System of Second Order Differential Equations with 3 variables

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Guys, I'm struggling to solve a system of second order differential equations with 3 variables. Basically I've got 3 matrices 3x3 A, B and C and 3 variables r1(t) r2(t) and r3(t) such that Y=[r1(t);r2(t);r3(t)] and I want to solve the following system: diff(Y,2)+A*diff(Y)+B*Y=C*F(t) With initial conditions equal to 0. I've tried to use dsolve but that didn't work out for me. I've used this code in MATLAB: Y=[r1;r2;r3]; Dr=diff(r); initcond='r(0)==[0;0;0],Dr(0)==[0;0;0]'; S=dsolve(diff(Y,2)==f*F-A*diff(Y)-B*Y,initcond); r1=simplify(S.r1) r2=simplify(S.r2) r3=simplify(S.r3)

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