
Joe Vinciguerra

Last seen: 30 days ago Active since 2019

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Python, MATLAB
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UIFigure appearance (scaling) change between 2023b and 2024a
After discussing with MathWorks Technical Support, they suggested checking the following settings: settings().matlab.desktop.Di...

8 months ago | 2

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UIFigure appearance (scaling) change between 2023b and 2024a
I wrote an app in 2023b, but after installing 2024a the figure doesn't appear the same, and some of my UI controls actually fall...

8 months ago | 1 answer | 1



How can I develop a matlab code which analyses and checks how thick the cracks of a wheel surface are?
"Is there anyway I can use matlab to solve this problem?" Yes. However, you don't seem to have all the information you need to...

9 months ago | 1

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Back fill array to model hysteresis
in = [ 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 1 1]; in(and(in~=1,in~=0)) = NaN; out = fillmissing(in,"...

9 months ago | 0

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Subtractive Baseline-correction
I suspect you want this: baseline_groesse = mean(testmat3(baseline_zeitraum,:), 1); instead of this: baseline_groesse = mean(...

9 months ago | 0

how to show live return of variable in command windows while running a looping.
If you want to output to the command window during execution you have a couple options: The semicolon (;) at the end of each li...

9 months ago | 0

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Store values i Matrix from a loop
Depending on what exactly you're trying to do, put inside your for loop... 1) If you just want to store an array of i values yo...

11 months ago | 0

Get real axis-limits when using "inf"
[Edited to include the correction noted in the comment] From what I can tell, no, you can't get that information directly. But...

12 months ago | 2

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Can't open installation

1 year ago | 1

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Get equation of the surface from curve fitting
To my knowledge you can't extract fit parameters from nonparametric fitting methods such as Lowess (

1 year ago | 0

Where can I find the units for the dataset carsmall?
Since the dataset is just used for calculation examples it's not important, and thus not clearly documented. But doing a quick s...

1 year ago | 0

Creating 3D efficiency map using interpolation.
Here is your existing code: %B-spline interpolation eff96_spline(:,1) = spline(1:numel(eff96(:,1)), eff96(:,1), 1:0.1:numel(ef...

1 year ago | 1

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How to solve Error using + Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
The arrays in the definition of either F(1) or F(2) (or both) are different sizes. For example: A = 1:5; B = 1:3; A + B If l...

1 year ago | 0

Euler's identity with angle in degrees
[EDIT: oops. converted in the wrong direction.] deg2rad will convert degrees to radians (

1 year ago | 1

Define data list with a determine data distribution
% Generate some random data that's similar to yours Data1 = sort(randi(1e4,[10,1])); % making sure the data is sorted Data2 = ...

1 year ago | 0

How to use 'tiledlayout' to make multiple figures in one MATLAB script.
A new figure shouldn't replace your old figure, unless you're not making a new figure first and only calling tiledlayout. From ...

1 year ago | 1

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Delete every nth element in array and increasing 1 NaN value per new row
Here's how I would do it: [EDIT: misunderstood the disired result. HERE'S how I would do it...] OriginalArray = 1:10; numRows...

1 year ago | 0

Creating 3d surf from 2d map
It's not hard to map a constant to a new column. Just do this: eff86(:,3) = 0.86; eff90(:,3) = 0.90; % ... etc. Then plot in...

1 year ago | 1

How can i read the line above a certain position?
Replace "file_name" with whatever the name of your file is: f = readlines(file_name); % read the file k = find(f == "$INSERT_...

1 year ago | 0

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Multiple lines in one figure
The is nothing innately wrong with your code. Check that the values within rdxlim and rdylim are appropriate for the dataset. ...

1 year ago | 0

Table Mean and Data Entry
Use stack() to restructure your tables, and combine them into a single stacked table like this: load("Workspace.mat") combined...

2 years ago | 0

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I have a set of data that I need to separate into unequal intervals in order to calculate the RMS value of these data (The data points are continuous over time)
Here is one way to do it based on your example: % import the data from your file using readmatrix(), but using your example: t...

2 years ago | 1

Problems with loops in matrix operations
It looks like you want b=0 in the first loop and b=b+1 in the second loop. Otherwise, when j=2 and b=0 the matrix1 subarray beco...

2 years ago | 0

Fill area between x-y data
xy = randn(100, 2); shp = alphaShape(xy, inf); area = shp.area; facets = shp.boundaryFacets; plot(shp, "LineStyle","none",...

2 years ago | 1

adding multiple arrays in a loop
Use S = sum(V, 1); So you end up like this: clc; clear; %% Signal Setup % Setting up sampling parameters Fs = 400e3; ...

2 years ago | 0

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Find the average between each pair of points in a matrix
I'm a little unclear on the specifics, but I think this is basically what you want: z = randi([-5 5],61,61,'double') zMeanV = ...

2 years ago | 1

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How do you replace row names with a column?
T = array2table(magic(3)); Names = {'A'; 'B'; 'C'}; T.Names = Names; T = movevars(T, "Names", "Before", "Var1"); % Here's ...

2 years ago | 1

How can I place the cancerous area on the CT image and separate it into ROI and non-ROI?
With the files you provided, and no special toolboxes: CT = imread("Body-CT.jpg"); % import the CT image ROI = imread("ROI.jpg...

2 years ago | 0

Numerical method MATLAB code
The x and y vectors for a plot need to be the same length. You were close, but looks like you had a typo. Try this: % Plot the ...

2 years ago | 0

How to fit 3D surface to datasets (excluding specific datapoints) without Curve Fitting Toolbox
I would recommend using either: rmmissing to remove NaN values, but be sure to remove the matching data points from your XY arr...

2 years ago | 0

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