NaN values in Finite Element Method (FEM).

5 views (last 30 days)
Hi. I am attempting to model natural convection in a parallelogram enclosure. I have a coordinate transformation and I have set the code to solve the temperature, stream, velocitu and Vorticity as shown below. I do not understand where the source of the NaN values arise. The teperature, vorticity, velocity and stream equation are functions of each other and an initial temperature(Poisson equation is assumed) to enable fluid computation. The code is attached below.
thetad = 90;
thetar = (pi()/180)*thetad;
L = 1;
H = 2;
nx = 50;
dx = L/(nx+1);
dy = H/(ny+1);
x = 0:dx:L;
y = 0:dy:H;
nE = nx; %Chosen in dimensionless domain
nN = ny;
E = (x-y.*cot(thetar))/L;
N = (y./(H*sin(thetar)));
dE = E(2)-E(1); %Node spacing in the Dimensionless domain
dN = N(2)-N(1);
Gr = 100000;
Pr = 0.70;
%% Initial vectors
vp = zeros(nx+2,ny+2);
sp = zeros(nx+2,ny+2);
tpi = zeros(nx+2,ny+2);
u = zeros(nx+2,ny+2);
v = zeros(nx+2,ny+2);
xir = repmat(E,nx+2);
etar = repmat(N,ny+2);
%% Grouping
AA = 1/((L^2)*(dE^2));
BB = 1/((H^2)*(dN^2));
CC = 1/(2*L*dE);
DD = 1/(2*H*dN);
EE = (1+(cot(thetar))^2)/((dE^2)*(L^2));
FF = 1/(((sin(thetar))^2)*(H^2)*(dN^2));
GG = cos(thetar)/(2*L*H*((sin(thetar))^2)*(dN*dE));
HH = (1/(sin(thetar)))*DD;
II = (cot(thetar))*CC;
%% Relaxation Factors
w1 = 1.85;
w2 = 1.85;
w3 = 1.85;
w4 = 1.85;
%% Initial Explicit Temperature profile
%Left and Right
for jj = 2:(nx+1)
tpi(jj,1) = 100;
tpi(jj,ny+2) = 50;
for iter1 = 1:50000
for ii = 2:(nx+1)
for jj = 2:(ny+1)
tpi_ii = tpi(ii+1,jj) + tpi(ii-1,jj);
tpi_jj = tpi(ii,jj+1) + tpi(ii,jj-1);
tpi_ij = tpi(ii+1,jj+1) + tpi(ii-1,jj-1) - tpi(ii-1,jj+1) - tpi(ii+1,jj-1);
Num1 = EE*tpi_ii + FF*tpi_jj -GG*tpi_ij;
Den1 = (2*(EE+FF)) - (xir(ii,jj)*L + etar(ii,jj)*H*cos(thetar));
tpi(ii,jj) = tpi(ii,jj) + w1*((Num1/Den1) - tpi(ii,jj));
%% Main Loop
for iter2 = 1:10000
%Stream function
for ii = 2:(nx+1)
for jj = 2:(ny+1)
sp_i = sp(ii+1,jj) - sp(ii-1,jj);
sp_j = sp(ii,jj+1) - sp(ii,jj-1);
sp_ii = sp(ii+1,jj) + sp(ii-1,jj);
sp_jj = sp(ii,jj+1) + sp(ii,jj-1);
sp_ij = sp(ii+1,jj+1) + sp(ii-1,jj-1) - sp(ii-1,jj+1) - sp(ii+1,jj-1);
Num2 = EE*sp_ii + FF*sp_jj - GG*sp_ij + vp(ii,jj);
Den2 = 2*(EE + FF);
sp(ii,jj) =sp(ii,jj) +w2*((Num2/Den2) - sp(ii,jj));
%Velocity function
for ii = 2:(nx+1)
for jj = 2:(ny+1)
sp_i = sp(ii+1,jj) - sp(ii-1,jj);
sp_j = sp(ii,jj+1) - sp(ii,jj-1);
u(ii,jj) = HH*sp_j - II*sp_i;
v(ii,jj) = -1*(CC)*sp_i;
%Vorticity boundary conditions
for ii = 1:(nx+2)
vp(1,ii) = -((8*sp(2,ii) - sp(3,ii))/(2*(dy^2))); %top
vp(ny+2,ii) = -((8*sp(ny+1,ii) - sp(ny,ii))/(2*(dy^2))); %Bottom
for jj = 2:(ny+1)
vp(jj,1) = -((8*sp(jj,2) - sp(jj,3))/(2*(dy^2))); %left
vp(jj,ny+2) = -((8*sp(jj,ny+1) - sp(jj,ny))/(2*(dy^2))); %right
%vorticity profile
for ii = 2:(nx+1)
for jj = 2:(ny+1)
vp_i = vp(ii+1,jj) - vp(ii-1,jj);
vp_j = vp(ii,jj+1) - vp(ii,jj-1);
vp_ii = vp(ii+1,jj) + vp(ii-1,jj);
vp_jj = vp(ii,jj+1) + vp(ii,jj-1);
vp_ij = vp(ii+1,jj+1) + vp(ii-1,jj-1) - vp(ii-1,jj+1) - vp(ii+1,jj-1);
tpi_ii = tpi(ii+1,jj) + tpi(ii-1,jj);
tpi_jj = tpi(ii,jj+1) + tpi(ii,jj-1);
tpi_i = tpi(ii+1,jj) - tpi(ii-1,jj);
tpi_j = tpi(ii,jj+1) - tpi(ii,jj-1);
tpi_ij = tpi(ii+1,jj+1) + tpi(ii-1,jj-1) - tpi(ii-1,jj+1) - tpi(ii+1,jj-1);
sp_i = sp(ii+1,jj) - sp(ii-1,jj);
sp_j = sp(ii,jj+1) - sp(ii,jj-1);
Num3 = (Gr/2)*(HH*tpi_j - II*tpi_i) + (vp_i*CC)*(HH*sp_j - II*sp_i) -(CC*sp_i)*(HH*vp_j - II*vp_i) - EE*vp_ii - FF*vp_jj + GG*vp_ij;
Den3 = -2*(EE+FF);
vp(ii,jj) = vp(ii,jj) + w3*((Num3/Den3) - vp(ii,jj));
for ii = 2:(nx+1)
for jj = 2:(ny+1)
tpi_ii = tpi(ii+1,jj) + tpi(ii-1,jj);
tpi_jj = tpi(ii,jj+1) + tpi(ii,jj-1);
tpi_i = tpi(ii+1,jj) - tpi(ii-1,jj);
tpi_j = tpi(ii,jj+1) - tpi(ii,jj-1);
tpi_ij = tpi(ii+1,jj+1) + tpi(ii-1,jj-1) - tpi(ii-1,jj+1) - tpi(ii+1,jj-1);
sp_i = sp(ii+1,jj) - sp(ii-1,jj);
sp_j = sp(ii,jj+1) - sp(ii,jj-1);
Num4 = AA*tpi_ii + BB*tpi_jj - GG*tpi_ij -Pr*((CC*tpi_i)*(HH*sp_j - II*sp_i) - (sp_i*CC)*(HH*tpi_j - II*tpi_i));
Den4 = 2*(EE+FF);
tpi(ii,jj) = tpi(ii,jj) + w4*((Num4/Den4) - tpi(ii,jj));
%Adiabatic conditions
for jj = 2:(nx+1)
tpi(1,jj) = (-Pr*(u(1,jj)*CC*(tpi(1,jj+1) - tpi(1,jj-1))) + AA*(tpi(1,jj+1) - tpi(1,jj-1)) + 2*BB*tpi(2,jj))/(2*(AA+BB));
for jj = 2:(nx+1)
tpi(nx+2,jj) = (-Pr*(u(nx+2,jj)*CC*(tpi(nx+2,jj+1) - tpi(nx+2,jj-1))) + AA*(tpi(nx+2,jj+1) - tpi(nx+2,jj-1)) + 2*BB*tpi(nx+1,jj))/(2*(AA+BB));
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Jeffrey Clark
Jeffrey Clark on 19 Jun 2022
Num3 is approaching and becomes infinite in %vorticity profile when iter2=3, ii=21 and jj=22; similarly with Num4. At some point these infinite numbers being combined produce many NaN in both vp and tpi, all within the outer loop with iter2 still equal 3, which I found when entering the segment %Adiabatic conditions. See attached. The NaN are probably the result of combining the infinties in these lines:
tpi(ii,jj) = tpi(ii,jj) + w4*((Num4/Den4) - tpi(ii,jj));
vp(ii,jj) = vp(ii,jj) + w3*((Num3/Den3) - vp(ii,jj));
Shezaad Suleman
Shezaad Suleman on 19 Jun 2022
Hi Jeffrey.
Thank so much for your help. It is really appreciated.
Sabeeha and Shezaad

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