Modified Shields diagram and criterion

shieldsmodbonlay(rhom,diam) computes the modified Shields criterion for the initiation of motion of a cohesionless sediment.
Updated 11 Aug 2021

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shieldsmodbonlay(rhom,diam) computes the modified Shields criterion for the initiation of motion of a cohesionless sediment. The function also plots the modified Shields diagram. As inputs, the mass density of the sediment (kg/m3) and sediment grain diameter (m) are required.
The outputs are: 1) critical shear velocity (m/s), maximum bottom shear stress (Pa) and sediment fluid parameter (dimensionless).

Cite As

Gabriel Ruiz-Martinez (2024). Modified Shields diagram and criterion (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2012b
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Windows macOS Linux

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