How to use fsolve to solve all the equations?
given too many results Perhaps you should use uniquetol, rather than unique.

24 days ago | 0

Controlling aspect ratio for tiled layout
[epsilon, phi,omega]=deal(rand(10), rand(10), rand(10,1)); tiles = tiledlayout(1,3); tiles.TileSpacing = 'loose'; ax1 = ...

25 days ago | 0

Why does my matrix not change with each iteration?
I don't know why you think B should be changed by the loop when you generate it prior to the loop and never touch it again. Perh...

26 days ago | 0

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Optimization of Material Parameters

26 days ago | 0

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Doc links no longer work
I experienced this and found it was because of name conflict between one of my user-authored mfiles and a MathWorks-authored mfi...

27 days ago | 0

Can I run online a version different from the latest?
I don't think you can select an earlier Matlab version in Matlab Online.

27 days ago | 0

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How to customize the markers of the scatter figure, as shown below
Here's one way. Not sure you'll like the gymnastics that it requires: [x,y]=deal(rand(1,40), rand(1,40)); %scattered input dat...

28 days ago | 2

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Linear indices from colon operator
[I,J]=ndgrid(p1:p2,p3:p4); linear=sub2ind(size(array) , I,J);

28 days ago | 1

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Geometry properties in 3D (area, volume, moment of inertia...)
You can project your planar points into a 2D coordinate system and then use whatever 2D methods you had used previously to compu...

29 days ago | 0

Finding contiguous regions of interest in a mask and calculating the mean values of those regions when the mask is applied to an array
myImage=myImage'; L=L'; Lmax=max(L(:)); result=cell(1,Lmax); for i=1:Lmax result{i}=rasterMean(myImage(L==i...

29 days ago | 0

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Handling missing observations while using fmincon
They should be zeros rather than NaNs, shouldn't they? With zeros, they will make no contribution to the linear part of the pred...

29 days ago | 0

Filtering nose and removing spikes at local areas
Consider isoutlier.

1 month ago | 0

I want the input of the neural network to be of data type 'SCB'
You haven't listed your Matlab version, but in newer versions, you are encouraged to be training with trainnet instead of trainN...

1 month ago | 0

randomAffine3d is not properly random
EDITED: If you don't like what the default randomizer is doing, randomAffine3d() also let's you define your own, e.g., ori = [e...

1 month ago | 0

randomAffine3d is not properly random
If you want an isotropic distribution across the entire sphere, this should do it. ori = [eye(3);-eye(3)]; N=1000; o=cell(N...

1 month ago | 0

slow imwarp with large arrays
20k x 20k is an incredibly high resolution. Do you really need it, and if so, do you really need to use cubic interpolation, as ...

1 month ago | 0


Sum along each diagonal of a matrix
Write a routine that returns the sums along the diagonals of a given matrix, A, where the first diagonal is the bottom left corn...

1 month ago

Warning: Equation is badly conditioned. Remove repeated data points or try centering and scaling.
9th order polynomials do tend to be badly conditioned. Try using a lower order, or perhaps a spline model.

1 month ago | 0

help counting number of times a value occurs across matrix
values = [111, 112, 121, 122, 211, 212, 221, 222, 311, 312, 321, 322, 411, 412, 421, 422]; edges=[values,inf]; dp = [111 112...

1 month ago | 0


Sum along each diagonal of a matrix
Write a routine that returns the sums along the diagonals of a given matrix, A, where the first diagonal is the bottom left corn...

1 month ago | 0 | 9 solvers

Unable to achieve desired speed up using parfor
I find that all instances on B finish in about half the time as those on A. It baffles me... That is the expected result, assu...

1 month ago | 0


Sum All Positive Elements
Output a scalar that is equal to the sum of all positive elements in a given vector/matrix. For Example: The sum of all positi...

1 month ago


Build a block Toeplitz matrix
A symmetric block Toeplitz matrix has the form, where the are compatibly-sized matrices. Write a routi...

1 month ago

How to avoid unrecognized option names using optimget
Although I am using R2024a, that particular code still uses an older (2016-2019) version of lsqcurvefit. If so, problem solved....

1 month ago | 0

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Build a block Toeplitz matrix
A symmetric block Toeplitz matrix has the form, where the are compatibly-sized matrices. Write a routi...

1 month ago | 0 | 5 solvers

Finding the Center of Broken Vase Slices
You can use ellipticalFit() from this download,

1 month ago | 1


Condition number of Kronecker product
Given NxN matrix A and MxM matrix B, where M,N<=1000, write a routine to compute the condition number of kron(A,B).

1 month ago | 0 | 6 solvers


2x2 binning of a large sparse matrix
Consider the 20000 x 20000 sparse matrix, A=round(sprand(2e4,2e4,1/1e4*100)*1000); The task is to divide this matrix into 2x...

1 month ago


Convert a vector into numbers
Suppose a vector x = [ 1 2 4 7] is given. You have to convert this vector into string number y = '1247'. Examples x = [ 1...

1 month ago

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