How to compute the correlation coefficient in the two data set.

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How to compute the correlation coefficient between the two data sets (this is a graphic with 2 function) I need some helps or see any example, and the image is on the paper
Franco on 18 Nov 2022
I'm not sure if X= 0,50,10,150,200,250,300,350
Y= 93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100

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Answers (1)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 21 Nov 2022
so once we have digitized the picture with grabit , we have two data mat files (attached) available for further processing
first step is to make sure the two datasets have common x axis so we must sort out , remove duplicates and interpolate.
then we can compute either one single cor coefficient for the entire data length
%% full data length single cor coeff value
M = corrcoef(y1_new,y2_new);
corcoefficient = M(2,1)
will give : corcoefficient = 0.6209
or make a kind of running buffer version of it
full code :
%% load data
x1 = Data001(:,1);
y1 = Data001(:,2);
% make sure data are unique and sorted in ascending order
[x1,ind] = sort(x1);
x1 = x1(ind);
y1 = y1(ind);
% remove duplicates
[x1,IA,IC] = unique(x1);
y1 = y1(IA);
x2 = Data002(:,1);
y2 = Data002(:,2);
% make sure data are unique and sorted in ascending order
[x2,ind] = sort(x2);
x2 = x2(ind);
y2 = y2(ind);
% remove duplicates
[x2,IA,IC] = unique(x2);
y2 = y2(IA);
% interp data on common x axis
x_min = ceil(max(x1(1),x2(1)));
x_max = floor(min(x1(end),x2(end)));
x = x_min:x_max;
y1_new = interp1(x1,y1,x);
y2_new = interp1(x2,y2,x);
%% full data length single cor coeff value
M = corrcoef(y1_new,y2_new);
corcoefficient = M(2,1)
%% running buffer cor coeff value
mybuffer = 10; % nb of samples in one buffer (buffer size)
overlap = mybuffer-1; % overlap expressed in samples
%%%% main loop %%%%
m = length(x);
shift = mybuffer-overlap; % nb of samples between 2 contiguous buffers
for ci=1:fix((m-mybuffer)/shift +1)
start_index = 1+(ci-1)*shift;
stop_index = min(start_index+ mybuffer-1,m);
time_index(ci) = floor((start_index+stop_index)/2); % time index expressed as sample unit (dt = 1 in this simulation)
M = corrcoef(y1_new(start_index:stop_index),y2_new(start_index:stop_index));
corcoefficient(ci) = M(2,1);
t2 = x(time_index);
legend('signal x ','signal y ');
legend('cor coefficient');

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