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Create and Select Custom Callbacks for Safety Analysis Manager Documents

Since R2024a

You can customize the code that executes in Safety Analysis Manager callbacks by specifying custom callbacks. You create the callback, enable or disable it, and add the code.

Create Custom Callbacks

To create a custom callback that executes when you analyze your spreadsheets:

  1. Open or create a new Safety Analysis Manager spreadsheet. For more information on creating spreadsheets, see Create Spreadsheets in the Safety Analysis Manager.

  2. In the Analyze section, click Edit Callbacks. The Callbacks Editor window opens.

  3. In the Callbacks Editor window, point to the AnalyzeFnc callback and click the button.

    • To edit the name, double-click the callback and enter the new name. You must use a name that follows the naming conventions for variables in MATLAB®.

  4. Write the callback code. For more information on writing callbacks, see Write Callbacks to Analyze Safety Analysis Manager Documents.

Programmatically Create Custom Callbacks

You can also create and modify custom callbacks programmatically. To add a callback:

  1. Retrieve the Spreadsheet object from the Safety Analysis Manager by using the safetyAnalysisMgr.getOpenDocuments or safetyAnalysisMgr.openDocument functions, or use the safetyAnalysisMgr.newSpreadsheet function to create a new Spreadsheet object.

  2. Add the custom callback by using the addCallback function.

  3. Assign code to the custom callback by using the setCallback function.

  4. Enable or disable the callback by using the enableCallback function.

For example, to assign a callback to a spreadsheet that simulates a model named myModel, ensure that only one spreadsheet is open and then run this code:

mySheet = safetyAnalysisMgr.getOpenDocuments;

Add Flags by Using Multiple Analysis Callbacks

This example shows how to use custom callbacks in a Safety Analysis Manager spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has two custom callbacks. You can enable or disable either callback.

Prepare the Model

To perform the analysis, the spreadsheet links to a model that represents a fuel control system for a gasoline engine. For more information on the model, see Evaluate Fault Combinations on a Fault-Tolerant Fuel System. Open the sldemo_fuelsys_fault_analyzer model and set up the faults, conditionals, and links by using the fuelSysFaultSetupCC helper function.

mdlName = "sldemo_fuelsys_fault_analyzer";

Open the Spreadsheet

Open the FuelSysFMEACC spreadsheet in the Safety Analysis Manager. The spreadsheet is a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the fault-tolerant fuel control system. The links in the Failure Mode column link to the faults in the model, and the links in the Detection Method columns link to model artifacts.


The FMEA associated with the model. The Failure Mode column contains links to the faults, and the Detection Method column contains links to model artifacts.

Inspect the Callbacks

View the custom callbacks. In the Analyze section, click Edit Callbacks. The Callbacks Editor displays the two custom callbacks, LinkCheck and SimValidate. The LinkCheck callback runs the code in the checkFuelSysFMEALinks MATLAB® script. The script checks if the cell in the third row of the Failure Mode column has at least two links, and if the other cells in the in the Failure Mode column and Detection Method column have at least one link. If the cells have the minimum number of links, the Safety Analysis Manager adds a check flag to the cell, and adds a warning flag otherwise.

The SimValidate callback runs the code in the validateFuelSysFMEAUsingSimulation MATLAB script. For each row of the spreadsheet with one or more linked faults in the Failure Mode column, the script activates those faults and simulates. The script then checks if the linked model artifact in the Detection Method column is active during simulation. If the fuel mode is not LOW at the end of the simulation, the script adds a check flag to the cell in the Detection Method column. In this example, only the LinkCheck callback is enabled.

The Callbacks Editor. The AnalyzeFcn callback is expanded, and shows the two custom callbacks, LinkCheck and SimValidate. LinkCheck is highlighted and enabled, but SimValidate is not. The callback runs the script that the callback executes checkFuelSysFMEALinks.

You can view the callback code by opening the checkFuelSysFMEALinks and validateFuelSysFMEAUsingSimulationCC MATLAB scripts.

Analyze the Spreadsheet

Analyze the spreadsheet to execute the custom callback. Because only the LinkCheck callback is enabled, the analysis executes only the checkFuelSysFMEALinks script. In this example, the cells have the minimum specified links.

The spreadsheet after analysis. Each of the linked cells has a check flag.

To enable the SimValidate callback, in the Analyze section, expand Analyze Spreadsheet and select SimValidate.

See Also

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