Why training stops showing error (out of memory) during implementing transfer learning with pre-trained network despite having a laptop of well configuration?
You have a very small GPU I'm afraid. You need to lower your |MiniBatchSize| until it works. Also, set your |ExecutionEnvironmen...

6 months ago | 1

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Parallel Processing is better than buying another MATLAB licence?
There may be a misunderstanding here. Your typical license is to a user or a computer. That user, or that computer, can open as ...

6 months ago | 0

I can`t solve out this problem, there is always Output argument "varargout{2}" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with "dlarray/dlgradient" function.
Your mistake is |dlfeval(@dlgradient,...)|. You need to put your code that computes the loss and the loss gradients into a funct...

7 months ago | 0

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AlexNet (filter groups) cannot be well resolved inside dlfeval (dimension mismatch error)
Sorry about this. This is because you have an old version of alexnet (although yes, it shouldn't error). For now, please get you...

7 months ago | 0

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arrayfun vs loops again
I wish it were a cleverer answer, but I'm afraid that it's simply that MATLAB has been heavily optimized for |for| loops over th...

7 months ago | 3

Extreme memory usage when using gather
As others have worked out, it looks like the issue is the indexed assignment into u: u(TERRAIN:end,m) = abs(gather(head(ffield,...

7 months ago | 0

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How can i fix the error mismatch format when convert multiplication layer from LayerGraph to dlnetwork in prune and quantize network example
For one solution, replace the fully connected layers with convolution layers with filters the size of the input and num filters ...

7 months ago | 0

How can i fix the error mismatch format when convert multiplication layer from LayerGraph to dlnetwork in prune and quantize network example
That's an annoying limitation which is hopefully fixed in current releases. Is there any particular reason why you can't use |mu...

7 months ago | 0

Arrayfun/gpuArray CUDA kernel need to be able to remember previous steps
This is a bit too vague to answer. Without indexing, how can each subproblem retrieve its subset of the data? If you just mean i...

7 months ago | 0

Loop through list of vectors (ie, the rows of a matrix), applying same "simple" function to each one, on GPU? Should I use arrayfun somehow?
If your calculation is truly sequential then by definition you cannot parallelize along the sequence. But it sounds like you def...

7 months ago | 0

Parallel Computing in C when using Matlab Coder (parpool and gpuArray)
GPU Coder will generate CUDA code for you. It can even automatically vectorize |for| loops. For a multithreaded parallel for loo...

10 months ago | 1

Can parfor run a series of GPU programs simultaneously?
It looks like you just have a bug in your CUDAKernel implementation, probably accessing unallocated memory. This is putting the ...

10 months ago | 0

error of GPU, net = trainNetwork(datastore, lgraph, options);
You are using your display GPU for computation and it does not have enough capacity. Try disabling all hardware acceleration for...

10 months ago | 1

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How to train a sequence to classification network on GPU
This performance discrepancy is normal. Small sequence networks often cannot benefit from GPU parallelism, especially if they us...

10 months ago | 0

gpuArray large sparse arrays. Error codes: "CUSPARSE_INTERNAL_ERROR" / "UNKNOWN_ERROR"
Hi Joseph. It's hard to be definitive. There were some problems with cusparse and also Windows drivers when supporting the newes...

10 months ago | 0

NVIDIA A2 performance in Matlab R2023b is lousy
The A2's spec says its double precision performance is 140 GFLOPS vs the V100's 7 TFLOPS, so this is pretty much expected. Even ...

1 year ago | 3

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Is there a utility like nvidia-smi within matlab to determine which gpus are in current use?
gpuDeviceTable is the utility for listing your devices and their properties. You can also see all your devices in the Parallel m...

1 year ago | 0

Optimizing distance calculation between vectors and pixels
I feel like I haven't fully understood what you're after here, but |pdist2| is the function you're supposed to use to compute di...

1 year ago | 0

The value of 'ValidationData' is invalid. Duplicate table variable name: 'input'. error during neural network training
augmentedImageDatastore returns a table so cannot be trivially combined. You should first transform it to convert it into a cell...

1 year ago | 0

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How to apply a 2D matrix input to a trainNetwork?
Consult the documentation here. Typically sequence data is passed in as a cell array. In each cell you would be passing one seq...

1 year ago | 0

I would like to train a smallish network using cpu cores in parallel rather than gpu as they are slower.
setenv CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES -1 when you first start MATLAB, assuming you are running everything locally. However, as a general...

1 year ago | 0

Faster three dimensional higher order interpolation?
Thanks for the request, it will help us prioritise future work. In the meantime, it is possible to write your own interpolation ...

1 year ago | 0

How to solve "Unexpected error calling cuDNN: CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED." error?
The Ada GPU architecture is not supported in R2018b. You need to upgrade MATLAB. You should have received a warning about this w...

1 year ago | 0

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Will self-written exe application run on GPU on other PC?
Yes, if your other PC has a supported GPU your application will run on it. Isn't MATLAB great?!

1 year ago | 0

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Error at linking stage using mexcuda
Relocatable device code needs to be linked by nvcc using -dlink before it can be linked to host code using the C linker, so you'...

1 year ago | 0

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OCR returns slightly different results on different machines
This is expected for any highly optimized code like this. Even for two Intel machines, the core count will affect how operations...

1 year ago | 1

Will the MATLAB Answers community diminish/obsolete with the rise of AI-based chatbots?
You look like you are asking a question about how AI-assisted automation will change MATLAB Answers in the coming years and pote...

1 year ago | 3

The matlab mexw64 file generated by mexcuda cannot be executed in the standalone app generated by matlab('parallel.gpu.GPUDeviceManager.selected' cannot be detected))
MATLAB Compiler's dependency analyzer cannot detect your dependency on PCT. Either add the product manually or call something ex...

1 year ago | 0

Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.
If you click on the line number in the editor next to where you create your function layer, you can put a breakpoint at the entr...

1 year ago | 0

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Using a "CUDAKernel" type object within a parfor loop
A CUDAKernel object cannot be serialized, as you've found, so you will need to construct it separately on each worker. However, ...

1 year ago | 2

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