Data points in an imaginary grid cell
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Dear all,
I have a list of data points in two dimensions that correspond to the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of my vessels. Then there is also a third variable, connected to each vessel position, that corresponds to time.
Now I want to define an imaginary grid and plot those vessels into a plot, but instead of plotting all points/vessels I just want identify the cells that have vessels and consider one equivalent vessel in those grid cells during a specific period of time (let’s say one hour).
I'm a bit lost on this. Thank you in advance for your help.
on 29 Nov 2022
Here's one way to read the data and plot the lat/lon for all times:
fid = fopen('Pasta1.csv');
data = fread(fid,'*char').';
data = strsplit(data,{';' sprintf('\r\n')});
if isempty(data{end})
data(end) = [];
data = reshape(data,3,[]).';
data(1,:) = [];
data(:,[1 2]) = num2cell(str2double(data(:,[1 2])));
% Note the warning below: ambiguous format, i.e., does "01/07" mean "Jan 7" or "Jul 1"?
% (There's no way for me to know the answer to that.)
data(:,3) = num2cell(datetime(data(:,3)));
Can you explain more about what grid you want to impose on these points, and for what purpose? In particular, it's not clear to me what you mean by, "consider one equivalent vessel".
Answers (1)
on 5 Sep 2023
Hi Ricardo,
I understand that you are trying to find out the number of vessels in a rectangular grid area.
%converting to an array
data_array = [cell2mat(data(:,1)),cell2mat(data(:,2))];
%define shape of the rectangular grid box that you want
length=5; width=10;
num_points=points_func([0 6],length,width,data_array);
function rectangle_number = grid_func(length, width, x)
rectangle_number= [fix(x(1)/width) fix(x(2)/length)];
function number_of_points = points_func(rectangle_number,length, width, data_array)
len = [rectangle_number(1)*length, (rectangle_number(1) + 1)*length];
wid = [rectangle_number(2)*width, (rectangle_number(2) + 1)*width];
x_indices = find(data_array(:,1)>len(1) & data_array(:,1)<len(2));
y_indices = find(data_array(:,2)>wid(1) & data_array(:,2)<wid(2));
number_of_points = size(intersect(x_indices,y_indices));
The rectangular grid that I have assumed-
- Rectangle number will have two coordinates: [X Y]
- X=0 and Y=0 for the first rectangle on the first quadrant
You can even calculate the rectangle number for any point. I hope these functions will be helpful for you.
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