Interface boundary condition in transient heat problem

27 views (last 30 days)
It is my first problem and first post on this forum. I am trying to solve 1D transient heat equation in multilayer electrical cable using Crank-Nicolson method, and I have problems with interface boundary conditions. I'm not sure how to apply them. I'm at very begining of learning so my code is far away from ideal, but at this point it is important for me to resolve my problem. I will optimize the code later. Here is my code:
clc; clear;
% -------- Simulation Parameters -------- %
L_i = 0.021; % Insulation + inner and outer screen thickness
L_ls = 0.0035; % lead sheat thickness
L_PE = 0.0035; % PE sheat thickness
L_st = 0.0005; % steal tape thickness
L_b = 0.0005; % bedding thickness
L_ta = 0.0055; % armor thickness
L_j = 0.004; % jute thickness
L_g = 0.0385; % ground thickness
N = 154;
Lx = 0.077;
dx = Lx/N;
x = 0:dx:Lx;
M = 1420;
tf = 1420;
dt = tf/M;
t = 0:dt:tf;
% -------- thermal diffusivity -------- %
alpha_c = 1.15e-4; % conductor
alpha_cs = 9.83e-8; % conductor screen
alpha_i = 9.83e-8; % insulation
alpha_is = 9.83e-8; % insulation screen
alpha_ls = 2.32e-5; % lead sheat
alpha_PE = 1.18e-7; % PE sheath
alpha_st = 1.64e-5; % steel tape
alpha_b = 3.18e-7; % bedding
alpha_ta = 1.64e-5; % tensile armour
alpha_j = 8.79e-8; % jute
alpha_g = 5e-7; % ground
% -------- diffusion number -------- %
d_c = (alpha_c*dt)/(dx^2); % conductor
d_cs = (alpha_cs*dt)/(dx^2); % conductor screen
d_i = (alpha_i*dt)/(dx^2); % insulation
d_is = (alpha_is*dt)/(dx^2); % insulation screen
d_ls = (alpha_ls*dt)/(dx^2); % lead sheath
d_PE = (alpha_PE*dt)/(dx^2); % PE sheath
d_st = (alpha_st*dt)/(dx^2); % steel tape
d_b = (alpha_b*dt)/(dx^2); % bedding
d_ta = (alpha_ta*dt)/(dx^2); % tensile armour
d_j = (alpha_j*dt)/(dx^2); % jute
d_g = (alpha_g*dt)/(dx^2); % ground
% -------- thermal conductivity -------- %
k_i = 0.2;
k_ls = 33;
k_PE = 0.3;
k_st = 60;
k_b = 0.15;
k_ta = 59;
k_j = 0.18;
% -------- other input data -------- %
r_c = 0.0265; % conductor radius
I = 1400; % current in conductor
R = 8.19e-06; % conductor resistance
q = (I^2 * R)/(2 * pi * r_c); % heat flux
Tin = 300; % Starting temperature
T_out = Tin; % outside temperature
% -------- Matrix definition -------- %
A = zeros(N,N);
B = zeros(N,N);
dT = zeros(N,M);
BC = zeros(N,1); % Boundary conditions
IC = @(x) Tin; % Initial Conditions
dT(:,1) = IC(x); % apply of initial condition
% ------------------- A Matrix ------------------- %
for j = 1:N+1 % Column loop
for i = 1:(L_i/dx) % Row loop for insulation
if i==j && i>1
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_i);
elseif i == 1 && i == j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_i);
elseif i + 1==j && j>2
A(i,j) = -d_i;
elseif i + 1==j && j<=2
A(i,j) = -2*d_i;
elseif i - 1 == j
A(i,j) = -d_i;
for i = (L_i/dx)+1:(L_i+L_ls)/dx % Row loop for lead sheat
if i==j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_ls);
elseif i==j+1
A(i,j) = -d_ls;
elseif i==j-1
A(i,j) = -d_ls;
for i = (L_i + L_ls)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE)/dx % Row loop for PE sheat
if i==j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_PE);
elseif i==j+1
A(i,j) = -d_PE;
elseif i==j-1
A(i,j) = -d_PE;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st)/dx % Row loop for steel tape
if i==j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_st);
elseif i==j+1
A(i,j) = -d_st;
elseif i==j-1
A(i,j) = -d_st;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b)/dx % Row loop for bedding
if i==j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_b);
elseif i==j+1
A(i,j) = -d_b;
elseif i==j-1
A(i,j) = -d_b;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b)/dx +1: (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b + L_ta)/dx % Row loop for armour
if i==j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_ta);
elseif i==j+1
A(i,j) = -d_ta;
elseif i==j-1
A(i,j) = -d_ta;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b + L_ta)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b + L_ta + L_j)/dx % Row loop for propylen and bitumen
if i==j
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_j);
elseif i==j+1
A(i,j) = -d_j;
elseif i==j-1
A(i,j) = -d_j;
for i = 78 : N+1 % Row loop for ground
if i == j && i <= N-1
A(i,j) = 2*(1+d_g);
elseif i == j+1 && i <= N-1
A(i,j) = -d_g;
elseif i == j-1 && i <= N-1
A(i,j) = -d_g;
A(154,154) = 1;
% ------------------- B Matrix ------------------- %
for j = 1:N+1
for i = 1:(L_i/dx)
if i==j && i>1
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_i);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_i;
elseif i + 1==j && j<=2
B(i,j) = 2*d_i;
elseif i==j-1 && j>2
B(i,j) = d_i;
elseif i==1 && j==1
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_i); %%1;
for i = (L_i/dx)+2:(L_i+L_ls)/dx +1
if i==j && i>1
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_ls);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_ls;
elseif i==j-1
B(i,j) = d_ls;
for i = (L_i + L_ls)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE)/dx
if i==j
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_PE);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_PE;
elseif i==j-1
B(i,j) = d_PE;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st)/dx
if i==j
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_st);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_st;
elseif i==j-1
B(i,j) = d_st;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b)/dx
if i==j
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_b);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_b;
elseif i==j-1
B(i,j) = d_b;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b)/dx +1: (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b + L_ta)/dx
if i==j
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_ta);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_ta;
elseif i==j-1
B(i,j) = d_ta;
for i = (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b + L_ta)/dx +1 : (L_i + L_ls + L_PE + L_st + L_b + L_ta + L_j)/dx
if i==j
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_j);
elseif i==j+1
B(i,j) = d_j;
elseif i==j-1
B(i,j) = d_j;
for i = 78 : N+1
if i==j && i<= N-1
B(i,j) = 2*(1-d_g);
elseif i==j+1 && i <= N-1
B(i,j) = d_g;
elseif i==j-1 && i <= N-1
B(i,j) = d_g;
B(154,154) = 1;
for j = 1:N % Boundary condition loop
if j ==1
BC(j,1) = 4 * d_i * (q/k_i) * dx;
BC(j,1) = 0;
for j = 2:M % Time loop
for i = 1:N % Space loop
dT(:,j) = A\(B*dT(:,j-1)+BC);
I hope this code is ok at this stage.
In row T0 there is boundary from constant heat flux from conductor (I use a centered difference approximation and put it into T0) and in node 154 is a fixed soil temperature. I will be very grateful if someone could show me (in a clear way :) ) how to add this boundaries. I'm not sure but I think it should be something from centered difference approximation like T42(-k1-k2) = -k2T44 - k1T40?
I work on this code in Matlab without any toolboxes.
Thank you all in advance for helping me with above.
Best regards
Kamil on 20 Mar 2023
Edited: Kamil on 20 Mar 2023
The continuity of temperature and heat flux at the interface of the layers is exactly what I wanted to do. Since I have the same grid space for the whole cable, I thought it should be like that: T(i+1) = T(i-1). When I tried to apply this boundary condition, I got graphs like the first and second (first is a temperature at first point of insulation and a second one is a temperature along of cable after 24 hours). Without the boundary condition, I got graphs like the third and fourth. I doing something wrong in applying those boundary conditions and that is why I asking for help. Graphs 3 and 4 are close to the truth, but the temperature drop along the cable is too high.
Torsten on 20 Mar 2023
Edited: Torsten on 20 Mar 2023
If your equations are
rho_l*cp_l * dT/dt = lambda_l * d^2T/dx^2, x <= xi
with discretization points
x_l1 < x_l2 < ... < x_ln = xi
rho_r*cp_r * dT/dt = lambda_r * d^2T/dx^2, x >= xi
with discretization points
x_r1 = xi < x_r2 < x_r3 < ... < x_rm
the usual way to incorporate the interface condition is to introduce ghost points
x_l_ghost = xi + (xi - x_l(n-1))
x_r_ghost = xi - (x_r2 - xi)
discretize the interface condition as
lambda_l * dT/dx (xi-) = lambda_l * (T_l_ghost - T_l(n-1)))/(x_l_ghost - x_l(n-1)) (1)
lambda_r * dT/dx (xi+) = lambda_r * (T_r2 - T_r_ghost)/(x_r2 - x_r_ghost) (2)
and discretize the two PDEs in x = xi as
rho_l*cp_l * dT/dt (xi-) = lambda_l*((T_l_ghost - Ti)/(x_l_ghost - xi) - (Ti - T_l(n-1))/(xi - x_l(n-1)))/((x_l_ghost+xi)/2 - (xi+x_l(n-1))/2) (3)
rho_r*cp_r * dT/dt (xi+) = lambda_r*((T_r2) - Ti)/(x_r2 - xi) - (Ti - T_r_ghost)/(xi - x_r_ghost))/((x_r2+xi)/2 - (xi+x_r_ghost)/2) (4)
Since the temperatures at the interfaces agree, you arrive at the following three equations for Ti, T_l_ghost and T_r_ghost:
(a) : right-hand side of equation (1) == right-hand side of equation (2) (continuity of heat flux)
(b) : right-hand-side of equation (3) / (rho_l*cp_l) == right-hand-side of equation (4) / (rho_r*cp_r) (continuity of temperature)
(c) : one of the differential equations (3) or (4) to compute the temperature at the interface.
The easiest way to solve this system is to solve the linear algebraic equations (a) and (b) for T_l_ghost and T_r_ghost and insert the obtained expressions in the differential equation (c). (c) will then be the differential equation for Ti and will only depend on known quantities.

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Accepted Answer

Torsten on 20 Mar 2023
Edited: Torsten on 20 Mar 2023
Here is a sample code for what I wrote above:
% Set parameters
x1start = 0.0;
x1end = 0.25;
x2start = x1end;
x2end = 1.0;
nx1 = 50;
nx2 = 150;
x1 = linspace(x1start,x1end,nx1).';
x2 = linspace(x2start,x2end,nx2).';
rho1 = 100;
cp1 = 10;
lambda1 = 0.4;
rho2 = 20;
cp2 = 25;
lambda2 = 10;
% Set initial conditions
Tstart = 200;
Tend = 400;
T0 = 0;
nodes = nx1+nx2-1;
y0 = zeros(nodes,1);
y0(1) = Tstart;
y0(2:nx1+nx2-2) = T0;
y0(nx1+nx2-1) = Tend;
% Set time span of integration
tspan = 0:10:100;
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)fun(t,y,x1,nx1,x2,nx2,lambda1,rho1,cp1,lambda2,rho2,cp2),tspan,y0);
% Plot results
x = [x1;x2(2:end)];
function dy = fun(t,y,x1,nx1,x2,nx2,lambda1,rho1,cp1,lambda2,rho2,cp2)
T1 = y(1:nx1); % Temperature zone 1
T2 = y(nx1:nx1+nx2-1); % Temperature zone 2
% Compute temperature in ghost points
xg1 = x1(end)+(x1(end)-x1(end-1));
xg2 = x2(1)-(x2(2)-x2(1));
% Set up linear system of equations for [Tg1, Tg2]
a11 = lambda1/(xg1-x1(nx1-1));
a12 = lambda2/(x2(2)-xg2);
b1 = lambda1*T1(nx1-1)/(xg1-x1(nx1-1))+lambda2*T2(2)/(x2(2)-xg2);
a21 = (lambda1/(xg1-x1(nx1))/((x1(nx1)+xg1)/2 - (x1(nx1)+x1(nx1-1))/2))*rho2*cp2;
a22 = (-lambda2/(x2(1)-xg2)/((x2(2)+x2(1))/2 - (x2(1)+xg2)/2))*rho1*cp1;
b2 = (lambda1*T1(nx1)/(xg1-x1(nx1))+lambda1*(T1(nx1)-T1(nx1-1))/(x1(nx1)-x1(nx1-1)))/...
((x1(nx1)+xg1)/2-(x1(nx1)+x1(nx1-1))/2)*rho2*cp2 +...
((x2(2)+x2(1))/2 - (x2(1)+xg2)/2)*rho1*cp1;
A = [a11,a12;a21,a22];
b = [b1;b2];
% Solve linear system for [Tg1, Tg2]
sol = A\b;
Tg1 = sol(1);
Tg2 = sol(2);
% Solve heat equation in the two zones
% Zone 1
T1 = [T1;Tg1];
x1 = [x1;xg1];
dT1dt(1) = 0.0;
for i=2:numel(x1)-1
dT1dt(i) = (lambda1*(T1(i+1)-T1(i))/(x1(i+1)-x1(i)) -...
% Zone 2
for i=2:numel(x2)-1
dT2dt(i) = (lambda2*(T2(i+1)-T2(i))/(x2(i+1)-x2(i)) -...
dT2dt(end+1) = 0.0;
% Return time derivatives
dy = [dT1dt(1:end),dT2dt(2:end)];
dy = dy.';
  1 Comment
Kamil on 21 Mar 2023
I really appreciated your effort. I believe it will help me reorganize my code to make it work properly. Thanks a lot Torsten!
Best Regards

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