How to change axis of graph and interpolate data
use this function: with interp...

10 years ago | 0

Keeping data w/i a single function of a MATLAB GUI
You need to put h.h into the handles variable: handles.h.h = ..... and add guidata(hObject, handles); at the end...

10 years ago | 0

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Adding two or more mat file variables(same name)
You can combine the cell arrays with the [], e.g., Atot = [A{1};A{2}] where A{1} comes from 1.mat and A{2} comes from 2.mat.

10 years ago | 0

what is the efficient method in matlab to solve non-linear explicit differential equation???
" _Then why it results in an array_ ": ode45 will choose the timestep and adjust it during the integration. It returns ALL the t...

10 years ago | 0

create a loop of the 2nd row of a 4D cel
MD_SD(2,:,:) would do without a loop

10 years ago | 0

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How to change the numbering system in the y axis? pitcure inside
I can't see Fig 2 but I think you can rescale the yaxis and the replace the y-ticks if you want the exponent close to each tick:...

10 years ago | 0

Attempted to access colors(6); index out of bounds because numel(colors)=5
In the last loop, replace with the following and see if it is what you are looking for: figure(4); plot(...

10 years ago | 1

Introduce new column in a cell array in Matlab
FA(:,end+1) = ABS_V;

10 years ago | 1

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Why does str2num truncate my number so early?
Use sprintf so you can control the precision you want.

10 years ago | 0

Wrong size of a matrix after specyfying a condition
Replace A(x) and B(y) with A= and B= so you have ONLY the elements you are interested in.

10 years ago | 0

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i need help in matlab gui for the following code
In this part, I think you meant to do: full_path=strcat('C:/Users/xyz/Desktop/',text_file_name); Also, do: [fid,msg...

10 years ago | 0

How can I efficiently perform a curve fitting a large number of times without a constant 'for loop'?
The first thing you can try is to do this outside the loop: [j,k] = find(IM(:,:,1) > 0); and then replace the loops with...

10 years ago | 0

the goto fortran90 command convert to matlab
I would eliminate the need for the goto altogether. Try this: n = 2; while(b > a(n) && n < 350) n = n + 1; end ...

10 years ago | 1

plot geo data using lat and lon as pixel centers
Offset them by half the dimension of each cell in the grid. If lat is your array, then do d = diff(lat)/2; d(end+1) = d(...

10 years ago | 0

ERROR: Input data must be specified in column-vector format.
On the line where you have the error, check the sizes of the arrays with the command [nrow,ncol] = size(your_array) The...

10 years ago | 0

How to delete a column conditionally in a UI table?
To have an empty table: set(handles.mytable,'data',cell(nrows,2)) If you already have data in the first two columns that...

10 years ago | 1

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use goto, jump or some easier way for my loop in matlab?
You can change the condition in your if and put the value in values_delay only when delay<=values_delay_temp while l<=lengt...

10 years ago | 0

how make matrix from a for loop
First, when you allocate variables before the for loop, you need to allocate them so that they can contain all the elements. Thi...

10 years ago | 0

Problem with find and logical array
You could do: B = find(443 > A(:,1) & A(:,2) > 443); B is the row or rows where the condition is satisfied.

10 years ago | 0

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string input for xlsread of a sheet
cases is a cell array, use: cases{i}

10 years ago | 0

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N-D grid from excel columns-2-D grid
First, read the whole file: A = xlsread('myfile.xlsx','A1:N2110'); % replace N2110 with the last point in your file ...

10 years ago | 0

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Creating a Function to Plot Projectile with Drag
You can replace your while loop with: while min(y)> -0.01; t = t + dt;...

10 years ago | 1

System of non linear differential equations
You can use ode45 for non-stiff problems and ode15s for stiff problems

10 years ago | 0

Overlap between N circles
If you have the mapping toolbox, you can use polybool.

10 years ago | 0

use variables of one .m file in another .m file
You can define the constants in one file and save them in a mat file: save('myfile.mat','name_var1','name_var1') and rea...

10 years ago | 2

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store result for loop for 2D array
a=[1 2; 3 4; 5 6]; result = cell(4,1); for m=1:4 if m<=2 result{m}=a([2 3],:) e...

10 years ago | 0

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How do I calculate area enclosed by contour lines?
[x, y, z] = peaks; [C, h] = contour(x, y, z, 20); ch = get(h,'children'); area = zeros(numel(ch),1); for i = 1:nu...

10 years ago | 2

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I face the error of "In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same" when i want to create a loop a matrix. my simple short code given below, plz help me?
p(1) accepts one element only, not an array. you can replace it with: p{1}=[x1-x2 x3-x2; x2-x3 x1-x3] or p=[x1-x2 x...

10 years ago | 1

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Iterative legend for multple curves on the same plot
you can do: txt = cell(n,1); for i = 1:n txt{i}= sprintf('curve %i',i); end legend(txt)

10 years ago | 0

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How to solve runge kutta using implicit method
Implicit means the equation has no analytic solution, i.e. you'll have to solve it iteratively. Meaning, you try guessing the va...

10 years ago | 0

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