Logging Video to Disk
This example shows how to use the snapshot
function to acquire live images and log the video to disk.
MATLAB® Support Package for USB Webcams provides ability to bring live images from any USB Video Class (UVC) compliant Webcam into MATLAB.
Set Up Connection to Webcam
Use the webcam
function to create a connection to the camera. This example uses "Logitech Webcam 250" camera.
% Connect to the webcam.
cam = webcam
cam = webcam with properties: Name: 'Logitech Webcam 250' Resolution: '640x480' AvailableResolutions: {'640x480' '160x90' '160x100' '160x120' '176x144' '320x180' '320x200' '320x240' '352x288' '640x360' '640x400'} BacklightCompensation: 1 Sharpness: 48 Brightness: 128 Gain: 63 Saturation: 32 Exposure: -6 WhiteBalance: 0 ExposureMode: 'auto' Contrast: 32
Open Video File Using VideoWriter
Create the VideoWriter
object to open an AVI file for writing.
vidWriter = VideoWriter('frames.avi');
Acquire and Store Frames
The following loop writes the acquired frames to the specified AVI file for future processing.
for index = 1:20 % Acquire frame for processing img = snapshot(cam); % Write frame to video writeVideo(vidWriter,img); end
Clean Up
Once the connection is no longer needed, clear the associated variable.
clear cam