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Get value of scenario simulation parameter

Since R2022a



    Output = get(ScenarioSim,Param) returns the value of the specified parameter Param from a scenario simulation ScenarioSim at runtime.


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    Create ss, a ScenarioSimulation object.

    rrApp = roadrunner('C:\Project\TestHighwayRoute');
    ss = createSimulation(rrApp);

    Get the current simulation status.

    simstatus = get(ss,'SimulationStatus')

    Get the log data history associated with the simulation.

    loggeddata = get(ss,'SimulationLog')

    Get all actors from a scenario.

    actors = get(ss,'ActorSimulation')

    Get a specific actor using its corresponding Simulink model handle.

    actorsim = get(ss,'ActorSimulation', 'SimulinkModel', mdHdl)

    Get a specific actor using the System object™ that represents its runtime behavior. This operation is possible only if an actor is already associated with a MATLAB® System object.

    actorsysobj = get(ss,'ActorSimulation', 'SystemObject', obj)

    Get a specific actor using its corresponding ActorModel object name.

    actormod = get(ss,'ActorSimulation', 'ActorModel', actorModel)

    Retrieve all the sensors from the simulation.

    sensors = get(ss,'SensorSimulation');

    Input Arguments

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    RoadRunner Scenario simulation, specified as a ScenarioSimulation object.

    Example: simstatus = get(ScenarioSim,'SimulationStatus')

    Scenario simulation parameter, specified as one of these values.

    'StepSize'Step size of simulation
    'MaxSimulationTime'Maximum simulation time of scenario
    'PacerStatus'Pacer status of simulation
    'SimulationPace'Pace of simulation
    'SimulationStatus'Status of simulation
    'SimulationLog'Logged simulation data
    'Logging'Logging status of simulation
    'ActorSimulation'Actors in simulation
    'ActorSimulation', 'SimulinkModel', mdHdlActor in simulation corresponding to specified Simulink model handle
    'ActorSimulation', 'SystemObject', objActor in simulation corresponding to specified System object
    'ActorSimulation', 'ActorModel', actorModelActor in simulation corresponding to specified Simulink.ActorModel object
    'Observers'Observers attached to a simulation

    Current time step of a scenario simulation.

    'SensorSimulation'Sensors in simulation
    'Map'Get RoadRunnerHD map for the scene used in scenario simulation.

    Example: simpace = get(ScenarioSim,'SimulationPace')

    Output Arguments

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    Value of parameter, returned as one of these data types.

    ParameterData Type of Output
    'StepSize'Step size of simulation, returned as a double.
    'MaxSimulationTime'Maximum simulation time of scenario, returned as a double.
    'PacerStatus'Pacer status of simulation, returned as a char or string. Possible values are "on" and "off".
    'SimulationPace'Simulation pace, returned as adouble.
    'SimulationStatus'Simulation status, returned as a char or string. These are the possible values.
    • "Running" — The simulation is currently running.

    • "Stopped" — The simulation is stopped.

    • "Paused" — The simulation is paused.

    • "Unspecified" — Undefined simulation status.

    'SimulationLog'ScenarioLog object.
    'Logging'Logging status of simulation, returned as a char or string. Possible values are "on" and "off".
    'ActorSimulation'Cell array of ActorSimulation objects.
    'ActorSimulation', 'SimulinkModel', mdHdlActorSimulation object.
    'ActorSimulation', 'SystemObject', objActorSimulation object.
    'ActorSimulation', 'ActorModel', actorModelActorSimulation object.
    'Observers'Structure array containing the following fields:
    • ObserverName — Name of the observer, returned as a character vector.

    • FilePath — Path of the System object file containing observer implementation code, returned as a character vector.


    Current time step of simulation, returned as a double. You can get the value of the current time step only when the simulation is playing. The function returns -1 before the start of the simulation, or after the end of the simulation.

    'SensorSimulation'SensorSimulation object.
    'Map'roadrunnerHDMap object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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