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Visualizes absolute values of IMU prediction errors

Since R2024a


    showIMUPredictionErrors(params) visualizes the absolute values of prediction errors for the camera-IMU calibration parameters.

    showIMUPredictionErrors(params,Name=Value) specifies one or more name-value arguments.

    ax = showIMUPredictionErrors(___) returns axes that the IMU prediction errors are plotted on.

    Input Arguments

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    Estimated camera-to-IMU calibration parameters, specified as a cameraIMUParameters object.

    Use the estimateCameraIMUTransform function to get the estimated camera-to-IMU calibration parameters.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: showIMUPredictionErrors(params,Mode="percentage")

    Parent axes, specified as a vector of six Axes object handles. By default, the showIMUPredictionErrors function plots the estimates in the a new figure. For more information, see Axes Properties.

    Prediction error value mode, specified as either "absolute" or "percentage":

    • "absolute" — View the absolute value of the prediction error.

    • "percentage" — View the prediction error as a percentage with respect to motion. The motion is computed from the optimized poses. This mode is ideal if the sensor setup between successive images varies from pair to pair. If there are large variations in movement that cause large errors, normalizing the errors using the percentage mode enable you to visualize the errors more easily.

    Plotted IMU prediction error threshold value, specified as a six-element vector or as a two-element vector.

    If Threshold is a six-element vector, it is in the form [TR_X, TR_Y, TR_Z, ROT_X, ROT_Y, ROT_Z]. TR_X, TR_Y, and TR_Z are the translation error thresholds along the x, y, and z axes, in meters. ROT_X, ROT_Y, and ROT_Z are the rotation error thresholds about the x, y, and z axes, in radians.

    If Threshold is a two-element vector, it is in the form [TR_Th, ROT_Th]. TR_Th and ROT_Th are the translation and rotation error thresholds for the xyz-axes.

    Output Arguments

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    Axes graphic handle, returned as an Axes object. This object contains the properties of the figure that you plot the transformation onto. For more information, see Axes Properties.


    • If the IMU prediction errors are consistently large throughout the dataset, consider capturing calibration data again with a different motion profile.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a