Import not consistent table data

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Hi! Sorry again for a (maybe) naif question, but I have been struggling all day trying to figure out how I can import a not consistent .txt dataset. I show you in figure what I mean:
From that, I just need to extract the column with inside the blu limiters. I tried to set import option and get the column where those numbers are in by the following code:
opts = detectImportOptions(sample_txt_file);
disp([opts.VariableNames' opts.VariableTypes']);
opts = setvartype(opts,{'x1100071'},'char');
disp([opts.VariableNames' opts.VariableTypes']);
values = readtable(sample_txt_file,opts);
times = values{:,4};
As result, I got 4 table columns and then I extracted the last one, the one with numbers I need.
Checking on how I could change 'char' values into a numeric array I coded:
S = sprintf('%s',times{:});
D = sscanf(S, '%f');
So I got an array containing number values of all those from column 4 but still don't understand how it works or if there are more suitable ways to extract data from that dataset.
Hope you could help me and thank you again :)
Luca Castrogiovanni
Luca Castrogiovanni on 17 Nov 2022
I attach here the Thank you :)
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 18 Nov 2022
do you want separate blocks of data or everything in one block ?

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Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 18 Nov 2022
hello again
so this first simple code will extract the data as one single block
if you need to separate the data in individual blocks as organized in your file , that needs a bit of extra code but shoudn't be very difficult :
str = readlines('samples.txt');% read the file:
C = regexp(str,' MODfromPPD:: PARA:'); % find lines that contains that string
ind = find(~cellfun('isempty',C)); % indice of non empty cells
data_lines = split(str(ind)); % split columns of selected rows
your_data = str2double(data_lines(:,7)); % your data are in the 7th column of data_lines
Luca Castrogiovanni
Luca Castrogiovanni on 18 Nov 2022
Yes, it worked! I just needed not splitted so the first code was good, but I thank you for you detailed and helpful answer. It was so kind of you.
I think I should spend more time on how to import different datatypes but your explanation helped me much! :)
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 18 Nov 2022
yes , it takes some time to figure out how to deal with the multiple file formats , but after some time you go faster as you get more experienced.
also this forum is a good place to ask and learn from other's Q & A

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