Can't Use getappdata on a Callback

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Pearly Adinegoro
Pearly Adinegoro on 6 Apr 2017
Commented: Jan on 6 Apr 2017
I have a piece of code in which I want to add two different noise on images sequentially (i want to see each result everytime the noise has been added). I use setappdata and then later on I call the data using getappdata which returns an empty matrix even though it is not empty.
Here is the summary of what i want to do in my codes:
(1) Open images (2) Using setappdata to store all images on axes1, axes2, axes3, axes4, and axes5 (3) Using getapp data to add first noise to all of images (the function is in another .m file) (4) Using setappdata to store all the noisy images on axes1, axes2, axes3, axes4, and axes5 (5) Using getapp data to add second noise to all of the noisy images (the function is also in another .m file)
Please see the codes below.
Step 1 (I did it for all 5 images stored in variable H2, H3, H4, H5):
function open_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename,directory]=uigetfile({'*.bmp';'*.*'},'Open Image');
H1 = imread(fullfile(directory,filename));
Step 2:
setappdata(handles.axes1, 'img1', H1)
setappdata(handles.axes2, 'img2', H2)
setappdata(handles.axes3, 'img3', H3)
setappdata(handles.axes4, 'img4', H4)
setappdata(handles.axes5, 'img5', H5)
Step 3 on another .m file:
function AddNoiseF1(handles)
% This is a function to add the 1st noise
% It's executed when the user press the "Add Noise 1" button
% _________________________________________________________________
% get noise type
noiseString = get(handles.inoise1,'String');
noiseValue = get(handles.inoise1,'Value');
% _________________________________________________________________
% Passing image to function AddNoiseF1
% get the previously-set data
I1 = getappdata(handles.axes1,'img1')
I2 = getappdata(handles.axes2,'img2')
I3 = getappdata(handles.axes3,'img3')
I4 = getappdata(handles.axes3,'img3')
I5 = getappdata(handles.axes3,'img3')
% _________________________________________________________________
% switch for the selected noise type
% if speckle is selected, the variable needed is only the variance
% if gaussian is selected, the variable needed are mean and variance
% if salt & pepper is selected, the variable needed is only the density
% if motion blur is selected, the variable needed is len and theta
switch noiseString{noiseValue};
case 'Speckle' % User selects speckle.
varVal = get(handles.ivariance1,'Value');
image1 = imnoise(I1,'speckle',varVal);
image2 = imnoise(I2,'speckle',varVal);
image3 = imnoise(I3,'speckle',varVal);
image4 = imnoise(I4,'speckle',varVal);
image5 = imnoise(I5,'speckle',varVal);
case 'Gaussian' % User selects gaussian.
meanVal = get(handles.imean1,'Value');
varVal = get(handles.ivariance1,'Value');
image1 = imnoise(I1,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image2 = imnoise(I2,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image3 = imnoise(I3,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image4 = imnoise(I4,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image5 = imnoise(I5,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
case 'Salt & Pepper' % User selects salt & pepper.
denVal = get(handles.idensity1,'Value');
image1 = imnoise(I1,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image2 = imnoise(I2,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image3 = imnoise(I3,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image4 = imnoise(I4,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image5 = imnoise(I5,'salt & pepper',denVal);
case 'Motion Blur' % User selects Motion Blur.
lenVal = (get(handles.ilen1,'Value'));
thetaVal = (get(handles.itheta1,'Value'));
motionFilter = fspecial('motion',lenVal,thetaVal);
image1 = imfilter(I1,motionFilter,'replicate');
image2 = imfilter(I2,motionFilter,'replicate');
image3 = imfilter(I3,motionFilter,'replicate');
image4 = imfilter(I4,motionFilter,'replicate');
image5 = imfilter(I5,motionFilter,'replicate');
step 4:
function addnoise2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to addnoise2 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
K1 = getappdata(handles.axes1,'image1') % get the noisy image from axes1
K2 = getappdata(handles.axes2,'image2') % get the noisy image from axes2
K3 = getappdata(handles.axes3,'image3') % get the noisy image from axes3
K4 = getappdata(handles.axes4,'image4') % get the noisy image from axes4
K5 = getappdata(handles.axes5,'image5') % get the noisy image from axes5
% set the data for further command
setappdata(handles.axes1, 'noisy1', K1)
setappdata(handles.axes2, 'noisy2', K2)
setappdata(handles.axes3, 'noisy3', K3)
setappdata(handles.axes4, 'noisy4', K4)
setappdata(handles.axes5, 'noisy5', K5)
Step 5 also on another .m file
function AddNoiseF2(handles)
% This is a function to add the 2nd noise
% It's executed when the user press the "Add Noise 2" button
% _________________________________________________________________
% get noise type
noiseString = get(handles.inoise2,'String');
noiseValue = get(handles.inoise2,'Value');
% _________________________________________________________________
% Passing image to function AddNoiseF2
% get the previously-set data
I1 = getappdata(handles.axes1,'img1')
I2 = getappdata(handles.axes2,'img2')
I3 = getappdata(handles.axes3,'img3')
I4 = getappdata(handles.axes4,'img3')
I5 = getappdata(handles.axes5,'img3')
% _________________________________________________________________
% switch for the selected noise type
% if speckle is selected, the variable needed is only the variance
% if gaussian is selected, the variable needed are mean and variance
% if salt & pepper is selected, the variable needed is only the density
% if motion blur is selected, the variable needed is len and theta
switch noiseString{noiseValue};
case 'Speckle' % User selects speckle.
varVal = get(handles.ivariance2,'Value');
image1 = imnoise(I1,'speckle',varVal);
image2 = imnoise(I2,'speckle',varVal);
image3 = imnoise(I3,'speckle',varVal);
image4 = imnoise(I4,'speckle',varVal);
image5 = imnoise(I5,'speckle',varVal);
case 'Gaussian' % User selects gaussian.
meanVal = get(handles.imean2,'Value');
varVal = get(handles.ivariance2,'Value');
image1 = imnoise(I1,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image2 = imnoise(I2,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image3 = imnoise(I3,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image4 = imnoise(I4,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
image5 = imnoise(I5,'gaussian',meanVal,varVal);
case 'Salt & Pepper' % User selects salt & pepper.
denVal = get(handles.idensity2,'Value');
image1 = imnoise(I1,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image2 = imnoise(I2,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image3 = imnoise(I3,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image4 = imnoise(I4,'salt & pepper',denVal);
image5 = imnoise(I5,'salt & pepper',denVal);
case 'Motion Blur' % User selects Motion Blur.
lenVal = (get(handles.ilen2,'Value'));
thetaVal = (get(handles.itheta2,'Value'));
motionFilter = fspecial('motion',lenVal,thetaVal);
image1 = imfilter(I1,motionFilter,'replicate');
image2 = imfilter(I2,motionFilter,'replicate');
image3 = imfilter(I3,motionFilter,'replicate');
image4 = imfilter(I4,motionFilter,'replicate');
image5 = imfilter(I5,motionFilter,'replicate');
When i run the codes, the variable K1, K2, K3, K4, and K5 didn't get the data. So the function AddNoiseF2(handles) add noise on the data set on step 2, which is not what i want to do.
K1 =
K2 =
K3 =
K4 =
K5 =
Please help me on this. Thanks in advance!
Adam on 6 Apr 2017
Edited: Adam on 6 Apr 2017
You haven't shown any code where you actually set the data that you get as K1 etc so it is a bit difficult to make any intelligent suggestions without that. Also in addNoise2 you get the app data called 'img1' rather than the (supposedly) previously set image1 or noisy1
Pearly Adinegoro
Pearly Adinegoro on 6 Apr 2017
I'm sorry. I updated my question by adding some details. Hope it helps.
Thank you.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 6 Apr 2017
You use these command to access the ApplicationData of axes1:
K1 = getappdata(handles.axes1, 'image1')
setappdata(handles.axes1, 'noisy1', K1)
I1 = getappdata(handles.axes1, 'img1')
I do not see, how these commands are related, because they access 3 different fields of the ApplicationData.
Perhaps it helps, if you explain the problems with more details:
variable K1, K2, K3, K4, and K5 didn't get the data.
What happens instead? Did you run this before: setappdata(handles.axis1, 'image1', XYZ)?
So the function AddNoiseF2(handles) add noise on the data set on step 2,
which is not what i want to do.
How is the data stored in Step 2?
Pearly Adinegoro
Pearly Adinegoro on 6 Apr 2017
Edited: Pearly Adinegoro on 6 Apr 2017
Dear Jan,
K1 = getappdata(handles.axes1, 'image1')
setappdata(handles.axes1, 'noisy1', K1)
I1 = getappdata(handles.axes1, 'img1')
I want to pass the noisy image from the result I get on step 3. So I decided to get the noisy images from handle.axes1 - handle.axes5 and then I pass it to function AddNoiseF2(handle) to add another noise.
variable K1, K2, K3, K4, and K5 didn't get the data.
I add the result above. Seems like I failed to pass the data which I store on variable K1 etc.
How is the data stored in Step 2?
I also add my codes for another steps. Hope it helps.
Thank you.
Jan on 6 Apr 2017
There is still a setappdata(handles.axes1, 'image1', ...) missing. All I find is:
imshow(image1, 'Parent', handles.axes1);
But this does not set the ApplicationData, but only displays the image in the axes.
All you want to obtain by getappdata must have been set by setappdata before.
I find the names 'img1' and 'image1' as two names of different ApplicationData confusing.

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