Help With Adaptive Median Filter

22 views (last 30 days)
Masoni on 7 Oct 2015
Edited: DGM on 8 Jan 2023
Could anyone help with this; I am trying to implement adaptive median filter ,and my code isn't generating the right result .
I= imread('Obama.jpg');
p3=0.05; %default
b = I;
x2 = rand(size(b));
d = find(x2 < p3/2);
b(d) = 0; % Minimum value
d = find(x2 >= p4);
b(d) = 1; % Maximum (saturated) value
smax= 9;
K= zeros(size(A));
[nrows ncols] = size(A);
for rows= smax:nrows-smax
for cols= smax:ncols-smax
for s=3:2:smax
for r= -ul:ul
for c= -ul:ul
region(inc)= A(rows+r,cols+c);
kount= sort(region);
rmin= kount(1);
rmax= kount(inc-1);
A1= rmed-rmin;
if A1>0 && A2<0 %%%go to stage B
B1= A(rows,cols)- rmin;
B2= A(rows,cols)-rmax;%
if B1>0 && B2<0
J= A(rows,cols);
J= rmed;
figure (2),imshow (uint8(K))
figure (1),imshow (uint8(A))
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Oct 2015
So have you stepped through the code in the debugger to figure out where the wrong result is happening?
Masoni on 7 Oct 2015
Well that the point , I can't figure out why my image isn't filtered. When I reduce the code to normal median filter the code work great .

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 8 Oct 2015
You have 3 too many "for" loops in there, and too many "if" statements. Also the alpahbet soup naming of the variables didn't help - it was so confusing. I gave descriptive variable names and got rid of excess for loops and bogus if statements. It's a lot simpler and clearer now:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format long g;
format compact;
fontSize = 20;
I= imread('peppers.png');
p3=0.05; %default
b = I;
x2 = rand(size(b));
d = find(x2 < p3/2);
b(d) = 0; % Minimum value
d = find(x2 >= p4);
b(d) = 1; % Maximum (saturated) value
windowWidth= 9;
halfWidth = floor(windowWidth/2);
middleIndex = ceil(windowWidth^2/2);
filteredImage= zeros(size(originalImage));
[nrows, ncols] = size(originalImage);
threshold = 5; % graylevels - whatever.
for rows= windowWidth:nrows-windowWidth
for cols= windowWidth:ncols-windowWidth
thisWindow= originalImage(rows-halfWidth : rows + halfWidth, cols-halfWidth : cols + halfWidth);
sortedValuesInWindow = sort(thisWindow(:), 'Ascend');
minValue = sortedValuesInWindow(1);
maxValue = sortedValuesInWindow(end);
medianValue = sortedValuesInWindow(middleIndex);
diffFromMin = abs(medianValue - minValue);
diffFromMax = abs(medianValue - maxValue);
if diffFromMin> threshold || diffFromMax > threshold
% It's noise. Replace by the median.
newValue = medianValue;
% It's not noise. Use the original value.
newValue = originalImage(rows,cols);
imshow (uint8(originalImage))
title('Original Image', 'FontSize', fontSize);
subplot(1, 2, 2);
imshow (uint8(filteredImage))
title('Filtered Image', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Set up figure properties:
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);
% Get rid of tool bar and pulldown menus that are along top of figure.
set(gcf, 'Toolbar', 'none', 'Menu', 'none');
% Give a name to the title bar.
set(gcf, 'Name', 'Demo by ImageAnalyst', 'NumberTitle', 'Off')
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Apr 2021
Instead of imread() use dicomread()
I= dicomread('ct_slice.dcm');
DGM on 8 Jan 2023
Edited: DGM on 8 Jan 2023
The noise generation portion from the original script is still broken.
% this is OP's attempt to add noise, but it's messed up
% the result is erroneously weak and asymmetric noise
% while easy to filter, the filtered image gets grossly truncated
p3=0.05; %default
b = I; % both I and b are uint8-scale double
x2 = rand(size(b));
d = find(x2 < p3/2); % it makes no sense to apply half if parameter is one-sided
b(d) = 0;
d = find(x2 >= p4);
b(d) = 1; % but the noise values are unit-scale
originalImage = b+I; % and the result doubles the uint8-scaling
% there's no reason to add b+I, since b is largely a copy of I
% ...
imshow(uint8(originalImage)) % and everything gets truncated
% ...
imshow(uint8(filteredImage)) % and everything gets truncated
Consider the test image:
This would yield the corresponding noisy image (originalImage) and filtered image. Here, both are scaled by half to illustrate that the "salt" noise isn't merely concealed by display truncation.
While this is obviously an incorrect noise generation routine, the filtered result has lost detail in non-noise regions. So there are multiple problems, but let's solve one at a time.
Since we're avoiding IPT, we can fix the noise generation in lieu of using imnoise().
% a image
I = imread('circuit.tif');
I = im2double(I);
% noise parameters
noisedensity = [0.05 0.05]; % noise density [pepper salt]
noisevalues = [0 1]; % noise intensity [pepper salt]
% generate noisy image
originalImage = I;
x2 = rand(size(originalImage));
mask = x2 <= noisedensity(1);
originalImage(mask) = noisevalues(1);
mask = x2 >= (1-noisedensity(2));
originalImage(mask) = noisevalues(2);
% this is basically unchanged
windowWidth = 9;
halfWidth = floor(windowWidth/2);
middleIndex = ceil(windowWidth^2/2);
filteredImage= zeros(size(originalImage));
[nrows, ncols] = size(originalImage);
threshold = 5/255; % rescaled to unit-scale
for rows= windowWidth:nrows-windowWidth
for cols= windowWidth:ncols-windowWidth
thisWindow= originalImage(rows-halfWidth : rows + halfWidth, cols-halfWidth : cols + halfWidth);
sortedValuesInWindow = sort(thisWindow(:), 'Ascend');
minValue = sortedValuesInWindow(1);
maxValue = sortedValuesInWindow(end);
medianValue = sortedValuesInWindow(middleIndex);
diffFromMin = abs(medianValue - minValue);
diffFromMax = abs(medianValue - maxValue);
if diffFromMin> threshold || diffFromMax > threshold
% It's noise. Replace by the median.
newValue = medianValue;
% It's not noise. Use the original value.
newValue = originalImage(rows,cols);
So we've generated appropriate impulse noise, and the filter removed it. While we can ignore the lack of edge handling for a simple homework assignment, this isn't really any better than a plain median filter without any noise discrimination.
imshow(medfilt2(originalImage,[1 1]*windowWidth))
As to why the filter doesn't work, I think the purpose of this test is being confused. There are two tests in the described median filter, one which tests to see if the local median can be distinguished from the local extrema. The second test checks the current pixel against the local extrema. The first test is used to determine when to change the window size. The second test is what's used to determine whether the current pixel is noise.
diffFromMin = abs(medianValue - minValue);
diffFromMax = abs(medianValue - maxValue);
if diffFromMin> threshold || diffFromMax > threshold
% It's noise. Replace by the median.
newValue = medianValue;
% It's not noise. Use the original value.
newValue = originalImage(rows,cols);
The end result is that the wrong conditions are being used in the test. We're using the window-control test as the pixel-replacement test. Either way, it uses a fixed window, so it's not an adaptive filter in the manner that's suggested by these assignments.
The attached demos in @Image Analyst's other answer are working examples of fixed-window median filters, and would suffice for this example. This is the prior noisy image as processed by those demos.
This is the prior noisy image as processed using MIMT amedfilt(), which is an adaptive filter similar to the text that the question references.
op = amedfilt(inpict,5);
At this noise level, the difference between the adaptive and fixed filter is minor, and the fixed filter will be much faster.

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Oct 2015
Attached are my adaptive median filter demos for removing salt and pepper noise.

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