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Register Read/Write

Read from or write to various bit fields of TI C2000 Registers

Since R2024a

  • Register Read/Write Block

C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / Memory Operations


You can use the Register Read/Write block in C2000 Microcontroller Blockset to read data from and write data to various bit fields of TI C2000 registers. The block depends on files generated during hardware setup, which are determined by the selected processor and the CCS version. If the parameters on the block are Unspecified, configure the hardware setup using c2000setup.

You can also use the block to specify bit positions using custom bits. It accepts a cell array where each element is a 1x2 array that specifies the start bit and end bit.


  • Register Read/Write block depend upon CCS installation and register xmls present in CCS to populate various entries in the block. Some registers may not be available in CCS xmls and hence you will not be able to access them in the block. For example, the HRCAP in F2803x.

  • When you try to modify the peripheral registers for different CPU cores, make sure that the CPU core has access to the particular peripheral, else the register read/write access may fail.




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The outports depends on the number of bit fields selected when registers are accessed using specified bits. In the Register bit fields parameter, option All is selected by default which is visible as the output port. If any other bit field is selected, the outports will change depending on the selected bit fields.

The bit field All will access the entire register.


In Register bit field parameter, you can either select option All or other specific bit fields.

The output ports are dynamic and depends on the number bit field selected. When registers are accessed using custom bits, it depends upon the length of cell array specified in the parameter Bits to process.


To enable this port, set the Operation parameter to Read.

Data Types: uint16 | uint32


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The inports depends on the number bit field selected when registers are accessed using specified bits.

In the Register bit fields parameter, option All is selected by default which is visible as the input port. If any other bit field is selected, the inports will change depending on the selected bit fields.

The bit field All will access the entire register.


In Register bit field parameter, you can either select option All or other specific bit fields.

The input ports are dynamic and depends on the number bit field selected. When registers are accessed using custom bits, it depends upon the length of cell array specified in the parameter Bits to process.


To enable this port, set the Operation parameter to Write.

Data Types: uint16 | uint32


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Select the TI C2000 device family for which you want to access the registers.

Select the register group for the Register Read/Write block.

The options for the parameter is populated depending on the device family selected after you have performed C2000 HW setup. This parameter groups the TI C2000 registers into various categories namely ADC, PWM and so on.

Selecting the register group defines the parameters such as Register name, Register fields and Register bit fields of the block. For example, if you select the Register group as ADC their corresponding Register name, Register fields and Register bit fields gets populated.

Select the register name for the selected register group. The options are populated based on the register group and device family selected. For example, if the Register group is ADC, the Register name parameter will populate options such as AdcaRegs, AdcbRegs, and so on.

Select the Register field for the selected register group. The options are populated based on the device family, register group, and register field selected. For example, if the Register group is ADC and Register name is AdcaRegs, the Register field parameter will populate options such as ADCCTL1, ADCCTL2, ADCBURSTCTL, and so on.

Select access register using specified bits or custom bits.

  • Specified bits: Selecting specified bits will display all the registers bits fields in a table format in the Register bit fields parameter.

  • Custom bit fields: Select custom bit fields when you want to access the bits position manually.

In case of specified bits, if you are accessing AdcaRegs.ADCCTL1 using the Register Read/Write block, the parameter Register bit fields will display option All the bits of the corresponding register in a table format, such as INTPULSEPOS, ADCPWDNZ, ADCBSYCHN, and so on.

In case of custom bits, you need to manually specify the bit positions you want to access in the form of cell array. For example, when bits to process parameters is {[2,0],[5,3],[7,4]}, indicates accessing 3 ranges of bits. It generates three inports or outports depending upon the Operation parameter type. The first port will access bits from position 2 to position 0 of the corresponding register field ADCCTL1. Similarly the second port will access bits from position 5 to position 3, and the third port will access bits from position 7 to position 4.

  • Read operation - Select when you want to read data from registers. Read operation will generate the selected bit fields in the parameter Register bit fields or the Bits to process parameter as outports.

  • Write operation - Select when you want to write data to registers. Write operation will generate the selected bit fields in the parameter Register bit fields or the Bits to process parameter as inports.

Select EALLOW/EDIS to access the write protected TI registers.

Bit to process parameter accepts the cell array where each element is a 1x2 array where the smaller number indicates the start bit and larger number indicates the end bit. For example, when the custom bit is in the following format {[1], [2 3], [ 5 10 ], [11 16]} then:

  • From the custom bits mentioned, you are accessing four different set of bits I.e.

    • Bit 1

    • Bit 2 and Bit 3

    • Bit 5 to 10

    • Bit 11 to 16

  • The specified custom bit will generate four different ports(inport or outport)

The corresponding ports generated for each element of cell array will access the range of bits between the start bit and end bit.


The bit position should be less than the length of the register field accessed. Also there should not be any overlap of bit positions between any 2 entries of cell array.


To enable this parameter, set the Access register using parameter to Custom bits.

Select bit field you want to access. The options for register bit fields are populated based on the selection of register group, register field, and register name.


To enable this parameter, set the Access register using parameter to Specified bits.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a