DICOM gantry tilt correction

Checks for gantry tilt in DICOM fileset and modifies the images
Updated 16 Jun 2009

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This is a modified version of a script uploaded by the user Denny. I grabbed a copy and unfortunately found it didn't work for me. So, I modified it and made some improvements.

Improvements include:

- Some timing code to show you how long it took to process each slice (average time only)
- Progress indicators (slice by slice)
- Removed quite a bit of redundant code, hopefully making it a little quicker
- Changed the image translation method to use a transformation matrix instead. Hopefully this will allow for a bit more flexibility with future modifications of the script, and performing different image manipulations

The same caveats apply to the original script regarding subdirectories etc, so I would advise you check it if you have any problems using this one. When I get some time I'll add some better error handling! Search for 'DICOM gantry tilt' and you'll find it (although you probably already did!)



Cite As

Phil Lewis (2024). DICOM gantry tilt correction (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24458-dicom-gantry-tilt-correction), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2008b
Compatible with any release
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