How does one change value in a webpage field (i.e. username/login id box, password box) with MATLAB 2017b and make a click?

2 views (last 30 days)
I am looking to use actxserver and DOM interface for example,
IE = actxserver('internetexplorer.application'); IE.Navigate('url address goes here'); ...add code here. % start with IE.document.
I have tried getElementsByID, getElementsByTagName, and other options from the w3school website, however, MATLAB doesn't seem to recognize them. I very well could be writing the "...add code here" wrong. Obviously, right? lol
Also, I would like to accomplish the above on an open browser to step through the code and visually see the results. If there are other options, I am open to them! Thank you in advance!

Answers (2)

Yael Aguilera
Yael Aguilera on 17 Dec 2018
Hi Andrwe, can you fix the problem?
I have the same problem right now and I am desesperate.
Regards, Yael.

Marcel Gladen
Marcel Gladen on 29 May 2020
Hi Andrew, did you find an answer to the problem ?
I have quite the same problem with a website.
Best regards,

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