
A few tools for tomographic reconstruction experiments.
Updated 17 Aug 2010

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Tiny collection of tools that enables simple experiments with tomographic reconstruction of three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional projections using a parallel beam geometry.

The zip-file contains the following files:

buildSystemMatrix.m: Sets up a tomographic system matrix for a parallel beam geometry in three dimensions

getNoise.m: Creates a vector of Gaussian white noise.

phantom3d.m: Create a three-dimensional extension of the classic Shepp-Logan test image. This file is made by Matthias Schabel and published at the FEX as File ID: #9416.

plotLayers.m: Displays the layers of threedimensional array.

tomoboxDemo1.m: Demo script to run a simulation including generating a test image, choosing random projection directions, computing projections, adding noise, and finally reconstructing by use of the iterative linear solver LSQR.

traceRays.m: Aux. function for buildSystemMatrix.

Cite As

Jakob Heide Jørgensen (2024). tomobox (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2010a
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux
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Inspired by: 3D Shepp-Logan phantom

Inspired: 2-D Tomographic Reconstruction Demo

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