Trying to write a program that calculates the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. My program works for some matrices, but not for all. Can someone please look at my code and assist me?

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%calculate determinant
m = input('Enter a 3x3 matrix using bracket notation: ');
a = m(1,1);
b = m(1,2);
c = m(1,3);
d = m(2,1);
e = m(2,2);
f = m(2,3);
g = m(3,1);
h = m(3,2);
i = m(3,3);
detA = a*(e*i-f*h);
detB = b*(d*i-f*g);
detC = c*(d*h-e*g);
det = detA - detB + detC;
%calculate cofactor
a2 = e*i-h*f;
b2 = -d*i-g*f;
c2 = d*h-g*e;
d2 = -(b*i-h*c);
e2 = a*i-g*c;
f2 = -(a*h-g*b);
g2 = b*f-e*c;
h2 = -(a*f-d*c);
i2 = a*e-d*b;
detA2 = a2*(e2*i2-f2*h2);
detB2 = b2*(d2*i2-f2*g2);
detC2 = c2*(d2*h2-e2*g2);
cof = detA2 - detB2 + detC2;
%cofactor matrix
n = [a2 b2 c2; d2 e2 f2; g2 h2 i2];
%calculate transpose of cofactor
v(:,1) = n(1,:);
v(:,2) = n(2,:);
v(:,3) = n(3,:);
%calculate inverse
if(det ~= 0)
inv = (1/det)*v;
fprintf('Matrix is not invertible.\n');
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Sep 2015
I get exactly the same values.
Enter a 3x3 matrix using bracket notation: [1 9 8; 3 2 1; 4 5 6]
-0.111111111111111 0.222222222222222 0.111111111111111
0.349206349206349 0.412698412698413 -0.365079365079365
-0.111111111111111 -0.492063492063492 0.396825396825397
>> clear inv %badly named variable!
>> inv(m)
ans =
-0.111111111111111 0.222222222222222 0.111111111111111
0.222222222222222 0.412698412698413 -0.365079365079365
-0.111111111111111 -0.492063492063492 0.396825396825397

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Answers (2)

Zeus on 15 Jun 2018
Edited: Zeus on 15 Jun 2018
This code works for any square and invertible matrix of any order
function A_inverse=inverse(A)
% A_inverse as the name suggests is the inverse of A
% A is a square matrix which is invertible
% if A is not a square matrix or A is square matrix but not invertible,then the output is not equal to inverse of A
a=length(A); % the order of A is axa
% when A is invertible, [A I] is row equivalent to [I inv(A)]
% in other words, the row operations that convert A to I also converts I to inv(A)
% I is identity matrix of order axa, inv(A) is the inverse of A of order axa
% Converting A to its Echelon form
for i=1:a-1
augmat(i,:)=augmat(i,:)/m; % normalization,so that pivot values will be equal to 1
for j=i:a-1
augmat(j+1,:)=augmat(j+1,:) - augmat(i,:)*augmat(j+1,i); % making the elements below the pivots as zero
augmat(a,:)=augmat(a,:)/augmat(a,a); % noralization of the last row of A
% Converting A from its Echelon form to Row Reduced Echelon form
for k=2:a
for g=(k-1):-1:1
augmat(g,:)=augmat(g,:)-augmat(k,:)*augmat(g,k); % makes the elements above pivots to be row
%We end up with A converted to I and I will be converted to inv(A)
A_inverse=augmat(:,a+1:2*a); % extracting inv(A) from augmented matrix [I inv(A)]

the cyclist
the cyclist on 19 Sep 2015
Your definition of b2 has a sign error.


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