Calling R from Matlab, library(copula)

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Banou on 14 Oct 2014
Edited: Banou on 15 Oct 2014
I want to call an R script in Matlab and wrote the following script in MATLAB:
CurrentDirectory=strrep(pwd,'\','/'); eval(['!C:\Programs\R\R-3.1.1\bin\i386/Rscript "' CurrentDirectory '/GOF.R"']) % using R for GOF test
The R script (GOF.R) calls "copula" library to run a goodness-of-fit test for different copula functions. MATLAB gives me the following error:
Error in dim(copula) : could not find function "loadMethod" Calls: gofCopula -> stopifnot -> dim Execution halted
The strange thing is that when I run GOF.R in R program, the code runs without any errors.
Please help.

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