How to create a sliding window function?

24 views (last 30 days)
I have a code called SampEn and would like to modify it to allow multiple calculations over a sliding window in the following fashion: 1. SampEn(data1:200) 2. SampEn(data(2:201) 3. SampEn(data(3:202) 4. and so on, moving one element forward each time until I reach the end of that data set (e.g. if 1000 elements, then the last analyzed set is data(801:1000).
The original code for SampEn is:
function saen = SampEn(data)
r = 0.2*std(data);
N = length(data);
correl = zeros(1,2);
dataMat = zeros(2+1,N-2);
for i = 1:2+1
dataMat(i,:) = data(i:N-2+i-1);
for m = 2:2+1
count = zeros(1,N-2);
tempMat = dataMat(1:m,:);
for i = 1:N-m
dist = max(abs(bsxfun(@minus,tempMat(:,i+1:N-2),tempMat(:,i))));
D = (dist < r);
count(i) = sum(D)/(N-2);
correl(m-2+1) = sum(count)/(N-2);
saen = log(correl(1)/correl(2));
There has to be a faster way to do this than manually having to type in each interval..and I can't wrap my brain around it..Thanks

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Oct 2015
Assuming the length of ‘saen’ does not change between iterations, this is one (partially-tested because I did not run it with ‘SampEn’) way:
L = 1000;
w = 200;
for k1 = 1:L-w+1
datawin(k1,:) = k1:k1+w-1;
saen(k1,:) = SampEn(data(datawin(k1,:)));
This saves the index ranges in the event you need them. If you don’t, eliminate the subscript references in ‘datawin’.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 9 May 2017
My pleasure!
I would appreciate a Vote for my Answer.
Pragati Patel
Pragati Patel on 29 Mar 2022
@Star Strider Hi! My query is i want to calculate the feature i.e SampEn with a 200 bin sliding window and a 100 bin overlap; 1. SampEn(1:200) 2. SampEn(100:300) 3.SampEn(200:400) and so on. How shall i edit the code? Please respond.

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