Write a program that convert a “Number”, “word” and “sentence” Into given form Binary , Octal, Hexadecimal ,Write a program that generate a sound of binary number.

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Write a program that convert a “Number”, “word” and “sentence” Into given form Binary , Octal, Hexadecimal ,Write a program that generate a sound of binary number.
Ali on 6 Jan 2023
noisefile = 'censor-beep-2.wav';
[whitenoise, Fs] = audioread(noisefile);
nchan = size(whitenoise, 2);
noise5 = abs(ifft( fft(whitenoise, [], 1), Fs*5 ));
n5L = size(noise5, 1);
Text = 'I love MATLAB :)';
Binary = logical(reshape(dec2bin(Text, 8).', [], 1) - '0');
RelVol = 0.001 * ones(size(Binary));
RelVol(Binary) = 1;
RelVol = repmat(RelVol, 1, nchan);
RL = size(RelVol,1);
shaped_noise = repelem(RelVol, n5L, 1) .* repmat(noise5, RL, 1);
audiowrite('censor-beep-2.wav', shaped_noise, Fs);
i am using this code to generate binary bits sound but not working

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