProbabilityDensity2
- PyEnvironment
- QfHiDM
- QfTable
- QfTree
- Radio
- reportClusterMerging
- resizeJavaPrefs
- RoiUtil
- run_HiD_match
- run_match.m
- run_QfTree
- scatterByColorScheme
- setAlwaysOnTopTimer
- showMsg
- showPolygon
- SortedStringMap
- SortedStringSet
- SortGui
- sortStructs
- SortTable
- String
- StringArray
- SuhAbstractClass
- SuhAnyMap
- SuhDataSet
- SuhHeatMap
- SuhJavaWrapper
- SuhJob
- SuhMatch
- SuhMatchListener
- SuhPredictions
- SuhProbabilityBins
- SuhScaler
- SuhStruct
- SuhTestMisc
- SuhTree
- SuhWebUpdate
- SuhWindow
- svg_fix_viewbox.m
- TableBasics
- TablePicker
- TestArgs
- TestMDS
- TestTablePicker
- ToolBar
- ToolBarMethods
- TopItems
- TreeMapOfMany
- uiGetFile
- uiPutFile
- WebDownload
- benchmarks
- benchmarks_and_plot
- chi_square_statistics
- kmeans_classification_error
- main.m
- main_centers.m
- main_citeseq.m
- nearest_neighbors_classifier
- plot_data.m
- scGeneFit
- scGeneFit_centers
- select_center_constraints
- select_constraints.m
- significant_cluster.m
- sqz_hinge
- subcluster_by_label
- subsample.m
- addPoints
- calculateEnergy
- checkSingletons
- computeProjs
- connectCompsE
- energyCut
- getUnifPoints
- initialize
- modifySpacingAllComps
- mppc
- numPointsAdd
- plotADP
- removePoints
- remZeroMassPoints
- runex
- tridiag
- updateyzb
- i1_preparemarkerdb.m
- i2_markergeneweight.m
- i2_markergeneweight_dr_zebrafish.m
- i_makeuniquename
- sc_celltypes_slow
- estim_beta_k_NN.m
- i_graph2graph.m
- knn_distmat
- knn_graph_estim_1
- knn_graph_estim_2
- L2_distance
- plot_knn
- swiss_roll_example.m
- aic
- aicplot
- backtr
- fitted
- gcv
- gcvplot
- hatmatrix
- invlink
- kappa0
- lcv
- lcvplot
- lfband
- lfgui
- lfknots
- lfmarg
- lfplot
- lfsmooth
- lf_censor
- locfit
- locfit_all
- plotbyfactor
- predict
- residuals
- rsum
- scb
- smooth_lf
- spence15
- spence21
- test_smooth_locfit.m
- vecr
- apcluster.m
- check_tensor_toolbox
- compute_kernel
- do_td_cp
- do_td_tucker
- e_apcluster
- e_fgseanet
- e_fgsearun
- e_filtadjc
- e_mashup
- e_mkqqplot
- e_modlcomp
- e_prunenet
- Helper
- i_dr
- i_knk
- i_ma
- i_nc
- i_nct
- i_td1
- i_td2
- knk1_makeRefNetwork
- knk2_knockoutTargetGene
- knk3_buildPerturbationLandscape
- knk4_buildPerturbationLandscape_quick
- run_fgsea2
- s4_label_propagation.m
- s5_module_gene_anno.m
- sbe_laplacian_matrix
- scInTime
- sctenifoldknk
- sctenifoldnet
- sc_pcnetdenoised
- test_code.m
- assigncelltype
- clustercells
- embedcells
- estimatecellcycle
- estimatepotency
- onestepraw2anno
- qcfilterwhitelist
- SingleCellExperiment
- sortcells
- Cal_NMI
- colorgradient
- countmember
- distcorr
- gscatter3
- gscatter3b
- isnormalized
- i_myupdatefcn1
- i_myupdatefcn2
- i_myupdatefcn3
- i_myupdatefcnx
- i_myupdatefcnxy
- i_toolboxdependencyanalysis.m
- i_view5d
- jarpat.m
- jarpat_x
- lmsvd
- lowess.m
- mmread
- movzeros
- natsort
- ppval
- rsvd
- rsvd2
- sc_celltypebrushed
- sc_celltypeexplore.m
- sc_explorer2
- SNN_fun
- splinefit
- ws_distance
- arrange
- datadisp
- disp
- display
- double
- end
- extract
- fixsigns
- full
- innerprod
- isequal
- isscalar
- issymmetric
- ktensor.m
- mask
- minus
- mtimes
- mttkrp
- ncomponents
- ndims
- norm
- normalize
- nvecs
- permute
- plus
- redistribute
- score
- size
- subsasgn
- subsref
- symmetrize
- times
- tocell
- tovec
- ttm
- ttv
- uminus
- update
- uplus
- viz
- ctranspose
- disp
- display
- double
- end
- minus
- mtimes
- norm
- plus
- size
- subsasgn
- subsref
- tenmat.m
- tsize
- uminus
- uplus