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a nonlinear system and its control input in simulink

331 views (last 30 days)
hi guys the system is as follows ;
which k(a,h) is defined as follows ;
I generally implement its block - daigram in simulink as follows ; I'm not sure whether it's correct or not ; I need your help on defining the functions

Accepted Answer

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 14 Apr 2024 at 19:02
The control signal plotted in your comment is incorrect. Since you have completed the learning tasks and are capable of solving the DDE using the dde23 solver in MATLAB, I believe it's time to proceed with running the simulation in Simulink, as this was the original problem you asked about. Visualizing the plots of the system response and the control signal in Simulink is much easier.
Below is the block diagram in Simulink, which is self-explanatory. The plots of and seem to resemble the results depicted by the blue dashed lines in Figures 3 and 4 of Ding et al., 2023. If you find the Simulink solution provided in this response to be satisfactory, you can "unaccept" my previous answer and consider "Accepting" ✔ this answer and giving it a thumbs-up vote 👍.
Best of luck with working on the second and final example from the paper. If you encounter any technical issues while solving them, feel free to post a new question to prevent this thread from becoming too lengthy, as there are already over 50 comments.
controlEE on 18 Apr 2024 at 8:52
Hi @Sam Chak , Thank you very much , I ran the model in simulink and due to replacement of heaviside() with sign() , It performs correctly .
but I wonder what the signal in blue is for ?
and also based on the tip you mentioned here I modified the plot part and ;
sympref('HeavisideAtOrigin', 1);
sol = dde23(@ddefun, 2, @history, [0, 6]);
%plot(sol.x, sol.y), grid on, xlabel t, ylabel x(t)
subplot(2,1,1), plot(tout, x), grid on,xlabel t , ylabel x(t)
subplot(2,1,2), plot(tout, u), grid on,xlabel t , ylabel u(t)
function [dx, u] = ddefun(t, x, z)
a = 0.1;
h = 2;
tau = 5/7;
Rh = ((sin(pi*t/h)).^2).*heaviside(t - h) - ((sin(pi*t/h)).^2).*heaviside(t - 2*h);
Kah = Rh.*(1/1.8269).*exp(-a*(h - 2*t));
sig = sign(x).*(abs(x)).^(2*tau - 1);
u = (((-a/(2*(1 - tau)) - 0.1)*x - (Kah/(2*(1 - tau))).*sig.*(abs(z).^(2*(1 - tau)))) - x.^3)./(1 + x.^2);
d = 0.1*exp(-t)*x; % 0.1*x
dx = x.^3 + (1 + x.^2).*u + d;
function s = history(t)
s = 1;
all clear and correct both in matlab and simulink .
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 18 Apr 2024 at 11:33
Congratulations on your success! The blue curve displayed in the Scope represents the solution response, which is delayed by 2 seconds, .
If you find the Simulink solution provided in this response to be satisfactory, you have the option to "unaccept" my previous answer and consider "Accepting" ✔ this answer instead.

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More Answers (3)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 16 Mar 2024
While I cannot evaluate the MATLAB code from the image, it seems that in Equation (6) represents a definite integral. The integrand is integrated from h to , and the resulting function is plotted below. It exhibits a distinct bell-shaped curve, which is commonly utilized in Prescribed-Time Control algorithms.
Did you obtain the same result?
syms t
a = 0.1;
h = 2;
tau = 5/7;
Rh = (sin(pi*t/h))^2;
expr= exp(2*a*t)*Rh
expr = 
Wc = int(expr, [h, 2*h])
Wc = 
Wc = double(Wc)
Wc = 1.8269
W = inv(Wc);
Kah = Rh*W*exp(-a*(h - 2*t));
fplot(Kah, [h, 2*h]), grid on, xlabel('t')
title({'$K_{a, h}(t)$'}, 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'fontsize', 16)
controlEE on 2 Apr 2024 at 13:10
hi @Sam Chak , thank you for the links , Why do we need to plot Rh ? we have Kah already plotted , I think we might have problem with sign function causing inaccurate results , Do you have any idea how to plot u signal in Divided code not using a loop ?
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 5 Apr 2024 at 11:54
The error message "Unrecognized function or variable 'Kah'" indicates that the 'Kah' variable cannot be found in the for-loop script, which is responsible for computing the control signal u(i). In simpler terms, the algorithm is unable to locate the necessary information it needs to perform the calculations. To resolve this, you need to ensure that the required input is provided to the algorithm in the correct format.
I have made some modifications to the for-loop section based on your coded functions for 'Rh', so that the control signal u can be plotted. However, please note that the function in the code is NOT a piecewise function, which causes the control signal u to oscillate within the time frame of . During this period, should not produce any output.
OP's question: Do you have any idea how to plot u signal in Divided code not using a loop?
If you don't wish to use the for-loop approach, then directly use the Vectorization method.
function dx = odefun(t, x)
u = - 2*x;
dx = sin(x) + u;
[t, x] = ode45(@odefun, [0 10], 1);
ut = - 2*x; % <-- vectorize the control algorithm
plot(t, x, '-o', t, ut, '-o'), grid on, legend('x(t)', 'u(t)')

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Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 2 Apr 2024 at 14:31
If you define solely as a continuous-time function, it would appear as displayed in Figures 1 and 2.
h = 2;
Rh = @(t) (sin(pi*t/h)).^2;
%% Plot over time range 2 < t < 4 ... (h < t < 2*h)
t = linspace(2, 4, 2001);
plot(t, Rh(t)), grid on, ylim([-0.5, 1.5])
xlabel('t'), ylabel('R_{h}'), title('Fig.1: R_{h} defined for 2 < t < 4')
%% Plot over time range from 0 to 6
t = linspace(0, 6, 6001);
plot(t, Rh(t)), grid on, ylim([-0.5, 1.5])
xlabel('t'), ylabel('R_{h}'), title('Fig.2: R_{h} plotted over 0 < t < 6')
Piecewise function
However, I have been trying to emphasize that the true is actually a piecewise function, as defined in the PDF. This needs to be addressed before moving forward, as what you have implemented in the ODE solver may not qualify as Prescribed-Time Control.
%% Plot True Rh according to the definition in the PDF
t1 = linspace(0, 2, 2001);
t2 = linspace(2, 4, 2001);
Rh1 = zeros(1, numel(t1)); % time interval t1 vector is used
Rh2 = (sin(pi*t2/h)).^2; % time interval t2 vector is used
plot(t1, Rh1, 'color', '#265EF5'), hold on
plot(t2, Rh2, 'color', '#265EF5'), hold off, grid on, ylim([-0.5, 1.5])
xline(2, '--');
text(0.7, 1.25, 'Interval 1')
text(2.7, 1.25, 'Interval 2')
xlabel('t'), ylabel('R_{h}'), title('Fig.3: True R_{h} defined according to PDF')
By the way, the straight-line triangle graph shown is definitely not representative of . You should be able to recognize that something is amiss, as contains purely sinusoidal functions, resulting in a curvaceous graph.
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 5 Apr 2024 at 9:48
You're welcome! I simply provided the essential guidance for you to gain insight into how mathematical functions behave across a function's domain. This understanding is crucial for studying dynamics and control. Merely observing the math notations of equations won't facilitate learning as it cannot be taught.
If you have these 3 items checked, you'll be prepared to proceed with solving the delay differential equation:
  1. Is the 'Rh' function correctly coded? ✔️
  2. Is the 'sig' function correctly coded? ✔️
  3. Check if the ode45 solver generates a result that closely resembles the one depicted in Figure 3 of the article. ✔️
controlEE on 5 Apr 2024 at 13:42
Edited: controlEE on 5 Apr 2024 at 13:51
ok then , for Rh we figured out that we should utilize it as a piecewise function with the second sub-function is a sine-squared function , in the code it should be divided into two terms Rh1 and Rh2 , in other hand we can say Rh should yield to zero in t = (0,2) , which leads to some changes in the parameter part ;
%% Plot True Rh according to the definition in the PDF
h = 2 ;
t1 = linspace(0, 2, 2001);
t2 = linspace(2, 4, 2001);
Rh1 = zeros(1, numel(t1)); % time interval t1 vector is used
Rh2 = (sin(pi*t2/h)).^2; % time interval t2 vector is used
plot(t1, Rh1, 'color', '#265EF5'), hold on
plot(t2, Rh2, 'color', '#265EF5'), hold off, grid on, ylim([-0.5, 1.5])
xline(2, '--');
text(0.7, 1.25, 'Interval 1')
text(2.7, 1.25, 'Interval 2')
xlabel('t'), ylabel('R_{h}')
% parameters
a = 0.1;
h = 2;
tau = 5/7;
Rh = (sin(pi*t/h))^2; incorrect -----> Rh1 and Rh2 correct
Wc = 1.8269;
W = inv(Wc);
Kah = Rh*W*exp(-a*(h - 2*t));
expn= 2*tau -1 ;
for the sign function as defined in notation (aslo pointed out by you ) :
as you found out that , and It would definitely lead to some changes in the p3
p3 = (abs(x))^expn * sign(x)
let's first see the sign itself ;
before :
x = linspace(-1, 1, 20001);
tau = 5/7;
expn= 2*tau - 1 % exponent is a fraction 2143/5000
y = (sign(x)).^expn;
plot(x, y, 'linewidth', 2), grid on, ylim([0, 1.2])
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y')
title({'$\left[\mathrm{sign}(x)\right]^{2 \tau - 1}$'}, 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'fontsize', 16)
and now ;
x = linspace(-1, 1, 20001);
tau = 5/7;
expn = 2*tau - 1 % exponent is a fraction 2143/5000
y = sign(x).*(abs(x)).^expn ;
plot(x, y, 'linewidth', 2), grid on, ylim([0, 1.2])
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y')
title({'$\left[\mathrm{sign}(x)\right]^{2 \tau - 1}$'}, 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'fontsize', 16)
and by editing this part our state gets closer to the article ;
tspan = [0, 5]; % simulation time
x0 = 1; % initial value
[t, x] = ode45(@nonlinearSystem, tspan, x0);
plot(t, x), grid on, xlabel t, ylabel x(t)
%% Function that describes the Nonlinear System
function dx = nonlinearSystem(t, x)
% parameters (minor divide-and-conquer)
a = 0.1;
h = 2;
tau = 5/7;
Rh = (sin(pi*t/h))^2; % Minor issue: incorrect math function
Wc = 1.8269;
W = inv(Wc);
Kah = Rh*W*exp(-a*(h - 2*t));
expn= 2*tau -1 ;
%% DIVIDE: Four main parts of the controller
den = 2*(1 - tau); % denominator
p1 = (-a/den - 0.1)*x; % part 1
p2 = Kah/den; % part 2
p3 = sign(x).*(abs(x))^expn; % part 3
p4 = abs(x)^den; % part 4 (assume no time-delay in x)
%% and CONQUER: Control signal
uu = p1 - p2*p3*p4; % dxdt = uu + d
u = (uu - x^3)/(1 + x^2); % control container
% state-dependent disturbance
d = 0.1*x;
% d = 0.1*exp(-t)*x;
% differential equation
dx = x^3 + (1 + x^2)*u + d;
lastly I think we should change Rh and seperate it in Rh1 and Rh2 . and check the ode45 solver result .

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Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 5 Apr 2024 at 16:02
Edited: Sam Chak on 5 Apr 2024 at 17:41
Great job on your progress shown in the comment. Now, I'd like to share my piecewise function formula with you:
Update: The article also discusses the piecewise function for the time interval in Definition 1. Although the system remains stable, it is important to note that the settling time is significantly longer than the prescribed-time control performance, which is indicated as 3.4 seconds.
If you find the piecewise formula and the code provided helpful, I kindly request your consideration to vote 👍 for the solution presented in this answer. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.
%% Setting Unit Step function (to be used in constructing Rh)
old = sympref('HeavisideAtOrigin', 1);
%% Call ode45 solver
tspan = [0, 6]; % simulation time
x0 = 1; % initial value
[t, x] = ode45(@nonlinearSystem, tspan, x0);
%% Pass time vector t and solution x to nonlinearSystem to get Rh and u
[~, Rh, u] = nonlinearSystem(t, x);
%% Plot results
plot(t, x, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'Color', [0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980])
grid on, ylabel x(t), title('Response, x(t)')
plot(t, Rh, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'Color', [0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250])
grid on, ylabel Rh(t), title('Piecewise function, Rh')
plot(t, u, 'linewidth', 1.5, 'Color', [0.4660, 0.6740, 0.1880])
grid on, ylabel u(t), title('Control action, u'), xlabel t
%% Nonlinear System
function [dx, Rh, u] = nonlinearSystem(t, x)
% parameters (minor divide-and-conquer)
a = 0.1;
h = 2;
tau = 5/7;
%% Piecewise function Rh using the piecewise formula
Rh1 = 0; % sub-function at interval 1
Rh2 = (sin(pi*t/h)).^2; % sub-function at interval 2
Rh3 = 0; % sub-function at interval 3
Rh = Rh1 + (Rh2 - Rh1).*heaviside(t - h) + (Rh3 - Rh2).*heaviside(t - 2*h);
Wc = 1.8269;
W = inv(Wc);
Kah = Rh.*W.*exp(-a*(h - 2*t));
expn= 2*tau - 1;
den = 2*(1 - tau); % denominator
%% DIVIDE: Four main parts of the controller
p1 = (-a/den - 0.1)*x; % part 1
p2 = Kah/den; % part 2
sig = sign(x).*(abs(x)).^expn; % part 3 renamed to 'sig'
p4 = abs(x).^den; % part 4
%% and CONQUER: Control signal
uu = p1 - p2.*sig.*p4; % dxdt = uu + d
u = (uu - x.^3)./(1 + x.^2); % control container
% state-dependent disturbance
d = 0.1*x;
% d = 0.1*exp(-t)*x;
% differential equation
dx = x.^3 + (1 + x.^2).*u + d;
controlEE on 25 Apr 2024 at 13:38
thanks for the tips , I was wondering actually the author didn't mention the control signal in the second example in details unlike first one, by the way I read the part agian, in fact it brought a control signal in theorem 2 ; I attached a pic , I mean it says by adpoting backstepping precedure they overgeneralize this algorithm for higher order systems , so my point is we have the model I mean its dynamics , it mentions them both in state space way and also in a way of defining Fn and Gn and such functions, for modelling or coding where should we start , and also the control signal I do have some confusion about it , it has some terms like zn and ... , by califing these vague things , I'm struggling to code it first and afterwrds go for a simulink model .
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 25 Apr 2024 at 15:01
Upon checking the keyword "Backstepping" on Wikipedia, I discovered that it is not a controller in itself but rather a recursive many-step control design procedure. This procedure can be quite tedious, which may explain why the authors did not provide the detailed workings in their paper. Since it involves multiple steps (in this case, three steps due to the system being third-order), it can consume a lot of space to present all the iterations in IEEE paper.
Unfortunately, my professor did not cover this specific topic. However, you have the option to implement other controllers that your professor taught you. If you are interested, I can provide you with a coding template below so you can design a state-feedback controller, via feedback linearization. Consider it a mini challenge to further develop your skills in controller design.
Also, please insert the provided code template in your new question and ensure that you revise the title to exclude the word "Simulink" if you would like to attract MATLAB experts to review your code.
q0 = -0.2;
Dq0 = -0.1;
I0 = 0.1;
tspan = [0, 20]; % set the simulation time
x0 = [q0; Dq0; I0]; % initial condition
[t, x] = ode45(@onelink, tspan, x0);
plot(t, x), grid on, xlabel('t'), title('Response')
%% One-link Manipulator
function [dx, u] = onelink(t, x)
% reference signals
q = (pi/2)*sin(t)*(1 - exp(- 0.1*t^2));
dq = exp(-0.1*t^2)*((-pi/2 + pi/2*exp(0.1*t^2))*cos(t) + 0.1*pi*t*sin(t));
Vp = 0.1*sin(50*pi*t);
% parameters
B = 1;
N = 1;
M = 1;
R = 1;
KB = 1;
L = 1;
% controller
u = 0; % to be designed by the User
% differential equations
dx(1,1) = x(2);
dx(2,1) = (N/M)*sin(q) - (N/M)*sin(x(1) + q) - (B/M)*x(2) + (1/M)*x(3);
dx(3,1) = - (R/L)*x(3) - (KB/L)*x(2) + (1/L)*u + (1/L)*Vp;

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