Converting a symbolic matrix to numeric

22 views (last 30 days)
Carl on 12 Jan 2014
Commented: Carl on 12 Jan 2014
I am trying to convert a symbolic matrix to a numeric array, but am having no luck. Please refer to the code below.
Z = sym(zeros(200,1));
for i = 1:200
syms omega_n;
lambda = i*1e-7;
k_zeta = 2*pi/lambda;
kappa_n = n*pi/W;
k_n = sqrt(((kappa_n)^2) + ((k_zeta)^2))
Y(i,1) = k_n;
P_nn = (k_zeta*W)^2/(i*pi)^2;
yellow = omega_M*P_nn*(1-P_nn)*((sin(phi))^2);
green = 1 - (P_nn*(1+((cos(phi))^2)));
blue = omega_H + J*omega_M*((k_n)^2);
F_n = P_nn + green*((sin(theta))^2) + yellow/blue;
A = (sqrt(blue*(blue + (omega_M*F_n))))/(2*pi) - omega_n;
R = feval(symengine,'numeric::fsolve', A, 'omega_n=1e8')
Z(i) = vpa(omega_n);
%printf('For k = %d, freq = %d\n', k_zeta,A);
Y = int8(Y);
Z = vpa(Z,100);
%Z = vpa(Z);
All of the variables, except for omega_n, are of type double.
When I attempt to use the 'double' function on object Z ie double(Z), I receive an error message
Error in MuPAD command: DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array. If the input expression contains a symbolic variable, use the VPA function instead.
Can someone point out where I am going wrong? This is the first time I am trying to use the symbolic toolbox, so apologies if it is something obvious! Note I am using Matlab R2011b.
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 12 Jan 2014
You can make your question clear, by just posting the matrix you want to convert
Carl on 12 Jan 2014
Sorry it wasn't very clear.
Here is the code snippet:
syms omega_n;
Z = sym(zeros(200,1));
% A section about defining equation A, which is a mixture of doubles and the symbolic value omega_n, and then looping over 'i', which is part of one of the input parameters for the equation.
Z(i) = feval(symengine,'numeric::fsolve', A, 'omega_n=1e8')
I would like to write matrix Z as an array of numeric elements, so that I can write it to a file, plot it etc. Simply writing 'double(Z)' does not do the conversion.
Hope this makes the question more clear.

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Answers (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 12 Jan 2014
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 12 Jan 2014
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 12 Jan 2014
If you post an example we can test, it will be useful
Carl on 12 Jan 2014
Here is the script I am working with - most of it's length comes from setting parameters etc (I'm modelling a physical system), so please don't be put off! Thank you Azzi!
pi = 4*atan(1.0);
mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7; % Units of T.m/A
gamma = 1.7609e11; % Units of rad/(T.s)
B = 500; % External field, in units of Oe
M_sat = 1.005; % Magnetization of saturation, in T
J = (5.03e-9)^2; % Exchange stiffness, in m^2 (square of l_ex)
M_0 = M_sat*795774.72; % Converting T to A/m.
H_0 = B*79.577472; % Converting Oe to A/m.
omega_M = gamma*M_0*mu0; % Units of rad/s
omega_H = gamma*H_0*mu0; % Units of rad/s
% Now define the waveguide geometry.
W = 5e-6;
L = 100e-9;
theta = 0*pi/180; % We're only considering in-plane modes here
% We'll start off finding the dispersion relation for the BVMSW.
% Refer to [1] for reference.
n = 1; % Mode number
phi = 0*pi/180; % Orientation of external field, in rad
% The 'meat' of this script: the function used here.
Z = sym(zeros(200,1));
for i = 1:200
syms omega_n;
lambda = i*1e-7;
k_zeta = 2*pi/lambda;
kappa_n = n*pi/W;
k_n = sqrt(((kappa_n)^2) + ((k_zeta)^2))
Y(i,1)= k_n;
P_nn = (k_zeta*W)^2/(i*pi)^2;
yellow = omega_M*P_nn*(1-P_nn)*((sin(phi))^2);
green = 1 - (P_nn*(1+((cos(phi))^2)));
blue = omega_H + J*omega_M*((k_n)^2);
F_n = P_nn + green*((sin(theta))^2) + yellow/blue;
A = (sqrt(blue*(blue + (omega_M*F_n))))/(2*pi) - omega_n;
R = feval(symengine,'numeric::fsolve', A, 'omega_n=1e8')
Z(i) = subs(R);
%printf('For k = %d, freq = %d\n', k_zeta,A);
Z = double(Z,100);
%Z = vpa(Z);

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