Hey, I solved the above problem (by editing iptables to allow all between nodes on the cluster), but now I am unable to get a client Matlab session to connect to the MJS. I am trying to connect from a Windows box to the above described server.
nodestatus -remotehost <headnode> comes back with all the necessary information. Ports 27350-27354 are open for TCP and port 137 is open for UDP. I can use s = java.net.Socket('<IPaddress>', 27350) while in MATLAB to connect. Ports 2735[1-3] also work, but 27354 and 137 do not.
jm = findResource('jobmanager', 'lookupurl', '<IPaddress>') does NOT work, nor does "Validate" in the Cluster Profle Manager. They return the same error.
Warning: Could not contact an MJS lookup service
on host '<IPaddress>'. etc etc...
Likely this has something to do with the firewall on the head node. How do I configure iptables to allow the PCT to connect to the MDCS?