Adding vertical trendline for mutiple y variables in one scatterplot

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I have a scatterplot with mutiple y variables from different trials. I want to make a trendline for all the trials together, not separate trendlines for each trial. I was reccomended to "draw" a vertical line on the x axis, then all of the trial points that touch that line should be averaged and a single point drawn on that x plane for the accumulative trendline. Then, to make the trendline, I would have to connect all these new dots together from each point of the x plane. Does this make sense? I'm not sure how to do it and would appreciate help!

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 3 Jul 2023
One option is to simply reshape all of the different ‘x’ and ‘y’ data vectors (combined into matrices here for convenience) into a single column using either reshape or the ‘(:)’ operator, and then perform the regression —
x = sort(randn(20, 5));
y = 5*(1:size(x,2)) + randn(size(x)) + 0.5*(1:size(x,1)).';
Line = [x(:) ones(size(x(:)))] * ([x(:) ones(size(x(:)))] \ y(:)); % Calculate Single Linear Regression Line For All Data
hs = scatter(x, y, 'filled', 'DisplayName','Data');
hold on
hp = plot(x(:), Line, 'DisplayName','Linear Regression');
hold off
legend([hs hp], 'Location','best')
That is how I would approach it, anyway.

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