Reading multiple csv files and save in a matrix

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Hello, I have multple csv files in a folder, I want to read them and store in a matrix, further, I also check for any duplicate entry in different files and sort the data in according to year and day. I am attaching one of the csv file here.
I tried foll. code:
SL_files = dir(sprintf('%s%s%s',fullfile(dirName),'\','*.csv'));
for idx = 1:size(SL_files,1)
fid = fopen(sprintf('%s%s%s',fullfile(dirName),'\',SL_files(idx,1).name));
filedata{idx} = textscan(fid, '%f%f%f %f:%f %f %f','Headerlines',16);
However, I am getting empty values after column 4. Any help? Thanks!
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Poulomi Ganguli
Poulomi Ganguli on 13 Oct 2017
I solve the problem:
numMat_All = [];
for idx = 1:size(SL_files,1)
fid = fopen(sprintf('%s%s%s',fullfile(dirName),'\',SL_files(idx,1).name));
data = textscan(fid, '%s %f %f %f %f %f %f', ...
'Delimiter',',', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1,'headerlines',16);
CharCell = data{1,1};
result = regexprep(CharCell,'[\s;:]+',' ');
numMat = cell2mat(cellfun(@str2num, result(:,1:end), 'UniformOutput', false));
numMat_All = [numMat_All;numMat];
data = []; CharCell = []; result = []; numMat = [];
dt = datetime([numMat_All(:,1:5), repmat(0,length(numMat_All),1)]);
T = table(dt,numMat_All(:,[6:7]));
T1 = sortrows(T,'dt');

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Answers (1)

KSSV on 12 Oct 2017
Use either xlsread or csvread to read the files.
KSSV on 12 Oct 2017
On using xlsread you can extract the numeric data, text data separately.
Poulomi Ganguli
Poulomi Ganguli on 12 Oct 2017
It won't work since year and time are in different format. Textscan will work in this case. I am looking for some other answer/ way to solve it. Thanks!

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