Sample from multivariate exponential distribution

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I'd like to generate random vectors according to a multivariate exponential distribution, that is with a pdf f: R^n->R given by
for appropriate normalisation constant c_e. I wondered if there was built in functionality to do this, if not how would I go about doing this manually?

Answers (1)

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 4 Feb 2017
You can make use of the ‘gammaincinv’ function for this problem:
X = randn(m,n);
X = X.*repmat(gammaincinv(rand(m,1),n)./sqrt(sum(X.^2,2)),1,n);
The resulting array X has m rows, each consisting of n coordinates in R^n space with the requested distribution.
(I’m assuming here that ‘gammaincinv’ will accept the scalar n for its second argument. If not, the n will have to be repeated m times using ‘repmat’. I have also assumed that the n coordinate variables are to be statistically independent.)
ayoub bouayaben
ayoub bouayaben on 22 Apr 2021
@Roger Stafford hello, can you explain me please how can i modify the code that you mentioned before if i want to sample a vector of N elements from a gaussian distribution which is given by :
p(y) = exp(-1/2 *(y - a).' * C* ( y - a) ) with C is the cov matrix with y in R^n
Thank you for your help !

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