Error: Unsupported use of the '=' operator. To compare values for equality, use '=='. To specify name-value arguments, check that name is a valid identifier with no surroundin

27 views (last 30 days)
o meu codigo esta aparecendo o seguinte erro " macroLongitudes = Error: Unsupported use of the '=' operator. To compare values for equality, use '=='. To specify name-value arguments, check that
name is a valid identifier with no surrounding quotes." e nao estou conseguindo entender.
meu codigo:
clear all
% os nomes, latitudes e longitudes dos sites macro
macroNames = 'Jaguaribe-CE';
macroLats = [-5.895806113892169, -5.895456726608638, -5.894977218173506, -5.894574146873162, -5.894012923262541, -5.892195776533852, -5.893724989565935, -5.893422140221246, -5.893179919279051, -5.891977116775971, -5.891327135596663, -5.890686880351645, -5.890334042764228, -5.88983837399142, -5.889336924040441, -5.888744071891002, -5.888533609006252, -5.887945934165032, -5.887543850547718, -5.887128651252049, -5.886943880936919, -5.886364345327938, -5.886062306664483, -5.885766871568715, -5.884309722326146, -5.882746625208792, -5.897673302095725, -5.897242180363128, -5.897096386494342, -5.895797809946615, -5.89647119592621, -5.898944464436658, -5.899108814427524, -5.899211601541639, -5.897592386557939, -5.900607816407843, ...]; % Substitua por suas latitudes
macroLongitudes = [-38.62032597572306, -38.62222432683183, -38.62401029975932, -38.62572184096341, -38.61992246343461, -38.61949160816766, -38.62171951032668, -38.62353991951861, -38.62534465645687, -38.62183896183396, -38.62349527110939, -38.62515847993476, -38.61920861630935, -38.62100078740404, -38.62278620093045, -38.6244031296015, -38.61873463402229, -38.62059149583992, -38.62235041743411, -38.6240154411265, -38.61781416873151, -38.61951523232732, -38.62102304397499, -38.62282491171222, -38.62206339127928, -38.62171264679774, -38.62062239383805, -38.62256024259663, -38.62432019268199, -38.62584639431048, -38.62764918344993, -38.6227883483316, -38.62461497937137, -38.62130285989428, -38.62632327961818, -38.62315936981273, ...]; % Substitua por suas longitudes
centerSite = geopoint(-5.895806113892169, -38.62032597572306); % Substitua por sua latitude e longitude
% Initialize arrays for distance and angle from center location to each cell site, where
% each site has 3 cells
numCellSites = 36;
siteDistances = zeros(1,numCellSites);
siteAngles = zeros(1,numCellSites);
% Define distance and angle for inner ring of 6 sites (cells 4-21)
isd = 200; % Inter-site distance
siteDistances(2:7) = isd;
siteAngles(2:7) = 30:60:360;
% Define distance and angle for middle ring of 6 sites (cells 22-39)
siteDistances(8:13) = 2*isd*cosd(30);
siteAngles(8:13) = 0:60:300;
% Define distance and angle for outer ring of 6 sites (cells 40-57)
siteDistances(14:19) = 2*isd;
siteAngles(14:19) = 30:60:360;
% Initialize arrays for cell transmitter parameters
numCells = numCellSites*3;
cellLats = zeros(1,numCells);
cellLons = zeros(1,numCells);
cellNames = strings(1,numCells);
cellAngles = zeros(1,numCells);
% Define cell sector angles
cellSectorAngles = [30 150 270];
% For each cell site location, populate data for each cell transmitter
cellInd = 1;
for siteInd = 1:numCellSites
% Compute site location using distance and angle from center site
[cellLat,cellLon] = location(centerSite, siteDistances(siteInd), siteAngles(siteInd));
% Assign values for each cell
for cellSectorAngle = cellSectorAngles
cellNames(cellInd) = "Cell " + cellInd;
cellLats(cellInd) = cellLat;
cellLons(cellInd) = cellLon;
cellAngles(cellInd) = cellSectorAngle;
cellInd = cellInd + 1;
macroantHeight = 10; % m
macrofq = 3.5e9; % Frequência do portador (4 GHz) para Dense Urban-eMBB
macroTxPower = 10.^((44-30)/10); % Converta dBm para W
% Define transmitter parameters using Table 8-2 (b) of Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.EVAL]
%fq = 3.5e9; % Carrier frequency (4 GHz) for Dense Urban-eMBB
%antHeight = 10; % m
%txPowerDBm = 44; % Total transmit power in dBm
%txPower = 10.^((txPowerDBm-30)/10); % Convert dBm to W
macroAngles = [30, 45, 60];
% Crie sites de transmissão de células
% Crie sites de transmissão de células
macro = txsite('Name', macroNames, ...
'Latitude', macroLats, ...
'Longitude', macroLongitudes, ... % Corrigido aqui
'AntennaAngle', macroAngles, ...
'AntennaHeight', macroantHeight, ...
'TransmitterFrequency', macrofq, ...
'TransmitterPower', macroTxPower);
% Launch Site Viewer
viewer = siteviewer;
% Show sites on a map
viewer.Basemap = 'topographic';

Answers (1)

Stephen23 on 29 Jan 2024
Edited: Stephen23 on 29 Jan 2024
Get rid of the ellipses inside the square brackets of both macroLats and macroLongitudes:
macroLats = [lots of numbers, -5.900607816407843, ...]; % Substitua por suas latitudes
macroLongitudes = [lots of numbers, -38.62315936981273, ...]; % Substitua por suas longitudes
% ^^^^^ delete these
Vinicio on 30 Jan 2024
fiz isso e deu certo , porem agora está aparecendo o erro ''Unrecognized function or variable 'location'.
Stephen23 on 30 Jan 2024
To use the TXSITE function and LOCATION method:
you will need to have the Communications Toolbox installed and a valid license for it.
Check your installation using VER and check your licenses to make sure that you can use it.

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