Fuzzy-Tuned PID Control -Two-Area Load Frequency Regulation

Version 1.0.0 (1.58 KB) by PIRC
Fuzzy-Tuned PID Control for Two-Area Load Frequency Regulation
Updated 13 Aug 2023

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A Fuzzy Tuned PID controller is a control system strategy that combines the conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control with fuzzy logic techniques to improve the performance of a system. In the context of a two-area load frequency control system:
1. Two-Area Load Frequency Control System: This refers to a power system consisting of two interconnected areas where power generation and consumption need to be balanced to maintain a stable frequency.
2. PID Controller: A PID controller adjusts the control input (like the generator's power output) based on three control actions: Proportional, Integral, and Derivative. The Proportional term responds to the current error, the Integral term addresses accumulated past errors, and the Derivative term predicts future error changes.
3.Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic deals with uncertainty in a system by representing variables as linguistic terms (e.g., "low," "medium," "high") and using membership functions to assign degrees of belonging to these terms.
4.Fuzzy Tuning: In a Fuzzy Tuned PID controller, fuzzy logic is employed to adapt the PID controller's parameters (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative gains) dynamically based on the current system conditions. This enables the controller to respond more intelligently to varying operating conditions and disturbances.
5. Two-Area Load Frequency Control with Fuzzy Tuned PID: The system uses fuzzy logic to assess the error between desired and actual frequency in both areas. Fuzzy rules are defined to adjust the PID parameters based on the magnitude and rate of change of the frequency error. This provides a more nuanced response compared to fixed PID gains, resulting in better performance under different conditions.
6. Benefits: The Fuzzy Tuned PID controller can enhance the system's stability and response by intelligently adjusting control parameters. It can mitigate the effects of sudden load changes or disturbances, leading to improved frequency regulation and reduced oscillations in the power system.
7. Implementation: The controller uses fuzzy logic to determine how much to adjust each of the PID gains in response to different degrees of frequency error. This combines the learning and adaptability of fuzzy logic with the proven control capabilities of PID controllers.
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Cite As

PIRC (2024). Fuzzy-Tuned PID Control -Two-Area Load Frequency Regulation (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/133787-fuzzy-tuned-pid-control-two-area-load-frequency-regulation), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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