Doing a Convolution between an image and a mask

6 views (last 30 days)
Hi, im trying to convolve an image and a mask but i have two problems, the first one is when i colvolve, the result is shown in Matlab Console, the whole matrix, but in the code, if i want to print that image with the command "imshow", the matrix is 0.
The whole process consists in opening an ordinary image, in my case, with a size of 256x256. After that, press the Low pass filter, and there im asking the size of the filter, and with that i modify the image to create black borders around the original image to convolve correctly with the filter. My question is, after i have the image and the mask of the filter, its only multiply those two for convolve? and how can i do to move the mask and multiply the filter mask with the image and show that result PD: I cant use the matlab commands (conv, conv2d, filter, etc..)
Im doing this in GUIDE so im attaching the project.

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