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Solve systems of 6 non-linear equations

14 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to solve a sytem of 6 non-linear equations. I used vpasolve. One solution it gave me is I1=I2, V1=V2, and hence, my deltaT2 is roughly 0. So, I set the starting values of all to 1e-10 so that my deltaT2 will be non-zero. But after around one minute, I got an empty solution. I believe there should be a solution set of values for this system. So I wonder what could go wrong with my code/solution.
To make those equations I am solving more sense, I attached the screenshot I got from this paper below. Equation 2-3 are derived by using two points at t0 and t1 lying on one circle. Equation 4-5 are derived by using two points at t1 and t2 lying on an eclipse.
The only solution I got from my code so far is that V1=V2 and I1=I2. But as you can see, I want V1 and V2 to have different values. I1 and I2 should have differenet values as well.
clear;clc;close all;
%% Parameters
Vin = 400; Lr = 55e-6; Cr = 24e-9; Lm = 280e-6;
Zo = sqrt(Lr/Cr); Vo = 12; n = Vin/2/Vo;
wo = 1/sqrt(Lr*Cr); fo = wo/(2*pi);
Iheavy = 15; Rheavy = Vo/Iheavy;
Ilight = 5; Rlight = Vo/Ilight;
fs = 120e3; Ts = 1/fs;
Vin = 350;
Zr1 = sqrt(Lr/Cr); wr1 = sqrt(1/(Lr*Cr));
Zr2 = sqrt((Lr+Lm)/Cr); wr2 = sqrt(1/((Lr+Lm)*Cr));
R = Rheavy;
syms I1 V1 V2 I2 deltaT1 deltaT2 real
eq1 = I1 + I2 - (n*Vo/Lm)*deltaT1;
eq2 = (V1 - Vin + n*Vo)^2 + (I1*Zr1)^2 - (V2 - Vin + n*Vo)^2 - (I2*Zr1)^2;
eq3 = deltaT1 - (pi-atan(I2*Zr1/(V2-Vin+n*Vo)) + atan(I1*Zr1/(V1+Vin-n*Vo)))/wr1;
eq4 = (V1 - Vin)^2 + (I1*Zr2)^2 - (V2 - Vin)^2 - (I2*Zr2)^2;
eq5 = deltaT2 - (atan(I1*Zr2/(Vin-V1)) - atan(I2*Zr2/(Vin-V2)))/wr2;
eq6 = Vo*(deltaT1 + deltaT2)/(n*R) - (V1+V2)*Cr - ((I1-I2)/2)*deltaT1;
eqs = [eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,eq5,eq6];
starting_value = [1e-10 Inf; 1e-10 Inf; 1e-10 Inf; ...
1e-10 Inf; 1e-10 Inf; 1e-10 Inf];
[I1,V1,V2,I2,deltaT1,deltaT2] = vpasolve(eqs,[I1,V1,V2,I2,deltaT1,deltaT2],...
result = double([I1,V1,V2,I2,deltaT1,deltaT2])

Accepted Answer

Tra Yen Nhu Phan
Tra Yen Nhu Phan on 25 Oct 2023
Edited: Tra Yen Nhu Phan on 25 Oct 2023
I figured the problem out. The paper has a small syntax in their system of equations. Therefore, MATLAB cannot give the result that I want. The mistake was at equation 2 that Vin should be -Vin. Also, instead of using my own parameters, I used the paper's parameters, and everything just works perfectly. Thanks all for helping me this out.
Below is the code that works for me. The modification includes:
1) Correct the error in the equation system
2) Use parameters in the paper instead
3) Add the range for all parameters as positive numbers
clear;clc; close all;
Vo = 48; Po = 7200; figure;
N = 18; Lm = 111.4e-6; Lr = 19.18e-6;
Cr = 20.25e-9; Co = 1e-3;
Zr1 = sqrt(Lr/Cr); wr1 = 1/sqrt(Lr*Cr);
fr1 = wr1/(2*pi); Tr1 = 1/fr1;
Zr2 = sqrt((Lr + Lm)/Cr); wr2 = sqrt(1/((Lr + Lm)*Cr));
fr2 = wr2/(2*pi); Tr2 = 1/fr2;
select = 1;
Q1 = 0.1831; Q2 = 0.3662;
if (select == 1)
Q = Q1;
Q = Q2;
Rac = Zr1/Q; Ro = Rac*(pi^2)/8/(N^2);
%% Below Resonance
syms I1 V1 I2 V2 deltaT1 deltaT2 fs
Vin = 800;
eq1 = (I1 + I2) -(N*Vo/Lm)*deltaT1;
eq2 = (-V1 - Vin + N*Vo)^2 +(I1*Zr1)^2 - (V2 - Vin + N*Vo)^2 - (I2*Zr1)^2 ;
eq3 = deltaT1 - ((pi - atan(I2*Zr1/(V2-Vin+N*Vo)) + atan(I1*Zr1/(V1+Vin-N*Vo)))/wr1);
eq4 = (V1 - Vin)^2 +(I1*Zr2)^2 - (V2 - Vin)^2 - (I2*Zr2)^2 ;
eq5 = deltaT2 - ((atan(I1*Zr2/(Vin - V1)) - atan(I2*Zr2/(Vin - V2)))/wr2);
eq6 = (Vo*(deltaT1 + deltaT2)/(N*Ro)) - (V1+V2)*Cr - (deltaT1*(I1-I2))/2;
eqs = [eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,eq5,eq6];
range = [0, Inf; % I1
0, Inf; % V1
0, Inf; % I2
0, Inf; % V2
0, Inf; % deltaT1
0, Inf]; % deltaT2
[I1,V1,V2,I2,deltaT1,deltaT2] = vpasolve(eqs,[I1,V1,V2,I2,deltaT1,deltaT2],range)
I1 = 
V1 = 
V2 = 
I2 = 
deltaT1 = 
deltaT2 = 
fs = 1/(deltaT1*2 + deltaT2*2)
fs = 
Tra Yen Nhu Phan
Tra Yen Nhu Phan on 25 Oct 2023
I absolutely can do that. Thanks for letting me know what I should do to express my appreciation for all's help.

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