NARXnet with Multi input

6 views (last 30 days)
Teck Kong Chong
Teck Kong Chong on 13 Sep 2016
Commented: Greg Heath on 19 Sep 2016
Dear all, I am trying to find ID, FD and hidden nodes for my Narx network with multiple input. In this case I am using the PH Data set which has 2 inputs and one output. I have search pretty much the entire ANSWER and NEWSROOM to see how this can be done but it appears that the questions and answers are around single input data set such as SIMPLENARX data set. I have modified the code posted earlier at:
my codes are as follow:
close all, clear all, clc,
%[X,T] = PH_dataset;
[X,T] = ph_dataset;
x = cell2mat(X);
t = cell2mat(T);
[ I N ] = size(x); % [ 2 2001 ]
[ O N ] = size(t); % [ 1 2001 ]
% Define data for training
Ntrn = N-2*round(0.15*N) % 0.7/0.15/0.15 trn/val/tst ratios
trnind = 1:Ntrn;
Ttrn = T(trnind);
Ntrneq = prod(size(Ttrn)) % 1401
MSE00 = var(t',1) % 6.86
% Calculate Z-Score for input (x) and target (t), split input series and
% calculate z-Score separately
x1 = x(1,:);
x2 = x(2,:);
zx1 = zscore(x1,1);
zx2 = zscore(x2,1);
zt = zscore(t, 1);
zx1trn = zscore(x1(trnind), 1);
zx2trn = zscore(x2(trnind), 1);
zttrn = zscore(t(trnind), 1);
% Plot Input & Output for both original and transformed (Z-scored)
plt = plt+1,figure(plt);
hold on
hold on
L = floor(0.95*(2*N-1)) % 189
for i = 1:1000 % Number of repetations to use for estimating summary statistics
% This is for Target (T) Autocorrelation
n = zscore(randn(1,N),1);
autocorrn = nncorr( n,n, N-1, 'biased');
sortabsautocorrn = sort(abs(autocorrn));
thresh95T(i) = sortabsautocorrn(L);
% This is for Input-Target (IT) Cross-correlation
nx = zscore(randn(1,N),1);
nt = zscore(randn(1,N),1);
autocorrnIT = nncorr( nx,nt, N-1, 'biased');
sortabsautocorrnIT = sort(abs(autocorrnIT));
thresh95IT(i) = sortabsautocorrnIT(L);
% For Target Autocorrelation
sigTthresh95 = median(thresh95T)% 0.0327
meanTthresh95 = mean(thresh95T) % 0.0327
minTthresh95 = min(thresh95T) % 0.0291
medTthresh95 = median(thresh95T) % 0.0327
stdTthresh95 = std(thresh95T) % 0.0011
maxTthresh95 = max(thresh95T) % 0.0358
% For Input-Target Autocorrelation
sigITthresh95 = median(thresh95IT)% 0.0326
meanITthresh95 = mean(thresh95IT) % 0.0327
mintIThresh95 = min(thresh95IT) % 0.0286
medtIThresh95 = median(thresh95IT) % 0.0326
stdtIThresh95 = std(thresh95IT) % 9.1674e-4
maxtIThresh95 = max(thresh95IT) % 0.0351
autocorrt = nncorr(zttrn,zttrn,Ntrn-1,'biased');
sigflag95 = -1+ find(abs(autocorrt(Ntrn:2*Ntrn-1))>=sigTthresh95);
sigflag95(sigflag95==0)=[]; % Remove 0 from FD
plt = plt+1, figure(plt);
hold on
plot(0:Ntrn-1, -sigTthresh95*ones(1,Ntrn),'b--')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, zeros(1,Ntrn),'k')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, sigTthresh95*ones(1,Ntrn),'b--')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, autocorrt(Ntrn:2*Ntrn-1))
% Data Row 1
crosscorrxt_zx1 = nncorr(zx1trn,zttrn,Ntrn-1,'biased');
sigilag95_x1 = -1 + find(abs(crosscorrxt_zx1(Ntrn:2*Ntrn-1))>=sigITthresh95)
plt = plt+1, figure(plt);
hold on
plot(0:Ntrn-1, -sigITthresh95*ones(1,Ntrn),'b--')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, zeros(1,Ntrn),'k')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, sigITthresh95*ones(1,Ntrn),'b--')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, crosscorrxt_zx1(Ntrn:2*Ntrn-1))
% Data Row 2
crosscorrxt_zx2 = nncorr(zx2trn,zttrn,Ntrn-1,'biased');
sigilag95_x2 = -1 + find(abs(crosscorrxt_zx2(Ntrn:2*Ntrn-1))>=sigITthresh95)
plt = plt+1, figure(plt);
hold on
plot(0:Ntrn-1, -sigITthresh95*ones(1,Ntrn),'b--')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, zeros(1,Ntrn),'k')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, sigITthresh95*ones(1,Ntrn),'b--')
plot(0:Ntrn-1, crosscorrxt_zx2(Ntrn:2*Ntrn-1))
My first question is, am I do it right in finding the ID and FD for multi-input? IF I have 10 input then I will have to do the similar things for 10 times? Are there a better way of doing this? Would greatly appreciate any comments!
Secondly, there are so many statistically significant for the data, how do I select what to include?There are a few hundreds of them (for e.g X1 and X2 has more than 500 significant)! I don't quite understand how to do, any advice would be much appreciated.
After finding the statistically significant, I then select the minimal subset of delay and use it to calculate the size of the hidden nodes. I remember Greg said that if more than 1 input, some equations need to be modified and I am pretty sure this is the reason why my results are poor but I am not sure which equation need to be modified, even if so, I may not understand why I need to change it since the numbers of data point for both inputs are the same and that the NID is fixed for both input, so are NFD, O, I etc. The subsequent codes as below:
ID = 1:26; % I have chosen 26 and 20 based on the smallest subset of ID/FD calculated above.
FD = 1:20;
NID = length(ID); % 26
NFD = length(FD); % 21
LDB = max([ID,FD]) % Length of the delay buffer = 26
Hub = (Ntrneq-O)/(NID*I+NFD*O+O+1) % 18.67
Hmax = floor(Hub); % 18
dH =2;
Hmin = 0;
Ntrials = 10;
trainFcn = 'trainlm';
for h = Hmin:dH:Hmax
if h==0
neto = narxnet(ID,FD,[],'open',trainFcn);
Nw = (NID*I+NFD*O+1)*O;
neto = narxnet(ID,FD,h);
Nw = (NID*I+NFD*O+1)*h+(h+1)*O;
Ndof = Ntrneq-Nw
neto.divideFcn = 'divideblock';
neto.performFcn = 'mse'; % This is default since 'msereg' is obsolete.
[Xo Xoi Aoi To] = preparets(neto,X,{},T);
to = cell2mat(To);
MSE00o = var(to,1)
MSE00oa = var(to,0)
MSEgoal = 0.005*max(Ndof,0)*MSE00oa/Ntrneq
MinGrad = MSEgoal/100
neto.trainParam.goal = MSEgoal;
neto.trainParam.min_grad = MinGrad;
for i= 1:Ntrials
% Save state of RNG for duplication
s(i) = rng;
neto = configure(neto,Xo,To);
[neto tro Yo Eo Xof Aof ] = train(neto,Xo, To, Xoi, Aoi);
% Eo = gsubtract(To,Yo);
stopcrit{i,j} = tro.stop;
R2o(i,j) = 1 - mse(Eo)/MSE00o;
result = [ (Hmin:dH:Hmax); R2o ]
% stopcrit = stopcrit
elapsedtime = toc %
Thank you very much!
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 15 Sep 2016
> After finding the statistically significant, I then select the minimal subset of delay and use it to calculate the size of the hidden nodes. I remember Greg said that if more than 1 input, some equations need to be modified and I am pretty sure this is the reason why my results are poor but I am not sure which equation need to be modified,
The ones that quickly come to mind are VAR and ZSCORE. Maybe NNCORR ...
The reason is these functions operate on columns whereas timeseries are rows. However, if the row is one-dimensional these functions give the same result as if it were a column.
Hope this helps.
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 16 Sep 2016
1. Ntrneq = prod(size(Ttrn))
is only valid for 1-D. In general, not the same as
ttrn = cell2mat(Ttrn);
Ntrneq = prod(size(ttrn)))
2. Only use training data to determine siglags, ID and FD.
3. Nrep = 1000 seems excessive. Start with 100 & compare with 200.
4. I'm still baffled by closeloop causing NMSEc >> NMSEo and best way to deal with it.

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Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 16 Sep 2016
> My first question is, am I do it right in finding the ID and FD for multi-input?
In general yes. However there are corrections to be made.
>IF I have 10 input then I will have to do the similar things for 10 times?
You don't HAVE to do anything. However, since the MATLAB documentation is useless w.r.t. advice, I've come up with this idea which makes sense to me (and I hope, others).
>> Are there a better way of doing this? Would greatly appreciate any commments!
I have heard of partial correlations where correlations are chosen taking into account the correlations that have been chosen before them.
I have not pursued this approach due to time constraints AND the success I have had with OL solutions. (According to my recent post in the NEWSGROUP, I am still confused and frustrated without a straightforward CL solution).
>> Secondly, there are so many statistically significant for the data, how do I select what to include? There are a few hundreds of them (for e.g X1 and X2 has more than 500 significant)! I don't quite understand how to do, any advice would be much appreciated.
I try to use the smallest subset that will yield a sufficiently small NMSE. So far, it is just a trial and error process.
> After finding the statistically significant, I then select the minimal subset of delay and use it to calculate the size of the hidden nodes. I remember Greg said that if more than 1 input, some equations need to be modified and I am pretty sure this is the reason why my results are poor but I am not sure which equation need to be modified,
The ones that quickly come to mind are VAR and ZSCORE. Maybe NNCORR ...
> even if so, I may not understand why I need to change it since the numbers of data point for both inputs are the same and that the NID is any references for both input, so are NFD, O, I etc.
I agree. But don't forget, this is just something that I came up with because I could not find a relevant reference.
Later I became aware of partial correlations. However, I haven't had the time. If you have nothing to do the next few weeks you might want to pursue that (;>}.
More later,
Teck Kong Chong
Teck Kong Chong on 19 Sep 2016
Hi Greg, Thank you so much for pointing out things that I don't quite understand, I really appreciated your effort in this! I will be posting my further questions in regards to this in the NEWSGROUP (if I have any). Thanks!
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 19 Sep 2016
For unbiased prediction:
1. Use Ntrn for significant correlation thresholds
2. Nrep = 200 is suffient for sigthresh95
3. Since based on random inputs, use same threshold for auto and cross
4. Can include 0 lag in ID (BUT NOT FD !)
5 Replace s(i) with s(i,j)
6. Include numepochs(i,j)= tro.num_epochs;
7. Tabulate 100*NMSE (per cent error) instead of Rsq

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